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The PlayStation VR2 Gutcheckcast | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 239

For a surprisingly long time, PlayStation VR2 lingered at first as a rumor, then as an acknowledged but unannounced and unnamed device, then -- finally! -- we got to see what it actually is. And frankly, it looks awesome. But there's a problem. Multiple issues, actually. Where are the games? Seldom-seen. The price? Understandable, but tonedeaf in this economy. Availability? Through a lottery system that can't even guarantee you day-one shipping for a device you buy months ahead of time! To delve into our hopes and concerns for PSVR2, we welcomed Tom from Moore's Law is Dead and the Broken Silicon podcast (and our very own Tech Analyst) to go through everything we know, and wonder where all of this is going. Is Sony the victim of poor timing and horrible currency and borrowing rates? Or will PSVR (and Sony's virtual reality initiative as a whole) never leave its comfortable niche?



Do we write corrections on the current episode comments, or the thread for the new ep?


the thread for the new episode if you want them read on the upcoming cast. if you just want colin to see the correction, you can do it on the thread for the episode in question

Jordan Falduto

"Made a" what, Tom? He is absolutely out of bounds for pronouncing it like that lmao


We don't do corrections for + episodes (at least publicly, as there's no place for them), but you can always comment or DM.


I was just going to say since it's also been discussed on the regular episodesPlaystation's past hardware price points don't always end in 99, Vita launched at $249, so did PSP.

Greg Dawson

More for next week but what a detestable article. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/final-fantasy-16s-producer-said-every-wrong-thing-when-asked-about-the-games-diversity Does it really matter. Only the alphabet warriors would even notice something like that.

Ryan Wargo

While I agree software is everything and you need more...all of the people I know that have VR all got hooked by one game and that was enough to make a purchase. It's not out until February so there is plenty of time to reveal some more. I remember you nay saying Ghost of Tsushima because they hadn't shown much and released it close to The Last of Us Part 2. The hardcore will preorder at the start, and then when all the people get PS5's for Christmas with God of War...they hit it hard with new reveals in the final stretch? Maybe still holding things back because of the Microsoft/Activision deal?


Hearing Tom saying Meta is like nails on a chalkboard. Please record Tom reading this sentence. Matt met a mate who made a meta quest 2 Metallica metal metacritic beta.


Great great video, for me I will wait because where I live the psvr will be about 700USD, add games it's over. 500 with like 2 games I will wait for

Brian Wagers

Loved the episode but as an auditor who has worked in manufacturing for a good chunk of my career I am wondering why BOM kept being used as a way to determine gross margin per unit and not COGS? I’ve never heard of a place using BOM as the way it defines its costs alone and instead think COGS is the better measurement. It also doesn’t take into account indirect costs ( like R&D) which is extremely important for technology like this

Lee York

Awesome in-depth video guys. Glad to see Tom join in on the discussion too. I'm actually shocked that PSVR2 is more expensive than a base PS5. I was expecting a price point between $400 (sweet spot) and $450 (at the most). With such a high price point, I suspect mainstream PS5 customers are not going to opt into it. With it being such a niche market for current PS players, I don't think it's going to be such a huge seller. I hope I am proven wrong and that PSVR2 does take off and it has a long life on the PS5 and will also be compatible with PS6 for the future. If they somehow figured out how to make all PSVR1 titles backwards compatible with PSVR2, then a purchase would be a no brainer for me, as I have a large library of games for PSVR1. I am just hoping that most of my PSVR1 games will be updated by the developers to work with the PSVR2 after launch time. So for me personally, PSVR2 is a wait and see approach. At the moment the only two big hitters are Call of the Mountain and RE8. If there are more games post launch, and developers update their PSVR1 games to be compatible, then I'll definitely be picking it up, but until then, I'll watch from the side lines or for a price reduction in the future.

Greg Dawson

You all need to decide how to pronounce the word "meta". 😂


I dunno. I would imagine they are subsidizing development and porting, and the money situation isn't so clean. They obviously believe in the space, though.