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Drinkbox Studios has been deeply associated with PlayStation since their inception over a decade ago and are responsible for indie hits like Guacamelee and Severed. Joining us in today's special Defining Duke Ultimate is Graham Smith, a co-founder of Drinkbox, to discuss the dramatic shifts in the development landscape with utmost transparency. From the inner workings of a day one Xbox Game Pass deal to why they left PlayStation after all these years, Graham is the man with the answers.



Edwin Garcia

I was really hoping the dukes would talk about the acquisition, I guess I’ll wait for tomorrow


Love that you guys got this interview! Lots of insightful things in here

FourEyes Malone

Great interview Dukes. Wasn’t too aware of the game before, definitely picking it up soon.

Matthew Two T's

Great interview. Dude seems hella genuine. Played Nobody Saves The World for a few hours already. It's pretty great.


This interview, while interesting in some aspects, is a bit disappointing overall. It felt like not once was there a question about the actual game that the team is putting out other than the quick closer/brief synopsis. I appreciate trying to understand Gamepass and the financial aspects of indie development, but if I'm a dev, and I'm about to do an interview just before my game comes out, I want to talk about my game, not my money. I entered this podcast not knowing anything about the game and left still not really knowing much more, and that is a lost opportunity on the Dukes' side. I know I can do my own research and see how I feel about the game, but use the platform you're given. You don't have to squeeze into an hour long format; you've got as much time as you want to cover ground. That's all. I genuinely like your shows. It's still a good episode of what is there, but I just left feeling like a lot was missing.


Put my first couple hours into the game last night, enjoying it thus far!


That's because the goal of the interview was to talk about the business side of game development and not what his game was.


Great interview guys. Hope there will be many more to come

Daddy Senpai

Awesome episode. COG is a great interviewer and Matty comes in with the people’s questions.

Chris Dell

COG wasn't lying about his passion for interviewing people, he is a great interviewer, Matty you had some great questions as well, more interviews would be great, you guys make a great team.

Trent Miller

Such a good interview. Well done


Amazing interview guys! Nobody Saves The World is fantastic! 10 hours in, co-op and loving it

Giovanni D'Amico

Matty, not sure if you'll see this, but one follow-up: while I don't want to discount JJ's opinion, I found this interview to be excellent BECAUSE it was so deep on the business/deal side. This week, there are already a hundred reviews/opinions and synopses of the game and people's experience with it, so this was something different. Well done.

Giovanni D'Amico

Excellent interview. Loved all of the detailed history and analysis brought on by your terrific questions, and glad to see something different from the reviews and impressions available everywhere else.

Eduardo Banda

It really was a great interview.