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When it comes to mergers and acquisitions, it appears Sony is willing to play along: It's $3.6 billion acquisition of Bungie is proof. Thing is, this marriage is a bit different for the brand. Bungie will remain outside of PlayStation Studios' publishing hierarchy and remain both independent and multiplatform. However, Sony isn't done yet. Far from it. It's as ominous as it sounds, and we dedicate plenty of time to get all of our thoughts out. Then: Other news! Sony has released fresh financials indicating a very healthy company, but one severely supply-constrained and unable to meet demand, MLB: The Show 22 has a release date on PS4 and PS5, Ghostwire: Tokyo is coming way sooner than you may have thought, Yacht Club's newest game is a Zelda-inspired romp, and more. Then: Listener inquiries! Will we ever see Destiny 3? Could Fat Princess ever return? Are games becoming too ideological? Where's Dustin getting all of his recent bravado?

Note: The video version is currently delayed due to a YouTube processing bug. We will post it as soon as it's resolved. Thank you for your patience and sorry for the delay!

0:00 - Intro

0:07:17 - Sacred Symbols 200 LIVE

0:09:07 - Has Dustin changed?

0:13:30 - What are our thoughts on the Joe Rogan/Spotify situation?

0:30:24 - How did Sacred Symbols start?

0:34:51 - A note on Hassan Kahraman

0:38:23 - The Nintendo Switch has surpassed the PSone in sales.

0:47:31 - Gran Turismo 7 State of Play
0:50:56 - Discord’s PlayStation integration has begun to roll out.

0:55:29 - An It Takes Two film/TV show has been optioned.

1:02:03 - What have we been playing?

1:25:07 - PlayStation has acquired Bungie.

2:28:44 - Sony’s profit forecast is looking up, but due to supply constraints it’s not necessarily due to PlayStation.

2:36:29 - MLB: The Show 2022 will be on Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Game Pass (day one), in addition to PS4 and PS5.

2:46:12 - Ghostwire: Tokyo launches on March 25th.

2:55:02 - Yacht Club Games has announced their next game, entitled Mina the Hollower.

3:06:05 - Battlefield 2042 is in a bad spot.

3:16:15 - Supermassive’s The Dark Picture Anthology looks as though it will finish out the series.

3:22:57 - Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been delayed.

3:28:38 - News Wrap-Up

3:29:43 - Is Fallen Order a Souls-like game?

3:32:55 - Is it time for Destiny 3?

3:38:29 - Why hasn’t Sony rolled out Fat Princess?

3:45:02 - Actually, Game Pass is profitable.

3:56:30 - Are video games too political?



Jackie Rheu

Thanks again cdc!

Michael Welter

4 HOURS. Holy shit lol. Let's go!

Anthony Palerino

refreshing until video comes. this one gonna be banger

Frank G.

Not sure if I see Colin as a Titan main but I'll take it. Chris as a hunter just makes sense. Dustin Warlock? Dustin will be whatever u want him to be 😆😎 OH! Let's start the show!


Was waiting on this bad boy to drop!

Rich Price

Ah, we’ve been expecting you!


Joe rogan would absolutely smash on patreon. Can you imagine

Dustin Furman

The placement was purely based on the photos I found that worked. To be clear though, I'd never put my face on a Titan. ;) -Dustin

Frank G.

Hahahaha 🤮🖍🖍


No video again on the mobile app :(

Big titty drinker

Sony buying bungie literally does nothing for me as a gamer. Its honestly more bad news then good because it shows they are heavily going to shift to games as a service , which frankly is depressing as fuck. Games like halo , forza , destiny halo infinite and gta7 online are trash to me and not what I want from playstation. Add in the fact that they are doing playstation pass and it looks to me like the days of the ps4 with many great single player games is gonna end up a distant memory soon.


That’s what you took away from it? I looked at it as Sony strengthening their weaknesses, while continue to deliver the games that I presume you want. Third person cinematic games.

Shane Geis

Colin I’m a liberal and a huge Xbox guy so obviously disagree with you a lot…..but I was thinking yesterday how awesome of you it was to bring on Xbox guys and a Xbox show as a very small business owner when Xbox was really down and you had no way of knowing Xbox would make this huge comeback this generation. I hope your willingness and kindness to do that when Xbox was low is bringing you many Xbox subscribers now like me when they are more even.

james glenn roten

Joe Rogan did have Cliffy B on an episode I believe.


