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Soon, we'll be recording an episode of KnockBack all about the fourth and final season of Battlestar Galactica, which ran from 2008 into 2009. We want you to participate.

As always, submit your questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas to our show concerning the topic. Pithy and well-written inquiries only! Walls-of-text and poorly-written submissions are politely ignored.

You have until Wednesday, February 2nd at noon ET to submit.



Hey guys! I wanted to point out something about the trial of Baltar. If I missed this, I’m sorry. When I watched this I felt strong similarities with John Adams representing the British soldiers involved with the Boston Massacre. In both instances it was the right thing to do, morally. Everyone deserves a fair trial. It also is very dangerous for both Adama and Adams (the closeness in names is not lost on me). Both men are putting a lot on the line to do what is right. I’m just surprised it wasn’t part of the discussion. As another Long Island boy, I’m really happy for both of your respective successes in life!


Hello My Brotherly Boys, I just finished the entire series for the first time. To say I loved it would be an understatement. The show made me cheer and cry more than any piece of media ever before. I was wondering if either of you had a similar viscerally emotional reaction to the conclusion of the show? Or, if you did not, what is the special suace that makes this show so emotionally resonant with so many? Best Regards, Joshua Tull


Brothers Moriarty, Now that we’ve reached the end of this amazing series I have a simple question. Could you go the path of Baltar and Helo and have a relationship with a cylon or do you believe in human only relationships in this universe? Thanks for these episodes. It pushed me to finally watch the show. -Dan Patterson


Hello boys! Hope you are well. Let's talk about the finale. - What are your thoughts about Kara? Was she an angel? - What do you make of the epilogue with "Baltar" and "Six"? And were they also "angels" or some kind of divine figure trying to influence the decisions of those two characters? Because they appeared throughout the show, first to Baltar and then to Six. - Did you like the conclusion? I loved it. Even if it left some things open to interpretation, I thought it was a fitting end to an awesome show. Best regards from Portugal

Jordan campos

Pac-man 2 the new adventures is better than Pac-man Knockback me

Rob Aitken

Morning Colin & Dagan - What do you hear? Its a question of what would you do, the tape line is down in the hanger bay, do you flee or fight? When you get to Earth do you really give up everything and start walking in the African Grasslands? Personally I am not going from being a Viper pilot to fighting Cro-Magnons with a rock, its just not happening. Good hunting to you all and remember the music is in the Frakin Ship!


Thank you for reading my comment!


What’s up? A bit of a tangent: I wanted to mention the PS4 game Deadlock. It is turn-based naval combat - great podcast game - and an easy Platinum that does not require engaging with multiplayer. The story is connected to the Ronald Moore BSG but it is not terribly nuanced. I highly recommend using this guide (https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Battlestar_Galactica:_Deadlock/Gameplay) as the game does not explain many systems. So say we all.

Angel DeJesus

Hey guys. As I watch this I can't understand why Tory, the presidential aid is in the meeting with the 6, Roselyn, Adama, Tai, but the VP, Zarek, is not. I know Zarek is upset he didn't know, but he should have stormed up to her. Why is Lee going to her, and not the VP?