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It's time, once again, for a call-in episode of Sacred Symbols+. Join us (Colin and Dustin) for 90 minutes of listener inquiries delivered by voice and on-the-fly. The topics? There are seven. What does the future hold for The Last of Us? Should we endeavor to do more expert-level commentary on the genres we love? Is a new Star Wars game every six months too much, or exactly what we should come to expect from the likes of Disney? Are we about to eat better than ever in the survival horror space? Why won't games media hold a mirror up to itself as the major reason for its own failure? How do we stop Saudi money from encapsulating our industry? What expectations do we have for the all-but-confirmed Final Fantasy IX remake? You asked. We answered.




I was really happy to hear Colin finally mentioning the Saudi-US connection and involvement in the horrible war that's been going on in Yemen for years. The Saudi regime IS a hypocritical one - Muslim law by day, vice by night. If you truly want to show Saudi Arabia's true face (and yes, it would have to involve showing the US' true face as well), bring someone to discuss the horrors that's been going on for years in Yemen.


The only direction I don't want to see in TLOU is a return to the Jesus/savior story culminating in a sacrifice to create a cure. I did a whole write up after finishing part 2, but I think it would be very interesting to have a third party enter the west coast (people on a ship from Europe or Asia) to serve as the main antagonists, with Abby/Ellie having to work together to somehow unite factions in the area against the new threat.


This was great, props to all the callers. Idk if I’d ever attempt to call in, but I think you should at least put up a post on Patreon itself so that people could be aware of when these things are going down. For diversity sake if anything.


I thoroughly enjoyed final fantasy 8.. so much I played through it 2x but never got to beat it because first time my system got stolen and second time my bro inlaw deleted my saved file on the memory card 😫 but I thought it was a great game


Evil within was good also, maybe you didn’t like it but I thought it was pretty good.


I noticed that it has come up a few times, so I might have some insight on what's holding back some rereleases of lunar and other working design titles. On a game sack (yes, that's an actual YouTube channel) it was mentioned sega wanted to put the lunar games on the genesis mini two, but owner of the rights to the original translations wanted to much money. I think the rights to the games is the easy part but any rereleases need a new translation.

Matt Wiles

Is it me or are all of the callers extremely eloquent and intelligent… to the point where as a Head of Operations of a marketing agency, 40 year old, I feel dumb as fuck now. These guys sound younger. I thought I was good at presenting or speaking but these callers are on another level.

Kyle Fox

I can only dream that every newer generation is equipped with more skills than the last!

Noah Friscopp

The DUSK shout-out made me very happy. If any of you want to play a masterful shooter, pick that up asap. PC and Switch.


I'm fairly sure you've already discussed this idea, but when it comes to providing a more structured schedule for SS+ there could be one episode per month reserved as a "wild card episode". Here, you could provide a variety of different options, include the genre-specific episodes or odd one offs. This way, the schedule can still remain predictable for the audience and also provide something fresh every week.

Mark Whittington

In this episode Colin both said that people don't need to tell us that they don't like Last of Us all the time, but then later says he has to talk about Star Wars and tell us how much he dislikes the current franchise. Which one is it, lol? 😂