That thumbnail is pure gold

Piston Pants

I subscribed years ago assuming one day a man named Hassan would be on a show and frankly I feel slighted. I'll take my refund in crypto.

Edwin Garcia

I have this feeling that Chris might leave the podcast at some point for some reason

Ed Cruzat

Great episode so far! Just an FYI, YouTube premium comes with ad free music. Cancelled Spotify so I wouldn't need to double dip on music services. Cheers!


Sacred Symbols: A Joe Rogan podcast...

Remington James

Snagged two VIP Tickets to the event! ✌️ See ya'll there

D'Ante Almo

I have the day off from work because of this snow storm, 4 Hours of SS, and Final Fantasy 15. Yes today is a good day.

Kenneth Oms

To be fair, rogan had an episode with Colin right after Colin was cancelled over a joke and helped signal boost Colin’s last stand. That’s how I found out about it back when it was just a history podcast


Where do I send my Dustin Unleashed poster? I spent the required 10 minutes on it.

The Late Nate

I feel like Chris touched on this, but didn't quite say what I was thinking. Rogan can say what he wants, of course, no one should limit him. But he did spread COVID misinformation and Rogan's freedom of expression is not a freedom from consequence, and both him and a chunk of people are conflating the two. In saying that, he should still be allowed to say whatever, but that doesn't make him free from the consequences of what he says, which he acts like he should be. Those trying to silence the criticism of Rogan are just as bad in my eyes as those trying silence Rogan himself

Derek Alcott

Oh yeah it's Friday boys. I love waking up to this with some coffee.


Shout out to the LSM community!

George Hall

Is the video version up? Thanks guys!

larry Seitz

It's actually the tiniest micro dick energy.

james glenn roten

Hey Colin, Spider-Man did make a billion dollars but don't forget that it's in collaboration with Disney. Second, Jim Ryan did say that different branches of Sony were interested in other revenue streams. Spotify is in the news lately...They have partnerships with HBO now and the talent that's over there. Everything is up in the air now. It's unpredictable.

Kenneth Oms

Sacred Symbols The Movie Synopsis: As the world is seemingly and slowly coming to its end, three men with immaculate hairlines, attempt to keep the fiery passion they hold for gaming and playstation lit while fending off crypto bros, corporate consolidation, and the looming threat of foreign inference and surveillance. Unbeknownst to them, the call is coming from inside the house, as one of the three seems to be doing financially well as he appears in different homes and locations throughout different episodes. Have foreign operatives compromised the Sacred Symbols crew? To your point about how companies will by the rights to anything in this medium without understanding it, Ken Levine did a podcast recently where he talked about how the bioshock movie originally had a well known director who asked him if the story really needed to be set underwater lol


You guys are more like what JRE used to be, but more professional and thoughtful than it was ever even meant to be. Over time, too many conflicts of interest have accumulated for JRE, and much like KF, it's tough to take anything without a grain of salt at this point. That said, the attempt to silence JRE is really more of an indictment on the audience's critical thinking skills. You sell yourself short with the comparison.

james o halloran

Hey Nate, I can see your perspective and understand your point. In this conversation it's important to acknowledge however that it wasn't just Joe Rogan that has been wrong on issues relating to covid but many of the mainstream media outlets. if we are holding Rogan to this standard then the same standard must be applied to all media that have flooded the conversation and shaped the narrative with misinformation on covid over the past few years. Glenn Greenwald a liberal journalist uploaded a fantastic video on this very issue on his YouTube channel this week which is well worth a listen. I'm not a Rogan follower but if the consequences you seek to his speech is silencing then why are we not calling for the same consequences for CNN, Fox, or nearly anyone who touched this topic over the past two years.

Monterey Jack

I can't wait to let my parents know that Chris Raygun thinks that they spelled my name in a stupid way. LOL


Is this the first 4 hour podcast from you fine, gentlemen? What a doozy this is about to be.

Cristian R

I had many corrupted save files in my old PS1 memory cards. Especially in JRPG games. Always needed to maintain multiple save files.


If you're worried about having to switch from Spotify, I would recommend looking at Tidal. It's more expensive, but it also pays artists 4x more than Spotify, and the audio quality is much better. No podcasts there, but there are always free options for that like pocket cast

Bogey Zero

Colin, I love ya, but that siren noise you’ve been doing lately is very very unpleasant. Please stop it.


