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Following IGN's latest freelance kerfuffle where they revealed they pay $20 an article, we assembled a super cast to represent all angles of this hot button topic. Joining myself (Matty) and Cog is TieGuyTravis a.k.a. Travis Northup who works at IGN as a freelance reviewer. Alongside him is Ty Richardson, the freelance content editor for WatchMojo and MojoPlays. Together, they bring an invaluable level of insight to the issue. Is the pay rate bad or is a product of a broken system? We team up to bring the answers.

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Ty Richardson 




Awesome show guys. I don't Xbox but I dip in when you have great discussions like this! Thanks!

Kenneth Oms

This was a great episode boys. As an seo I cringe a bit when I hear the term seo farm thrown around haha. A lot of the SEO content is what they call evergreen stuff which is longer and more detailed. Google has a signal (although it’s now just one major algorithm) called panda that gives your site a quality score depending on the content. So if it’s short shitty content your hurting yourself long term. A lot of these “news” pieces aren’t for SEO it’s mostly for google trends and to break into google news, but it becomes expensive long term the more you do them.

James Hill

I almost passed out when Travis said he works 3 jobs to pay $6,000 for an apartment. I mean, how does IGN pay building rent but can't pay it's freelancers enough to not live on the sidewalk in its own city? My rural Iowa brain can't fathom $72,000 a year just to keep a roof over your head.

Andrew Morgan

Dukes, This was a great episode. Y’all do good work.


It's not all that bad, actually! I work three jobs because I genuinely enjoy working (and making money). My $6,000 rent is split between a few people in my house, so it's more manageable than it sounds. Also, most SF-based jobs pay obscene salaries compared to elsewhere in the world (and I have one of those) -- it actually ends up evening out if you've got a job in the city.

Captain Bon Clay

6k a month rent…. No way to justify that unless you live in a penthouse, no matter how close you live to a beach! You could live in Cleveland Ohio and do the same job paying less then $1000 and you live next to a beach


Very informative. Really appreciate you guys getting both sides of the story....too often nowadays people only want to tell you what they want you to know.

Al Rodriguez

I hope he shares that place with 5 other people. Lol.

Noah Trujillo

I definitely have a lot more respect for how much work has to go into writing, especially in a freelance capacity.

Devin K

Great show Dukes!


This was very enlightening.