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Razor (Battlestar Galactica) | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 202

In between seasons three of four of Sci-Fi's reimagined Battlestar Galactica series came a standalone movie. It's called Razor, and -- as the name suggests -- it focuses on the trials and tribulations of the Battlestar Pegasus, which we were introduced to in season two. Pegasus is commanded by an icy officer named Cain, who does whatever's necessary to survive. But Razor shows us a different side of Cain, and gives us insight into how she and her ship lived through the Cylon assault on their home colonies. We're also introduced to Cain's protégé, Kendra Shaw, who -- much like Starbuck and Adama -- acts as Cain's surrogate daughter. And so we spool up our FTL drives once more, this time to go just ever-so-slightly into the past, which will hopefully illustrate some of what's yet to come with our journey through BSG. Check out our merch store at http://LastStandMedia.Shop A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #KnockBack #LastStandMedia #BattlestarGalactica


Rob Aitken

I know your haven't solicited questions on this one but I have to ask. When XO Belzen was executed, was this a shock to you and Dagan? As I recall on first watching "I guess Colonel Fisk wasn't joking around"

Rob Aitken

Another monthly reminder to listen to the entire podcast before writing replies, Well done..... Admiral

Rob Aitken

You do indeed, sorry to eat into your vacation time with such a frivolous reply chain - Cheers

Rob Aitken

To make up on my previous comment- Now that I have listened to the entire show. - You both talked about the flashbacks within the Episode but what of the separate 'Razor Flashback' webisodes that SciFI tried out? An intriguing idea in the proto youtube video space, Have you watched them? near impossible to find so I uploaded the dvd rip here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GMAyeyZ_Map-vQrfmbl8rcBz3BQED0rH?usp=sharing

Liam Mcnulty

I'm glad to see you're getting some push back on season 3 😂 I love season 3 as well. And you might be right about people being negative towards S3 upon release, but the same can be said about Windwaker, which people seem to love now. Might be similar aspects at play, people probably just appreciate it more as time goes on? Hope you're enjoying your well deserved Christmas break!