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This month's primary election is over, and it's time to cast your vote on August 2022's winner for another fan-voted topic on KnockBack!

Below are the five most-popular selections from this month's primary election, listed in order of their popularity (by initial votes cast), with the submitter in parenthesis.

(We have one outstanding fan-voted topics to record, at present: Metal Gear Solid 4.)

You can only vote for one, so select carefully. Good luck!



We all know Predator is the correct choice people!


Just think of Levar Burton and Reading Rainbow when voting this time! The Harry Potter podcast scene is also massive, so I think lots of new people could find Knockback via a book discussion.

Kjell Dirckx

If it bleeds ,we can kill it! Come guys Predator is the one to go .

Jefferson Wentworth

Even though it’s Harry Potter, gotta go for the book, not enough books are discussed on Knockback


Colin's been talking about Hogwarts Legacy as an on-ramp into the Wizarding World, but I would argue this is the better way. Start at the beginning! Will probably give a better appreciation for Legacy that way.


Oh man, Harry Potter vs Casino Royale is a tough one.

Wade Says

Arkham City gets my vote

Dylan Michael

Can’t help but feel like the votes for Harry Potter are wasted. They’re too busy to read it lol


The first one is short at least, quicker to read that than beat Arkham city

Will Ellis

Dang these are all so goooood. We gotta go with HP though. Been a min since we did a book and with the discussion of the first book will come a more broad talk of Harry Potter in general and where these guys were during the first book. I do think it will be the most interesting conversation of all the topics


The HP audiobooks are a very good way to experience them especially the ones read by Stephen Fry

The Devmeister

Fuck - no - no Harry Potter. Fuck.


Where's the Predator love??