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Welcome Jeff Ross to Sacred Symbols+. Since the late '90s (with only a foray at High Moon Studio interrupting), Jeff had been at Sony-owned first party team Bend Studio, the organization once famous for its Syphon Filter stealth games across PSone, PS2, and PSP, and more recently responsible for Days Gone on PlayStation 4, which launched in 2019. Indeed, Jeff began as a designer at Bend and rose to director of Days Gone. He's no longer at Bend, though, and he has a lot to say about his experience there, the positives and negatives. We touch on the trials and tribulations of making Days Gone, Sony's confusing response to the game, the damage PR did releasing it to critics unpatched, and more. We go into what could have been made instead of Days Gone (a sci-fi game not unlike Horizon or a procedurally-generated horror game internally called Zombies of Catan), possible target platforms (it was once meant for Vita, too, and was running on the hardware at one point), why Days Gone 2 was a non-starter (Sony doesn't care about nickels and dimes), and even unexplored ideas for franchises like Resistance and Uncharted (you almost got a Sully-driven game that took place in the '70s). This is an episode for the very hardest-core PlayStation fans, and there's no doubt you will enjoy it. So hit play!



Mitch Orobko

Awesome!! Been waiting for this one! Haha


This is the big boy I’ve been salivating for

Marc Elfering

Excited to listen! Dumb question: does the podcast spoil the game? I haven't finished it


It’s finally here!!!!

Jose Cantu

Fuckin' finally. 😆😁

Monterey Jack

Finally, a week without acquisitions to allow this to be published haha 😄. Looking forward to listening!



Kenneth Oms

Great episode Col. I love when you do interviews like this, I hope Ken Levine drops by sometime soon. I was super stoked to hear how Ross was cutting a lot of useless and dumb features and really honing in on making a great game. It’s a shame his boss made him feel like a failure when he wasn’t. I hope he enjoys his time off and goes on to create his own IP with a smaller team like Ken is doing. It would be cool to see what he could create post days gone

Red Head Redemption

Fantastic interview. Idk if I wasn’t paying attention or it wasn’t asked/already known, but why did they change the name from Dead Don’t Ride to Days Gone???

Phil Walker

This was my favourite interview yet. Its a damn shame Sony ignores you and the industry PR machine is so tight lipped. This was a way more interesting and endearing listen than just a PR hype piece. I think studios and those who work in them could benefit from being able to tell their stories more freely.


I feel like everytime I comment on these episodes I'm always saying it's one of the best episodes ever. But the insight behind this interview is so captivating. I stopped what I was doing to finish it. YOU KEEP FUCKIN KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK COLIN!

Mitchell Lundsberg

This was a great episode. Ross seems like a very nice guy as well. It's a shame what happened to them because I feel like they were growing and building to be an elite studio in the Sony family. Golden Abyss was good and I really loved Days Gone (I beat it twice). I wouldn't be surprised if it develops that "cult-like" status in years to come. I am still looking forward to what comes next from Bend. Kind of makes me want to go the mall and buy an airbrush shirt "Days Gone: gone but not forgotten". LOL I get a kick every time I see an airbrushed shirt.

Benjamin Sagar

Colin, this was one of my favourite interviews of SS+. I’ve long wanted to work in game dev so I found this candid conversation insightful and entertaining. Thanks.


Wow a sully uncharted game sounds incredible

Ryan Taylor

Awesome interview. I love these looks behind the curtain of game dev and the thought of a horde of Gabe’s in an early build made me laugh. I hope Jeff finds his next passion project and kicks it out of the park, he seems like an awesome dude.

Justin Lane

Really enjoyed this interview. I didn’t know much about Jeff beforehand, so it was great to hear his story. He came off as a likable guy from humble origins. The BTS of working with Bend and Sony were interesting as well. I want that Sully game too! I wish Jeff the best in his next venture. Well done, sir. 🤝

Tick Dickler

It’s amazing how differently people can come across, and how much they share when they’re interviewed by somebody who 1. knows what they’re talking about and 2. understands how people work. As gaming interviewers, you and McCafferty are really still in a league of your own.

Brandon Soto

Definitely an interesting story. I have a feeling Days Gone 2 will be made.

sam croese

Hell yeah brother

Conor Tickner

As always a great episode of SS+ Jeff Ross seems like a genuine guy and you can tell how much he respects not only his own work, but everyone who made it a reality, Sony included. I feel bad that people mistook the tweet as an attack rather than just someone who wants to be acknowledged for their accomplishments. I’ve had Days Gone download from when it was free on PS+ and this has made me want to give it a go!

