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As you no doubt remember, tech company NVIDIA inadvertently leaked a shit-ton of games in September of 2021, falling victim to database scraping that revealed the existence of many unannounced projects from far outside its own walls. Though the company desperately tried to deny the veracity of the data, as did some of their partners, the damage was done. And as game after game on the list 'came true,' it became clear to anyone paying attention that this leak is at least a partial roadmap of some publishers' immediate plans. More than half-a-year removed from the list going public, we revisit this fascinating topic with a + episode dedicated to what hasn't been revealed yet, not only from Sony, but from third party publishers like Electronic Arts, Take Two, and Bandai Namco, too. Yes, we want that Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster, and we want it now. (Tactics Ogre, too.) But there's actually quite a bit we're eager for, as you'll soon find out.




I was really hoping that Tom from Moore's Law is dead would be on this one. Also if you guys ever do make a brawler Dustin's moves should be he can hit you with anime waifu pillows just saying just. There's no Last of Us Part 2 on the list because imagine how embarrassing it would be to see on steamspy how few people actually played it.

Kenneth Oms

Great episode boys. Capcom followed up dragons dogma with dragons dogma online an mmo that was only for Japan. I hear it was quite good. In regards to dragons dogma 2 taking so long, don’t forget about Capcoms Deep Down lol

Mark Whittington

Rumours is spelt with a U? Two in fact.


Your discussion about FFT and Tactics Ogre combined with me moving and going through old games, I found my copy of Jeanne D’Arc for PSP and forgot about how cool that game was. I wish Sony would do something with that again.