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Hey All! It's time to submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Episode 95 of Defining Duke.  

Great ways to get your write-up used: Be pithy, be topical, and be insightful. Walls-of-text, posts littered with poor grammar and punctuation, etc., are promptly (though respectfully) ignored.  

As this is an Xbox podcast, be sure your submission makes sense within that realm. You have until Wednesday, 10/26 at 3 PM ET to make your submission.



Hello Dukes! With the lackluster Gotham Knights coming and going like a fart in the wind, are you more excited for Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League? Have a, I just sold my Series X to fund my gaming PC to avoid 30fps games kind of day.

Bryan Creagh

Hello Dukes!, I bought a Series X a few months ago after listening to your podcast and seeing the expansion of Game Pass. I use to spend roughly around 100.00 a month buying video games but now that I am a Game Pass subscriber I literally never need to buy games anymore. I don't feel like I am the only one that is not spending as much on games because of Game Pass. Can this model work and be successful long term? How will it affect publisher dollars? Having a, have to work remote while looking at my console kind of day.