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It's interesting: Nearly a third of the Earth's population is Christian, and yet they have virtually no meaningful representation in video games, whether in the products themselves, in the studios and publishers that make and manufacture them, and in the outlets and entities that cover them. Yet, on the periphery are people doing the work of fusing religion and gaming into something coherent, and one such person is Paeter Frandsen. Paeter runs Spirit Blade Productions and its Christian Geek Central offshoot, and he's the perfect person to have on + to delve into the intersection of faith and gaming. Our topics are wide-ranging, and include an analysis of what fiction and fun means to people who believe in God, and what (if any) examples of games we love and enjoy speak to a Christian audience specifically. We also spend a great deal of time on motifs, genres, and other means of categorization -- sci-fi, horror, magic, sex, violence -- to determine how it all might come off to a devout Christian, and how the polytheism of Final Fantasy, the religious horror of Castlevania, and more comport to and challenge such a worldview.



Theotokos Respecter

Wonder how this would go with an Orthodox Christian rather than a Protestant.

Adam carruth

Paeter, I loved listening to your perspective on this episode. I may not agree with all of it, but hearing intellectual discussion like this is one of my great joys in life. I wanted to thank you for the info you provided concerning the effect porn has on us. I've had a pretty significant addiction to it the past couple of years. Nothing I've been told has ever been able to hold enough sway over me to drop the habit until now, and I haven't even had the desire to indulge since I listened to you and Colin discussing it. If you ever wonder what positivity can be yielded from the work you do, then I will be there to provide personal testament.

Dave Ramos

Very interesting episode. BTW Paeter is you see this comment; have you ever checked out Xenosaga? Has overt Christian references even making Mary Magdalene a character and quoting scripture. Jesus is even in the game in small scenes. Even the timeline goes beyond. B.C. and A.D. to what's called T.C. Transcend Christ. Regardless, it's an amazing sci-fi series on PS2.

Raymond keys

Awesome episode! As a Christian myself, this discussion really resonated with me. Paeter and I share a lot of the same viewpoints. I would love to link up and support what you are doing.

Kurt Lewin

It's for episodes like this why I am a patreon. No other games media outlet would do an interview like this. It's great to see and listen to :)


I would like to see an interview with Jonathan Pageau sometime. He’s orthodox and breaks down the symbolism of popular movies and some games and how it relates to the themes in Christianity

Paeter Frandsen

Oh wow, that's really interesting! I tried the first one waaaay back in the day but lost patience with the super long cutscenes. So maybe I should just see if I can watch the "movie" on youtube sometime. Thanks for the heads up! -Paeter


As a Christian I really appreciate this Colin. Thank you! Interesting convos like this is why I'm a Patron!

Mark Whittington

Have to say, as a British Agnostic, I was dubious going into this one, can't say it changed my mind on much but I'd warmed up to Paeter quite a bit by the end.

Aaron Lemmo

I’ve been a member for a minute… and I just realized there’s more content on here then YouTube 😂. Good podcast!

Sean Paul

Got to admit i wasn't big on this one. Kudos for having the conversation, but there was quite a number of things said here that made my eyes roll into the back of my head.


This was really interesting & cool conversation! Great episode!!

Greg Hommel

Awesome conversation. Your’e killing it. Keep on inviting these interesting guests to discuss interesting subjects. That said, I am a Christian conservative. I don’t find that anything in gaming opposes my faith or ideology. The Last Of Us 2 exposed me to lesbians, transgenderism, terrible violence, etc. Contrary to popular belief, I learned valuable things about these issues as well as about myself and I am so glad to have experienced the artistic vision, despite it not aligning perfectly with my values.

Douglas Parker

Wow. Felt like I was right back in church. And remembered exactly why I'm atheist. Props for the content but... this made my brain hurt. A video game could lead one to... question their faith? Lol. But hey, some people apparently enjoyed it so good work.