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Russia's invasion of Ukraine has completely roiled the world. Thousands are dead, economies, currencies, and societies are suffering, and we're walking headlong into a global food crisis in the coming months, too. The results for Ukraine are obviously most devastating, but what's happened within Russia's borders is a little more mysterious. This is where today's guest, Roman, comes into play. Roman was born-and-raised in the Soviet Union just as it was falling apart. He ended up first coming to the United States in the '90s, largely splitting time between the US and Russia before (shockingly) going off to spend a decade in China. Roman's perspective is interesting, as he speaks both English and Russian, has lived in both societies, knows people in both places, and -- for the purposes of our show -- creates a gaming podcast specifically for a Russian audience. We hear a lot about Ukraine these days, and rightfully so. But I was curious to explore the Russian angle, particularly when it comes to our industry. What's it like over there right now for gamers? What are their options with the suspension of the SWIFT banking system and the refusal of many gaming entities to do business there? Is piracy on the rise? The use of VPNs? There's clearly much to consider. We totally understand that political episodes aren't for all of you. Be warned: This is very much one of those episodes.

Check out Roman’s podcast: https://youtube.com/c/SplitSkrin



Nick Lone

As someone who spent almost a decade living in Russia with a huge respect for the people, the culture and the country, I really appreciate Roman’s measured takes. The amount of nuance there is to this entire mess is something that is often difficult to express in such a level-headed and frankly objective manner as we all have our inherent biases. Being able cut through the propaganda from all sides is absolutely on point. I left Russia for the Baltics in 2019 when I saw the tide turning. Now I unexpectedly find myself having to assist teenage Ukrainian refugees, many of whom never got the chance to finish high school. They have my utmost respect for how they are handling this awful situation. I wish nothing but the best for all innocent Ukrainians and Russians who are caught up in this tragedy. Thank you, Roma, for sharing your thoughts. And thank you, Colin, for hosting this kind of open and honest discussion and always wanting to get to the truth of the matter. It has always set you apart from the rest. Long may it continue.

Mark Whittington

When you said you were having a Russian on to talk about this, I was worried it may be a bit too much apologia for Russians like I've seen in other gaming spaces. This was decently nuanced though and even the Russian guest seemed to be more understanding of the sanctions than some people on Reddit are.


Fantastic episode, great insight. Keep it up!


Amazing episode… bravo


Solid work as always. Content is king and last stand provides


Love this. Can we have more culture/regional themed plus episodes? I want to hear what it is like to be a gamer in different countries.

James Buck

Colin. Every time I think you've reached new heights with your journalism, you go higher. This episode was absolutely amazing. So informative and so real. Broke my heart, but made me laugh as well. Well done sir.

Marco Maluf

Great episode, I really hope you participate on their podcast and ask his co-host about his situation and his views about this conflict. It is cruel to see so many people suffering because of the action os few. Thank you for bringing this to us.

Greg Dawson

You need to have this guy on again. 100%. Let us know when you go on his podcast, would like to listen to that.


Yeah, I'm not gonna give someone a microphone who is going to spout propaganda. The thing is, I think we're ALSO victims to propaganda.

Silas Koenig

I know I am late but what a spectacular episode! Hope we get more stuff like this and the Ukraine episode soon!! ❤️