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In early 2021, a hack journalist deployed a transparent political attack on a relatively anonymous game dev. The dev's name is Troy Leavitt, a veteran designer of the Utah studio scene with experience at defunct teams like SingleTrac, and more recently at the Disney-owned and then WB-owned Avalanche Studios. There, he quietly toiled away on high-quality licensed games until, like a meteor, his world was blown apart. Why? Because, years prior, he dared question the political orthodoxy of the industry on his YouTube channel. And that's it. A year after his life radically changed, we sat down to talk not only about his experience in the industry going back to the '90s, but what it was like working on Hogwarts Legacy and how he dealt with the fallout surrounding the coordinated attack on his character, his work, and his beliefs. If you don't want to hear about politics, that's fine. Just don't hit play. You've been warned.



Craig Carter

You were right when you said we’d wanna hear this one when you talked about it on Sacred Symbols

Tyler Floyd

This is awesome. You’ve been hitting it out of the park with these interviews. Excited to give it a listen.


Ooh! Better strap in, let’s do this. 🤘🏻

Michael Toledo

Awesome. Can't wait to listen


This is the content I love.


I found him incredibly well spoken and thoughtful in his rebuttal video when this all went down. Can’t wait to listen! Thanks for the consistent high quality content, Last Stand team!

Daniel Salisbury

This is awesome! Looking forward to listening 👍


Fuck Liam Robertson

Jake Watson

Nice get! Look forward to listening to this one

Will Hahn

Sweet! Looking forward to this!


I’ve been dying for this one. LSM head and shoulders above the rest.


As someone who also voted Johnson in 2016 and Nobody 2020 this discussion really hit a note for me. This is hands down one of the best podcasts i have ever listened to in the games community. I really hope you give us more of these gems in the future

Kenneth Oms

Finally finished the entire episode. This was a quality episode man. Troy is a really interesting chill dude. Colin is out here showing everyone that the reason he sleeps like Winnie the pooh is because he has balls, if only game publishers would grow a pair too.

Shane Geis

Brother it’s one thing to be pro-life like myself and quite another to champion a law that pays people 10K to turn in any women who seeks a abortion….I have no problem if millions of people don’t want to pay for a game made by a guy who champions a law like that…..The vast majority of pro-life people think the Texas law set back the pro-life movement a decade.


Nice to see a fellow Christopher Hitchens fan! Oh to have had a drink with him and pick his mind! Troy certainly was lucky.


I guess we will find out in November? I don't think many people are voting one way or another on the life issue.


Great episode. My girlfriend is Mexican and LOATHES hearing the term “Latin X.” We are in southern Missouri where nobody would be willing to say it even if it was proper, though.


I love how these interviews are produced organically as opposed to being part of someone’s promotional run. Keep up the awesome content 👏

Mitchell Lundsberg

Nowadays life can feel like a Chappelle show skit (especially game industry stuff). I know a majority of people including myself try to go about their day and become a better person as time goes by. Many of us recognize the absurdity. I silently standby, watch the ridiculousness and occasionally laugh to myself. Maybe some people have lost the narrative: Live, Laugh, Love or is it Eat, Pray, Love or is that Julia Roberts.....have I lost the narrative? lol


Fantastic episode. Wonderful interview. I just wanted to point out that Tipper Gore and Joe Lieberman are not right wing.


What an awesome episode 👏

James Pies

Not gonna find stuff like this anywhere else! Thanks Colin


Colin I cannot stress how great these interviews have been. As now a grown adult who grew up listening to all the OG IGN Podcasts and reading the old editors. This episode hits the nail on the head why most people have shifted away from that media and “journalism”.


Colin - great episode. Your comment about about the fundamentalist right functionally swapping sides with the 90s progressive movement made think of the Jumanji “What year is it?” meme.

Edwin Magana

This episode was top tier. LSM at the forefront of amazing content.

Brandon Soto

44:11 “Idk how deep you wanna go into this philosophically, but..” “Please. Go as deep as you want.” OHHHHH!!!

Jeremy Craves

I’ve always hoped he would take your invitation whenever you brought up having him on. Great episode as usual.


Half way through the episode and had to take the time to say AMAZING work. Keep at it Colin. We need more conversations like this. Top notch.

James Schubert

Turing test was really well explored in the Alex Garland film Ex Machina

Bono Silva

What an amazing conversation. I loved this!

Napoleon in Rags

Only on LSM do we find this kind of great, insightful content like this. Keep it up! As a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or “Mormon” (that term is no longer being used by members and is being phased out completely) I would like to thank Colin for the kind words this episode and for making the LSM community welcoming to all people regardless for religion, race, and class. Thanks Again! 👊🏽


These sort of interviews continue to be a great side piece. Here, I enjoyed the IP tidbits he discussed. Hope he gets to create again some day, you can just tell he loves it, and he’s right that we need more enthusiasts getting the spotlight in the industry. Which I guess I gotta thank you for again Col, for putting me on to people like Matty and Cog and Karak. ❤️

Matthew Guilford

I’m very glad to see you tackle this important story that I’m certain the main stream would love to see us all forget now that the damage has been done to this regular hard working guy. I hope this will teach others that it’s not okay to treat other humans this way!