Been thinking a lot about the Bungie buy and you guys almost touched on this in the ep. I think we need to redefine 'Exclusive' in the coming Service Wars. I think exclusives as the term is used now only makes sense for the big single player games, where player counts don't really matter and they're what draw you to the 'box.' There's probably another tier of exclusives that are going to be formed now that are made up of the live service games. I think these games will be 'exclusive' to their service, and by that I mean 'at no extra cost.' While they're be available everywhere, people will probably play it where they get it 'for free.' So it's mostly exclusive, lol... Live service games live and die by their player numbers. And an xbox or PC player's MTX money is just as valuable as any. I think you'll see Destiny/Matter cost full price everywhere else and by 'included' with a certain tier Spartacus (massive speculation obv) sub. I think the same will happen with CoD on GamePass. A lot of supposition going on here, but this purchase makes a whole lot of sense when I think of it that way. I'm actually more interested in the Spartacus announcement than any new games atm... I have a feeling it'll shape the industry for years to come.

Michael Morris

Instead of switching streaming services, maybe we could all just buy our music again? Maybe support the artist for their work?


Well, yes, but Sony owns the movie rights. They could keep making Spider-Man movies with or without Disney.


Well, I agree with you in one thing: You shouldn't take anything with more than a grain of salt, until the person talking to or with you earns your trust.


It could be that it will be about what's available as part of a subscription, and what's available a la carte.


I think the acquisition worked almost like a chess move, even if it wasn’t planned as such. The Bethesda and Activision acquisitions (along with anti-trust probes related to that 30% platform holder cut) signal that over-reliance on 3rd parties to generate revenue is increasingly precarious. Buying Bungie with this sort of deal keeps Destiny 2 on the board and at the same time gives PS Studios a head start in developing the more passive revenue streams that your CoDs, Fortnite’s and GTAs currently bring in. I think single-player games will still be the driving force to get people in the ecosystem, but they will have these live service cash printers in house, with no risk of their sudden removal. Movie/multimedia is just icing on the cake


Phil Spencer gooblely guck. I'm glad no one else is at work cause I just cracked up. Phil spencer+Todd howard= nice guys but hard to deal wtf they are saying VS PS+destiny ppl= came out super exclicit

Cristian R

There are many games that have tried to duplicate Destiny’s formula to varying success like Avengers, Anthem, and the Division. I think Sony sees an opportunity with Bungie to produce “Destiny like” live service games at a Destiny level of quality to match the quality of their first party single player titles like God of War and Spider-Man.


The whole thing of needing to be online is what if I travel somewhere and I don't have access to stable Internet or internet at all. maybe my Internet has an outage and now I can't play the goddamn game. There are plenty of places in the United States that don't have good Internet connections I live in Montana and there's a lot of rural areas that you can't play always online game. Last I checked GT7 has offline modes so why does it always need to be connected to the online portion? There are places in the world that have data caps and having always online access eats up a portion of that data cap. You're line of thinking is from your perspective but there are plenty of places in this world and in this country that wouldn't be able to play GT7 if it requires access to being online all the time


Bluepoint doing Bloodborne 2 makes about as little sense as them doing Metal Gear Solid 6 or Shadow of the Colossus 2.


Colin, do you think Sony dropped the Destiny news the same day as MLB/Game Pass on purpose?


I mean Shadow/Bloodborne do make sense though seeing as their parent companies own the IP. Outside of the original devs they are the next most logical choice.

Michael Buffill

Didn't a Saudi Arabia company just invest heavy into Capcom?

Robbie Agnew

That Beyond! 200 moment at the end…Man you got a grown adult tearing up 🥲 Good times. Good times.

Elliott Morgan

As worrying as this acquisition frenzy, it’s a great time for S.S/LSM and it’s content!


I can’t speak to everyone who mentioned it, but when I said I thought Factions would be like Destiny, I meant in a copycat type of way with a hub world and content delivery. Definitely agreed that it’s potentially too far along for Bungie to massively impact it.

Captain Bon Clay

In regards to dead ip, what would you think of instead of buying up entire companies for their ip, instead it was possible to buy an individual ip, in PlayStations case I would love for embracer(thq Nordic) to buy jak & daxter off Sony as I feel they are the only modern studio who could do jak & daxter justice, any thoughts?


