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One of the key tenets of our programming here at Last Stand is providing balance. Different perspectives, conflicting points-of-view, disparate voices. Today's episode of + is one such episode, confidently presented in the wake of Episode 197 of this very show. In that hour-and-change conversation, I invited a Russian gamer to our show, to talk about the Russian perspective on recent global events, and how that's spilled over into our industry and our hobby. Today's episode is the other side of the coin, offering a Ukrainian perspective on those same questions. To that end, Anastas Lyakh speaks with me (Colin!) about a wide range of topics, and the second half of our show is pretty much entirely focused on games. However, I warn you: Like the Russian conversation, our talk is deeply and inherently political. It won't be for everyone, and you shouldn't listen to it if you don't like 'politics' in your podcasts.




Great interviews Colin.


Loved it! You're killing it


It is interesting to me how easy it is for individuals to identify the propaganda of their opponents, but are seemingly unable to acknowledge the propaganda of their own side.


I consider myself outside of it, and I see a healthy amount of it coming from both sides. I will say that Ukraine has mastered modern forms of communication to expound its message. Unrivaled.

Clay Layne

Such a great and powerful episode. Great work and definitely would like to see him on the show again for a spoilercast of some sort. Maybe for the eventual release of Stalker 2?


Thanks Colin for the high-quality, engaging, and eclectic episodes coming out of LSM! Stay strong and safe, people of Ukraine.💪 🇺🇦


Maybe they will start viewing Boris Johnson differently in Ukraine after this stupid quote: "If Putin was a woman, which he obviously isn't, but if he were, I really don't think he would've embarked on a crazy, macho war of invasion and violence in the way that he has," Mr Johnson said. "If you want a perfect example of toxic masculinity, it's what he's doing in Ukraine." Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61976526

Marco Maluf

I think despite the fact that he is on the right side of things, his opinion is a little off about some facts. A lot of people in Russia are in fact against what is happening, they even went to protest against Putin’s invasion, and the police or whatever they have as a regulatory force there, apprehended a lot of the protesters, maybe, because i was not sure about the context which the russian person contacted him, but maybe his intention was to say “what a fucked up situation we (as people on both sides) are”. I completely understand his passion on defending Ukrainian side but, I am certain, a lot of people in Russia condemns what their government is doing.


Seems to me it would be hard (if not impossible) to truly gauge public sentiment in a society like Russia.


I think about the Ukraine war every day, I often lose sleep over it. I’m in Western-Europe, so our woes are mostly economic, which in the grand scheme of things aren’t that important. I regularly work with Ukrainian refugees, which has been very challenging because many don’t speak English nor our native language. However the determination and morale I’ve seen from them is otherworldly. They’re a very tough, stoic and brave people. Seeing the Russians kill the Ukrainians indiscriminately really boils my blood, I hope with all my heart that the Ukrainians can push them out once and for all and join the Western world and all that entails. Thank you for this episode, I thought the Russian episode with Roman was rather lenient and I’m happy to hear the Ukrainian side, which confirms my views through the experiences I’ve had.

Vitali S

Russia had never planned to attack Kiev, that was never the game plan there. It was about Eastern Ukraine.


I would hope that -- in some way -- both episodes came off as 'lenient.' I was happy to answer any questions or charges about my own beliefs, but I really just wanted to let two people say their piece. I'm not trying to interdict on any particular side's behalf.


Yeah, I probably just aligned more with the Ukrainian viewpoint. I kinda had a hard time hearing that Ukraine can't win, because there's no other acceptable option. Thanks for both excellent podcasts though!

Marco Maluf

I do not have the number to counter your comment, but, I would say that your reply is based on your opinion and not facts, exactly because what Colin just said. Otherwise, it would be a country filled with James Bond villains, which I strongly believe is not the case, but it is just me thinking over here. Also there is a video of a Russian citizen living in Ukraine, telling Russian soldiers to stop killing their brothers, He was a elder Russian living in Ukraine.

Greg Hommel

Great job Colin. You are building more than a gaming outlet. Shame on you for discouraging the Ukrainian people though. Pacifism should be a personal conviction never to be cast widely. We learned the hard lesson in WWII that isolation in the face of evil only allows power to be amassed, costing millions of lives to finally defeat it when it inevitably reaches us. Much of our foreign policy is shady and hard to defend, but this is the end goal. Better we interfere and affect outcomes than anyone else. Keep it up. I love the intersection of games and world events. It is so fascinating.


Interesting to hear another Ukrainian perspective. A friend and coworker of mine is Ukrainian from the Western most side and she is vehemently anti-Russian because of this war, and understandably so. She had also said very few Ukrainians are pro-Russian. Thanks for the episode Colin!

Eric S

Enjoyed hearing about this conflict from both sides. I just wish this conflict did not have to happen at all. I have read and it could be totally wrong. The reason for the conflict is that Ukrain told Russia we are going to not allow your energy pipelines to run your product through Ukraine to Europe anymore because they had made deals with American energy companies to get their own Ukraine based energy. In doing so it was taking around 30% of the yearly Russian GDP from them and they were not going to accept that so they invaded. I could have read a bogus article but it seemed to make sense since most wars are over money. I still do not agree with the war but I would like to hear a perspective of the reason for the war from either side of the reason I mentioned is BS. My question is with us leaving Afghanistan in the manner that we did pretty much giving the Taliban billions of dollars of equipment and leaving with our tail between our legs. While also telling all the soldiers families that died fighting there that their sacrifices were for nothing. Why is our President with obvious financial ties to Ukraine in a recession and moment that our country is struggling deeply financially along with leaving our Southern border wide open to illegal immigration focusing on sending billions of dollars to Ukraine along with mass amounts of our oil reserves to China? I agree we should assist Ukraine but it seems very interesting to me that the Presidents son was on a Ukrainian company energy board making millions and now we are all of a sudden sending billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine. I want to make it clear I support the fight for freedom that Ukraine is engaged in I just find many questions that I would really like truthful answers to. Great episode again and long live the fight for freedom from oppression!