Will Hahn

This was an excellent conversation! Jeff seems like such a nice guy and speaks really eloquently about games. This guy knows his shit.

James Schubert

The "Happy new year" is such a subtle reminder of how good the content has been recently that this had to keep getting pushed. Great job guys 👍🏻

Andrew McGregor

Great conversation. Interesting hearing him talk at the end about wanting to work with a core group of people to explore the games vertical, before bringing in a team to build it out horizontally. Sounds exactly what MS has done with The Initiative, who brought in Crystal Dynamics last year. Anyway really enjoyed the insights, great job Colin.

Jason K

LSM is on a roll! What an inightful interview, and he was so candid the entire time, made the conversation flow naturally.

Benjamin Schultz

Great interview. I was happy to see Jeff not throw Sony under the bus, and he explained the events well. We all had our own conspiracies and judgements of what happened. I personally had my opinions changed. The Young Sully game he pitched sounds perfect, and how did that not get green lit?

Josh Lucas

Been patiently waiting for this one❕Really interesting info about the state of the studio while trying to make Days Gone 2 with a power vacuum. Sounds like management at Bend was more to blame than Sony for the sequel not happening (in addition to things he said on Jaffe’s show). Also, an Uncharted with a young Sully sounds awesome‼️ Wish we could have seen that.

Josef Barker

Jeff's idea for an uncharted game is so awesome.

Gavin Newland

I love hearing about what goes on behind the scenes, definitely would love to see more of these talks 😄 Great talk Colin 🥰


Loved his comment on creative synchronicity. I’m a big believe in that and/or a shared collective unconscious. I’m really into horror and write it, I find authors with similar inspiration and childhoods share a lot of the same ideas.


This was great. I’d take Days Gone 2 or a Sully Uncharted any day. Col, when are we getting our Brookhaven Boys cuts? 😄

The Devmeister

Nice - this episode is being quoted in mainstream media.


Days gone is one of my favorite PS4 games. Shame we won’t see a part 2. Toxic masculinity? straight white guy? Please stop with the “progressive” clap trap. It’s a video game dude!

Liam Rogers

Based on the thumbnail I thought you finally got your big interview with Stone Cold Steve himself. Nice interview btw.

Dan Morgan

Really interesting listen, big shame that it won’t be getting a sequel anytime soon

Peter Pham

Loved the syphon filter story!!! Such a Great interview!


Sad news. I still want to see Golden Abyss as part of an Uncharted collection.

Geno Felino

Great interview! If you get him back on, it might be interesting to hear what he felt were the biggest shortcomings of Days Gone and how he planned on improving them.

Vitali S

This guy looks like Kane from command and conquer

Mark ?️

Man I'd love to see that Uncharted prequel game materialise


Fantastic interview

illicit salt trade

I really appreciate how open he was to answering every question and how much detail he went into with them. You expect at least a little "I can't go into that" responses in an interview like this, but this delivered big time. Days Gone is a solid 8 in my book. Granted I played it last summer on PS5 at 1440p60 all patched up, but the game was beautiful and played great. I thought the writing was very poor but I enjoyed my 50+ hours more than Tsushima. Only problem I had with freakers was the dumb name. Just call them zombies. Hoards was a great idea and very unique.

James Barone

Wow what an awesome episode. I personally loved Days Gone. I hunted the platinum on the “no fast travel” mode (nerd flex) because I loved the motorcycle so much. I was so confused by all the discourse that had rolled out on Twitter, interviews, articles in regard to Jeff, Garvin, and the game. After this episode and hearing Jeff I’ve become a huge fan, what a humble dude. Looking forward to whats next when he finds the right project for himself!

Big Daddy

Colin, I know you think very highly of Ryan over at IGN and I do as well with his interviews and coverage of things (He’s one of the few I will still watch on IGN) but your interview skills are exceptional. How you prepare a series of questions to cover all the areas that are noteworthy for whoever is being interviewed, to how you pivot during the conversation based on the responses you are getting. Your skills are impressive My Master. Appreciate you and Last Stand Media

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-27 07:47:01 Thank you. That's very kind. <3
2022-02-13 21:53:42 Thank you. That's very kind. <3

Thank you. That's very kind. <3

Kevin Cooper

As much as I would be fine with an Uncharted spin-off centered around their child, I think digging into the origins of Sully's character would also be super dope. But who knows, maybe both scenarios are inevitable at some point anyhow. That franchise is far from being dead.


Great talk!


I think they introduced the daughter very well at the end of the last game. But they could make it a story of Cassie delving into Sully's greatest regret - the treasure he couldn't recover.


Great conversation!