"They" already came for video games. Between the '90s and aughts, people like Jack Thompson blamed them for causing school shootings and violence in children. Science has proved these claims are bullshit and that's why people laugh at and dismiss these ideas whenever they get brought up again. Science has also proved that the Covid-19 vaccine, and vaccines in general, are overwhelmingly safe and effective. During a global pandemic, Joe Rogan is platforming the Jack Thompsons of the Covid vaccine world (and parroting their claims). Giving these grifters a soapbox to spread misinformation and promoting this false notion that these "sides" are in any way comparable. That the"vaccine-skeptical" somehow have a reasonable position. I dunno but it seems to me that not hosting episodes and platforming con men that actively spread this misinformation is the bare fucking minimum thing Spotify and Joe can do during the global pandemic.


Sony would be silly to sell anything, but it would make sense to get others to make some of those games.


Can you tell me which episodes, guests, and/or 'misinformation' you take umbrage with the most? Because what I'm finding is that most of this grief cannot be cited. (And I would gladly -- GLADLY -- host Jack Thompson or his modern form on this podcast any day of the week, FYI.)


Rogan has been sharing all the tweets about this shit on facebook, and sweet jesus is it hilarious

Zack E

Colin what would you think if say 4 years ago, before SS begun, that someone told you in 2022 you would be having a 4 hour episode of a PlayStation podcast where part of the episode was dedicated to controversy surrounding Joe Rogan and his podcast regarding a global pandemic and another part was dedicated to the acquisition of Bungie by PlayStation, comparing it to a recent acquisition of Activision by Xbox. And oh you are living in Virginia while recording this episode.


I think the quote from the president of Nintendo is invaluable. PlayStation is, in some aspects, going to have to build the plane in the air to integrate Bungie. But this is not simply Sony swallowing a big studio. This was an acquisition, but I think it makes more analytical sense through the lens of a strategic merger. What if we can extract the expertise, repeatable victories that Bungie has had over more than 2 decades, and in return open the door to the resources of Sony? On the surface it looks like Sony gave away the farm. Maybe it’s naive, but we’re talking about the Halo creators here. This is arguably an IP that is more significant to the video game zeitgeist than anything in Sony’s arsenal. That needs to be underscored and highlighted. Rick and you guys have made another great point too. The other studios certainly will feel slighted. But here’s a reality they need to wake up to. Sony’s core devs, for all of their success, have not done what Bungie has done. They won’t be able to either without reinventing the wheel. And that is why Sony made this deal. We know Ragnarok will sell like Gangbusters. But that is not the void in their capabilities versus their direct competitor.


Also I think that whatever water having the PlayStation logo on a CoD commercial carries won’t exactly be lost. Hypothetically speaking, bear with me, if we were to see a dramatic Bungie reveal trailer on Super Bowl Sunday 2023, with the PlayStation logo and exclusive on Plus/Spartacus, is that not going to be comparable?

Oliver Johnson

That got a little “old man yells at cloud” at the end there…. To be fair— the notion has always been to treat everyone equally, but when that seemingly wasn’t being applied to a certain group of people, the term was to point out that they need to matter too. But yeah, I don’t know what the point is of flattening the idea and including the organization with it in Minecraft 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Jynx is just a man in blackface.” 😂 It’s funny because Jynx IS part of the original 151 and even some of those designs looking bad are just like wtf?

Michael Trees

I just wanted to chime in on the games requiring an online connection debate. I spend about a third of the year deployed at sea with no internet coverage other than an “official use only” network. This is where I catch up on my gaming backlog as it’s one of the best ways to pass the time. A game requiring an internet connection, even if it’s just once every 30 days, is a constant headache. I obviously won’t be buying a game for deployment that requires a constant connection. I know it’s a small number of gamers that are affected by this but a large number of deployed military members feel my pain.

Robert Graham

Considering we live in a country where black households make only 66% of what white households make, black lives have higher morbidity and mortality from illness, and many other disparities, I think we have bigger fish to fry than whining about BLM in Minecraft 🤷‍♂️

Robert Graham

If you think it’s reasonable to put content criticizing China in your games (which I do think is reasonable), then I see no issue with Minecraft supporting BLM in their games. It’s not “in your face”. It just is.


I'm enjoying Spotify's reaction to the Rogan controversy. It reminds me a lot of J K Rowling's main publisher's reaction to her controversy. It was the PR equivalent to hitting the "seen" button. 🤣


If you compare all of the acquisitions in the past 18 months, Playstation have been far less disruptive than Microsoft. They took studios that they have tight relationships with, and primarily was only developing for them anyway. Then acquiring a multiplatform studio in Bungie, but making it very clear that they will still be multiplatform. I think it’s quite respectful to the industry, and just very Japanese.