Context Should Matter

Loved the interview. Troy seems like a pretty nice guy. Would love to hear about the gaming industry from a vet.


Colin, I totally empathize with your point about the public scrutiny you’re under. I know there are malevolent forces out there that want to ruin you. That’s frightening, and I don’t know if I’d have your resiliency. But I will input, as someone in a low profile, large corporate environment, your reputation is everything. People talk, and I can attest to losing sleep at night over it and the pressure many are under. Hope this doesn’t sound like I’m diminishing having a nasty Business Insider piece published about you, just a perspective from the other side of the fence.

Liam Mcnulty

There's nothing wrong with saying you're anti feminist, because it's something hateful now, it's become part of the woke religion, it's intersectional to the point that the ideology favour trans women over actual biological women, and if a biological woman speaks out she's destroyed as a "transphobe". I'm a married man, I've been with my wife since we were 17, I'm 35 now. We have a daughter, I love the women in my life, they're the most important people to me. My wife is also against feminism, because she refuses to be seen as a victim for her sex and we don't want wokeist cult members telling our daughter she's born a victim, that she is seen as less important than men, which is nonsense. Incredible chat, Colin, this content is excellent.


I really appreciate the different viewpoints that are given time on Sacred Symbols. It allows for consideration and thought on things that I may not agree with and may not find in my traditional apps and news sources.


I really enjoyed the political talk of this episode. Are there any political podcasts you can recommend? There are so many out there and I don't even know where to begin.


To get a good, round view of things, I typically listen to LRC, The Editors, Morning Joe, The Fifth Column, War Room, Jimmy Dore, Breaking Points, etc.

Timothy Bryant

To misquote a favorite film of mine “Colin you are not only the podcaster we want, but the podcaster we need right now” continue having the conversations that people are downright afraid to have


Really enjoying the conversation but I am struggling to agree fully with either of you. The concept of wokism being a religion doesn't sit right with me. This is something I'd expect to hear from the group of people online demonizing TLOU2 for being "too woke" and Neil Druckmann ruining the franchise by simply including minorities in the game. This feels like the same kind of talk but just not as extreme. I do believe there is truth on both sides of this argument though. I can see where this reaction comes from by looking at games media taking things too far and being incredibly hateful and toxic but I also see how what they are advocating for is inherently good. Inclusion, representation and just bettering people as a whole. It's just so frustrating when their go-to response to something that doesn't completely align with them is immediately hostile which inevitably makes thing works and kills any kind of progress to their goal. Such a complicated and fascinating topic. Thanks for another good conversation!

Giovanni D'Amico

Absolutely terrific conversation. You guys made an immediate connection and were on the same wavelength for the entire episode. Glad you could converse over your shared experience and get into so many interesting topics. Thank you for sharing - would love to see Troy again and I wish him well.

Wretched Spawn

I already had admiration for Troy when the media tried stirring up that nothing burger about him. And this podcast only further cemented my respect for him. I look forward to the day when this woke, neo-marxist drivel gets put in its place for good. Excellent episode.

Jonny Sousa

I was a fan of his YouTube videos. They were so sharp, but didn't come across in the typical anti-sjw YouTube sorta way. Troy just seems like a pleasant, intelligent guy


Now this is the Colin Moriarty I know and love! This was an awesome discussion! Both Colin and Troy really speaking truths about the corruption in our industry. This is a must listen and I will do my best to let as many people know about this episode! Bravo gentlemen!

Simon Pusateri

Hey Colin I think somethings wrong with Patreon, this episode of Fireside chats is labeled as a Sacred Symbols Plus episode. Joking aside, awesome interview, you’ve been killing it in general with this format

Hose A Contra Razz

I don’t believe it , I love the first game, one of my top 5, the second one has a bad story. It’s a beautiful game, but people blame the diversity as the result they don’t like it because it fits the narrative I call it BS

Hose A Contra Razz

I first I thought this was the Five nights at Freddy creator, because I remember the attacks on him, I remember this guy now but it wasn’t as bad as the FNAF guy

Greg Hommel

Part of the reason people want to cancel and shut down conversation is that so many want to have their opinions and ideologies but they don’t want to put in the time to learn the subject matter. When they speak their ignorance shows and it is much easier to hold a valid opinion if everyone doesn’t realize that you don’t know a God damned thing. Love this conversation guys. Thank you for taking the time. -KillerTomato

Eric S

What a great episode. Troy is really an interesting and classy guy. Really enjoyed the intelligent conversation and the openness to understanding both sides of the conversation. Looking forward to having Troy on another episode soon.