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As Dusk Falls hails from Interior/Night, a team composed of many former Quantic Dream developers. Boy, oh boy, can you feel the inspiration from that team's past creations because the amount of choices and outcomes within As Dusk Falls is truly staggering. This is the type of game that simply demands a spoilercast for us to all share our stories about the wild twists and turns this game takes us on. Joining me (Matty) are Lord Cognito and Ben Smith to tackle one of Xbox's hidden gems available exclusively on the platform and sink into just how much it managed to surprise us.


As Dusk Falls Spoilercast & Review Discussion | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 79

As Dusk Falls hails from Interior/Night, a team composed of many former Quantic Dream developers. Boy, oh boy, can you feel the inspiration from that team's past creations because the amount of choices and outcomes within As Dusk Falls is truly staggering. This is the type of game that simply demands a spoilercast for us to all share our stories about the wild twists and turns this game takes us on. Joining me (Matty) are Lord Cognito and Ben Smith to tackle one of Xbox's hidden gems available exclusively on the platform and sink into just how much it managed to surprise us.


Elijah Matthias

Ahhh I still haven’t finish it. Guess I gotta wait for this one. I’ll go watch some iron lords in the meantime 😁

Shane Geis

I love this game my GOTY so far