I Think Rogan was right when straight up said he shouldn’t be listened to as an authority. But I think he was also playing a bit dumb. Someone as popular as he is has to recognize the influence he has over his audience and take a little responsibility with that influence. It’s not just that he has guests on that are on the other side of vaccines. He went on his own social media when he got Covid talking about taking the medicine that has been deemed not helpful with Covid. Is that his right to do so? Yes. Should he be responsible with the level of influence he has? Yes. Should people take personal responsibility when listening to a comedian for medical advice? Yes. I think these are all true things.


Sam Harris said something interesting about this recently: That Rogan definitely didn't want this level of attention and responsibility, but he nonetheless has both. So now what?


I dunno maybe he needs to take a leadership class (sarcasm) 😂


I’m a little late on this one but I have to say.. the third instalment in the dark pictures anthology; house of ashes, not only eclipses until dawn but in a lot of ways is actually better. I was very surprised after feeling lukewarm on the first two. The amount of character control you have is really outstanding and the third person gunplay felt similar to some proper third person shooters and it’s fully made me curious about the next ones being released. I have high hopes so fingers crossed.


It's funny, I was just looking at these games' Trophies not a few minutes ago. I really want to get into these at some point, but it's impossible to know when.

Shawn Yorn

While I agree with most of the anti gamepass rhetoric, it does crack me up that we say: "There WILL be no retail or digital sales..." (during the gamepass revenue debacle) While in the same podcast saying that Spiderman: No Way Home has brought in a billion dollars.


Xbox is selling Spiderman: No Way Home on Gamepass? I think you're misunderstanding the point. <3

Shawn Yorn

First of all, you're a legend for being this active in the community. My point was that while Netflix, Hulu, disney+ and others are taking the gamepass approach to film, there's still movies breaking records in the box office. I don't think it's fair to say thay physical and digital sales will be non existent when gamepass hits some arbitrary subscriber count. Also a little confused on why we always compare the gaming subscription space to things like the music industry and mobile app stores when we have an industry like film and video that seems way more relevant. I have to assume its either becuase im stull very unedecated or because it paints a more favorable picture for the gaming subscription space and isn't quite doom and gloom enough.

Kyle Fox

To each their own but I absolutely LOVED Deathloop. Improved upon Dishonored in so many ways and I played it for like 45 hours. Amazing.

Hose A Contra Razz

The GT7 always online is kinda a problem for people in the military, lots of folks are in places with no wifi, work or live in places where wifi is banned, also when I deployed to Iraq or worked in a other country guys always took their system with them. I know the military is a small community but most military folks play video games.


LOL at that ending man. What is this, Tucker Carlson Tonight? THE RADICAL LEFT ARE BRAINWASHING YOUR KIDS WITH COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA IN MINCRAFT! Why does Chris have to be the one to present the libertarian side of things? Why is it not okay for Mojang to write some innocuous text like "Be anti-racist" when some kids are being taught that the Civil War wasn't about slavery in schools but Joe Rogan actively spreading covid misinformation that's fucking KILLING people is fine? How is the opposition of one a "dangerous precedent" and the other political propaganda? Btw this whole text splash thing happened at the height of the George Floyd protests over a year and a half ago. Convenient that it's such a problem now.

Greg Hommel

GT Sport is always online. Arcade mode might be available but you can’t save unless you are online so effectively…

Greg Hommel

Hey brother. We do best to keep politics out of this space. There is nothing wrong with the opinion you expressed, I am not crapping on you. I just find that I need to break from politics and the 24 hour news cycle. You need a break too and this place should be it.

Greg Hommel

What do you mean”Battlefield was broken even in that preview environment?” That’s when a game is often broken. Again, the driving boats up skyscrapers glitch only existed in the early release period and most bugs were fixed with the day one patch. People flocked away from this game because of an unbelievable media shit storm, which you guys participated in, that was way too full of people that have not played the game. You guys are reaching out to Gran Turismo fans because you don’t intend to play it enough to talk about it. Why does this not extend to every game. People hating design decisions is quite a different animal than the game being broken as you all have suggested every week since launch. This IS an issue whether you acknowledge it or not.