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The Game Awards marketing showcase is soon upon us which means significant game announcements are inbound. Xbox fans in particular should keep a close eye on this show as Microsoft has made important reveals on Geoff Keighley's stage in the past such as with the Xbox Series X and Hellblade II just in 2019. Matty and Cog pick apart both the nominations for the popularity contest and possible announcements to be made in what should be a fun cap to the year. Let it be known that Dragon Age Origins is a good game, but that era of BioWare is long gone. With turnover really damaging what this RPG titan used to be, they're in desperate need of a win. Now with Dragon Age 4 losing its creative director midway through development, another layer of uncertainty envelops this studio. This may not be a surprise, but what may catch fans off guard is Xbox putting FPS boost down along with their backwards compatible initiative. All this plus more video game fight stories, Halo band-aids, and Christmas games tie together our first December episode!


0:00:00 - Intro

0:03:33 - Opening comments and smaller items.

0:16:52 - What we’ve been playing.

0:23:13 - Do Achievements prove you’re a gamer?

0:30:34 - When will Microsoft dump Xbox Live Gold?

0:34:14 - What could Sony do to compete if Xbox pulls ahead?

0:40:55 - Should Halo Infinite quick play really ignore skill based matchmaking?

0:46:29 - Will Halo Infinite “win” the shooter race this year?

0:53:31 - The Game Awards will have some big announcements. Let’s predict what they could be!

1:28:40 - Dragon Age 4 may be in trouble amongst multiple staff departures.

1:42:16 - New info has emerged about Starfield.

1:56:22 - The FPS Boost program has paused for the foreseeable future.

2:06:12 - Xbox Series S is the Black Friday champion.

2:15:42 - Halo Infinite’s progression is still an issue.

2:24:46 - Cyberpunk 2077 is getting its next gen update in Q1 of 2022.

2:30:50 - Coming to and leaving from Game Pass.

2:35:15 - Game Pass pick of the week.

2:43:02 - Will Microsoft develop a console-like experience for PC?

2:47:28 - How do we feel about the Destiny Content Vault?

2:52:35 - What are our top Nintendo franchises?

2:57:39 - What makes a multiplayer map memorable and engaging?

3:00:18 - Do we have a Christmas game?




I just wanted to say this show is really firing on all cylinders, by far my favorite Xbox podcast. Keep up the good work guys!


Love my series x but tbf even if xbox was all next gen right now they would still be held back by the series s.

Mitch Orobko

Edmonton is awesome, Matty you ASS!!! ❤

Jesse spivey

Another great episode fellas i would have loved for FPS boost to continue. Lately i have been cloud gaming on my series x random games just to test.! #deathloopDD


Yo Dukes, Great episode you got me through my night shift. Question what's the deal with next weeks episode? Are you going to wait till after the game awards to drop? Or regular episode and following week will discuss the reveals.


Thanks for reading my question. Clearly I'm much more of a Nintendo fanboy than you guys (although I really love the SEGA Dreamcast). Keep up the great work. Metroid is Nintendo's best franchise Cog!


Seeing a supposed leaker on 4chan talking about Prey 2 Neuroshock. If true, instantly my most anticipated game of generation.


Titanfall 2 def is the king of the grapple hook and movement. If that multiplayer had better progression and unlocks, I probably would’ve never stopped playing it. 1 of the most underrated complete packages in terms of a FPS.


I put over a month of game time into Halo Reach, and I've only played a couple hours of Infinite because of the lack of progression and no Team Slayer playlist.

Michael Limauro

Interesting regarding cyberpunk on Xbox. Cyberpunk was featured on the back of my series S box alongside halo infinite and forza. I thought it would be a shoe in for game pass


I just finished Deathloop moments ago. Great game but who the actual fuck nominated it for best narrative? I legit have a bone to pick with those people. I can't believe the way it.... ended...

Raymond Stuart

Great show and commentary with one exception, imo. Halo infinite MP criticism feels over sensational in this podcast. I understand the frustration. I also understand being negative gets fans excited. People who are moderate spenders will probably be done with the 6 month battle pass by February with the latest changes. Using an XP boost on your first 6 games means going up 2 levels per day. But even casual players can still easily complete the battle pass since it’s 6 months long. F2P games are created for a different audience than hardcore gamers typically. Plus, in comparison to the major melt downs of other major publishers (EA, Activision, CDPR) over the past year; 343 is acting very fast while still trying to prevent crunch. They are communicating positively. They are encouraging feedback and criticism but aren’t getting defensive. 343 is doing a stellar job. They missed the mark for core gamers. They’ve acknowledged that. But F2P games don’t cater to the immediate gratification feedback loop. They cater to FOMO. That will always make core gamers feel disappointed. I’m pretty confident the solo campaign will be praised by core gamers because it’s designed for them. #deathloopDD. I loved Deathloop.

Ren Quin

Anyone know why the new episodes of SS arnt popping up for me? I’m subed at $2 but I’m only getting defining duke not the others


I just got a Series S as my first Xbox console (Nintendo/Sega/PS up until now). I don’t have a 4K tv yet, so the resolution drop isn’t a deal for me, and digital only is a great way forward me to catch up on the 4 generations of Xbox exclusives I’ve missed out on. Honestly, the backwards compatibility initiative was a huge incentive for me, and I hope they change their mind on dropping it.


Agree with Cog, Detroit Become Human is a must play. Not without problems but great looking and maybe the best Quantic Dream title.

Carlos Moreno

I'm an island boyyyyy!!!!!