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Micah gets back behind the microphone to answer your inquiries about Star Wars, wet socks, life in the south, her favorite Switch games, and her opinions on PlayStation vs Xbox. Boil up some Pepsi and microwave a steak: it’s the Mama Micah power hour!



Josef Barker

I'm sorry what, boil a Pepsi???


Can't wait to listen to this. She's a fucking nutcase 😂


To have even more opinions in personal food categorization... https://kottke.org/18/12/the-cube-rule-of-food-the-grand-unified-theory-of-food-identification


Hell yeah Micah! The Order was sick, I would’ve loved to see a sequel too


Micah, you’re great, but Transformers is your favorite film series? ☠️

Will Hernandez

Micah, maybe give AEW a try. It’s much more adult-oriented than WWE. And they have a good number of former WWE guys like Jericho, Punk, Cody Rhodes, Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan), etc. It’s a good mix of veterans and younger talent.

Dan Nolin

Colin has good taste…

Joshua Fielder

I had to come shout out the High Moon Studios transformers games. They're great, especially the 2nd one, Fall of Cybertron.