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For PlayStation 5's launch, Sony did something cool and unexpected: They gave away 20 of some of their most-acclaimed PS4 games for free to PlayStation Plus subscribers. Indeed, as long as you're playing on PS5, you can still mark-for-download and play these 20 same games right now. And they're some of the console's very best, from both the first and third party. In fact, it could be argued (as we often do on the show) that this anthology's value rivals GamePass merely on the question of quality (though certainly not quantity). With that, we thought we'd sit down and go over these 20 games, many of them iconic in their own right, ordering them from 'worst' to 'best' while trying to keep to a rather nebulous set of parameters, like said game's importance to PlayStation as a brand, or its overall quality and critical consensus. The result, we think, is an interesting conversation you're likely to enjoy a great deal. So please do.




The collection is great for newcomers to playstation but for someone like me that played everything on there years ago its pretty worthless. The quality of games in the collection are great but I prefer gamepass because it offers more variety and I always find games on there I like that I wouldn't have otherwise given a chance.


I'm an industry professional who plays a lot of games, and there are games on there I haven't played. So I assume the value only widens from there.

Stephen Forgione

Only question for the PS Plus Collection: Where is Knack 2?


Colin, re:Persona 5. Royal is longer, but the platinum is attainable in one playthrough. This isn’t true for vanilla P5. That was a dealbreaker for me.

Josef Barker

There are some games you mention that aren't available in different regions in the collection.

Shadi Haddad

This was fun. A potential SS+ or DDU episode in the future you guys could do is another SS x DD this time comparing the Instant Game Collection vs Game Pass' library. Taking it a step further, you could compare the IGC + whatever was offered in 2021 on PS+ vs GP and Gold and all that was added in 2021 to truly evaluate what was the better service/deal.

Mr. Plow

Hahah I’m probably the only person who’s favorite PS Plus collection game is BO3. Zombie Chronicles is the reason why best zombies and maps imo

Jose Cantu

Is there a reason this one was not promoted at all on social media? Just curious. Listening now.


I'd get rid of battlefield for horizon. Not because it's the worst game on here but because its a multiplayer centric game that Microsoft heavily advertised and I assume the player base is mostly dead. As for another infamous game no thank you. I worked my ass off finding a ps4 before that game came out and I was extremely disappointed. While graphically it was pretty I felt a lot of the world was bland in terms of buildings and other things felt really flat and early generation and the story was 1 dimensional and the biggest letdown after the amazing story the first two told. I remember deciding I'm gonna platinum it after my first playthrough not because I wanted to but because I felt cheated out of my $60 with this game with how short and shallow it was. And I ended up selling it back to gamestop for almost $40. Where as I had the complete opposite experience with miles morales. I waited until I had a ps5 and that game in its performance RT mode was absolutely gorgeous and the story was great and made me excited about having a ps5 and seeing what it could do.

Card Captor Corey

Colin cares about Platinum's and wants to play Persona 5 over Persona 5 Royal? The P5 platinum is ridiculous. It takes 2 playthroughs if you're lucky. P5R is a solid platinum which is almost the perfect platinum list.


I was in a Five Guys a couple of months ago, looking at their cork board of customer's crayon drawings. One of them was a note that read: "I got finger blasted in the bathroom!"


Everyone swears by monster hunter but I just tried it the other day and that might have one of the worst intros I've played. Janky climbing animation, boring ass dialogue, horrible lip syncing... If I hadn't gotten an opening trophy I would have deleted that shit right away. I haven't given the game a real try but I thought I'd chime in.

Kenneth Oms

Hey Col, happy you’re enjoying persona 4. I hope you feel the same way about persona 5. Both games just have such a good sense of style from the music down to the menus. They just have a vibe to them. Anyways, I think persona 5 royal remixes the main narrative enough for you to enjoy it as a butterfly effect after finishing the original version. Dustin is a fake weeb anyways don’t listen to him, he called sword art online an isekai, we need to start asking him for weeb credentials. I’m only kidding, Dustin is awesome.

There’s No I in LLC

I'm sure last guardian was great but for me it was a bloom filtered 12 fps slideshow nightmare. Couldn't play sorry.

Michael Buffill

Sonys refusal to revive Resistance or even create a new shooter tells me that they don't feel its worth trying to compete with Call of Duty. Vanguard is considered a weak entry but will still be the top selling game this year. Competing with COD is extremely difficult, even Halo went free to play and thats also an iconic IP. Jim Ryan maybe feels the resources are best used elsewhere.

Jake Watson

You left out the best thing about Black Ops 3 being on the list. It's because it includes the Zombies DLC which is a compilation of zombie maps from all previous games. A lot of people buy cod just for the Zombies mode.

Robbie Agnew

Dustin Black Ops 3 sucked

James Pies

Comparing this collection to Game Pass is a bit of apples and oranges. Yes these are must play games, but they're from LAST generation. Plus if you're a PlayStation fan you've probably played all of these years ago. Colin I know you said they should cycle titles in and out and I completely agree. Anyway, fun conversation and I have high hopes for Spartacus. Let's just hope Sony doesn't overcomplicate things as usual with the different tiers.


12 fps? Then you must have played in performance mode on the PS4 Pro.

ur ppnballs

Great discussion. A ton of info. Loved it.


I wish I could elaborate more on the conversation I had about its revival some years ago. Maybe one day.

Joe McPartlin

Hey Colin just wanted to echo that you have the right approach to P5. Play through that game, wait a few months or a year after completion, then circle back around to Royal. P5 is a great game on its own and a big part of why I loved Royal so much is seeing the additions and improvements made between versions.


This was a very interesting conversation. Dustin's outlook on Monster Hunter World was spot on. I personally love the game, but I can understand how it's overwhelming for others who are not fans of the Destiny model. MMO Lite! Perfect!

Greg Hommel

I love that Colin mentions Datura here. It sent my brain on a little time warp and I came back with Linger In Shadows and Detuned on my mind. What you know bout dat?

Greg Hommel

Did you, like me, go to the trouble of uploading your favorite metal song and spend more than an hour in Detuned? That has to be one of the craziest, most disturbing things I’ve ever experienced with a DualShock in my hand.


Hey Colin! I started laughing when you recalled the "boy ride" reference for FFXV. If I remember correctly, it may have been for your 30th (??) Bday that you and the KF crew went on a bourbon tasting experience in Kentucky. Greg started calling it "Colin's Birthday Bourbon Boy Ride" or something like that... Lol amazing.

Mitch Krassin

Per the RE7 discussion, it was my first survival horror game ever, and it hooked me. It's exceptional and created a love for a new genre for me.

Brian Lehr

Great to hear the Detroit:BH love. And interesting to listen to the Crash/Spyro discussion post-Activision/MSFT deal. Take a drink every time Colin says "nonetheless"!

Kevin Cooper

Personally, I would say that The Last Guardian fits the "mind fu*k" category... Anyone who has played that game to the end knows how messed up the "barrel" reveal is. I won't spoil it here, but WTF Guardians? Find a different kind of snack, yo!