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Doki-Doki Literature Club Plus Review Discussion and Spoilercast | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 148

Just Monika. (https://www.patreon.com/LastStandMedia)


Ryan Hayman

I got the ps5 physical of this, and my fiancé was kind of worried and confused watching me play through this for the first time. I was worried as well. Long live Monika.


Just wanted to thank you bois for bringing this game to my attention. I've enjoyed other visual novel type games before like persona, danganronpa, and phoenix wright however those have much more gameplay mixed in. At first I didn't understand why this couldn't just be a book since there was so much reading. After completing it I was blown away by the pay off and how it broke the 4th wall in ways I've never seen in any game before. Definitely one of my favourite games this year.

Lee Bull

How much if any of this is safe to listen to? Where's the spoiler cut off?


I wouldn't listen to any of it if you care about spoilers. Wait until you've played and beaten it.

Lee Bull

Was hoping to listen to some part of it for impressions and generally get a feel for it but appreciate the heads up.

Corey Higgins

I used this podcast as an excuse to finally knock it out first. FYI, only takes 3-4hrs!

paul gilbert

Loved this game one of my favourites this year. One of the best visual novels you need to play is stein's gate it's not a dating game and there's a vita version for colin too

Sergio Pina

Just a heads up in regards to insane amount of warnings at the beginning of the game: When the game originally released free to play there was only 1 warning that said "This game is not suitable for children" against the white background while the menu theme is playing. The reason there are so many now is because a teen in the UK committed suicided, and this game was partially attributed as to the act, despite no real connections being able to be made. You can google "Doki Doki Suicide" and find the story. So it was more of a "Cover your ass" type decision from Dan Salvato.


Fantastic game, really up there for the games played this year for me. However, I have found it hard to convince people to play it due to the initial look of the game which is a real shame.


Awesome to see y'all talk about this! I'll never forget seeing the first Let's Play of this, and being reeled into the shocking horror. To your point about this satirizing weeb visual novel culture, I think that weebs love it because there's actually quite a few stories like this - seemingly innocent rom coms that have a dark twist. So when they're done well, they end up being enjoyable whilst also being critical of the genre. I don't think many fans felt attacked by it, quite the contrary - like Danganronpa (which you brought up) it's considered one of the best dark sci-fi visual novels to release in recent memory.

The Devmeister

Question Colin - you mentioned using a guide after your first play through to get the platinum. Which one did you use? Just finished the main game and got most trophies but the more nuanced ones I want to use a guide as well. Thanks!