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I (Colin) have made you wait long enough. It's time for you to get a look at my list of best PlayStation 4 games, also known as the best best-of list from our group, and certainly the one that's most right. I won't even spoil it for you by trying to describe anything. Hit play and listen or watch for yourself. And take notes, too, because these are 25 must-plays.



Matthew Kincaid

Colin, somehow your 4 minute synopsis of TLOU Part 2 is the most powerful critique I’ve heard on the game and captures perfectly my admiration for something that is truly unique in the medium. Perhaps the first time I ever truly forgot I was playing a game, because its parts feel so distinctly human. Cheers and great ep.

Dylan Paulson

Yes!!! The Messenger!!

Brandon Soto

Was hoping Infamous: Second Son would make it. Underrated imo


Fuck yeah! Knew Colin wouldnt disappoint with Days Gone!!! My fave ps4 exclusive

Napoleon in Rags

Very solid list Colin!! I think one of the best things about Sacred Symbols is how different each of your gaming tastes are. I’m more in line with Colin than Chris or Dustin, but I appreciate each persons opinions. Always makes for better discussions.

Noah Friscopp

Appreciate the New Order shout-out. Edit: Really appreciate the Old Blood shout-out.

Timothy Bryant

Completely missed this post. Gonna listen to this right after SS

Theis Jensen

Great episode. I love these kinds of episodes like knockback episode 100 because its fun hearing you talk about games you hold dear, your passion about certain games makes me want to replay a great game or even better gets me to play an awesome game that I have never played, or only played a little. Like I Am Setsuna, Shovel Knight, Fellseal, Ms. Pacman, Arcanoid and I am very grateful for that. This time it was Sacred symbols 200 that made me play The Last of us 2 again, and I liked it a whole lot more the second time. Spoilers ruined my first playthrogh, but hearing you talking about it, made me give it a second shot.


Recently got the platinum for both New Order and Old Blood. Very, very good FPS's! I also feel your pain Colin, sad to know that we may never get a Machine Games or id software game again on PlayStation but we can hope!


Sorry but you not including Uncharted 4 on this list makes it completely invalid 😂. You put DAYS GONE on here before Uncharted 4 & God Of War. That honestly confused me lol. Maybe you forget to put it on your list

Kevin Cooper

Anyone who is a fan of Remedy's Control should definitely check out the book "House of Leaves". It can be a tough read at times because of how it's narrated (and how it's physically laid out on the page), but absolutely worth it.

Nikitas Gagas

Colin, we need to talk about “The New Colussus”. I cannot comprehend why both lesser Wolfenstein games from the PS4 period where on your list but one of the best PS4 games(period) was not. In most cases we could argue that my opinion is subjective but that wouldn’t apply here. The New Colossus’s superiority over the other two is a fact that simply cannot be avoided by foolish opinions. Good day, sir!