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The True Competition | Defining Duke Ultimate Episode 55

For generations, the "war" has always and forever been waged between Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo. That competition will remain forever, but there are invaders arriving shortly which will almost certainly disrupt what we're using to in gaming. Amazon, Apple, and Google. All major corporations with plenty of cash to blow and an interest in gaming. The Dukes gather to unite the brands and dissect who is the real competition for gaming's favorite trifecta of brands.



That thumbnail is pretty spectacular. Simple, but amazing - if I'm not off-base I believe Cog referred to the big three as WW last week haha

Walker Simmons

I never really understood that Phil Spencer quote since both Nintendo and Sony make more money than Xbox in the gaming space so they should be the competition as long as they are selling consoles


I think you’re arbitrarily sectioning off the gaming space from the broader computing space.

Walker Simmons

Yeah maybe but so far Amazon's biggest hits have been there games like Lost Arc not there service like Luna


Apple will be in the VR space soon. VR headset is rumored to cost $2000 +


Exactly. They literally have no competition in the space where they claim they're competing in. Phil just talks too much PlayStation is Xbox's ONLY competition and is the only one capable of going after Game Pass.