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Over the following weekend, a seemingly PR loaded announcement came out of SEGA in regards to them teaming up with Xbox. However, after the Dukes did some digging, there is much more than what meets the eye here. The last year and change has been decorated by under-the-radar dealing between the two and now they have revealed their most significant partnership to date. Is an acquisition happening in the coming years? If not, what are the bare minimum expectations from such a partnership? With Sarah Bond spearheading this teaming of the brands, we can certainly say it's gaming focused. In other notable Xbox news, Halo Infinite had a peculiar listing that eagle eyed outlets spotted. Going by the name of "early access" bundle, it appears to be self-explanatory that Xbox is taking the same route with Halo that they did with Forza. Otherwise, Xbox loses a notable indie exclusive after short window, Blizzard's woes continue in spectacular fashion, and Oculus makes some long overdue changes to the VR space.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:03:49 - Comments and corrections.

0:09:39 - What we’ve been playing.

0:23:43 - Who dropped the ball harder in their recent events - Sony or Microsoft?

0:27:57 - What are our favorite racing games?

0:33:25 - What kinds of biome diversity could be unique to the Halo franchise?

0:39:11 - What are our most defining moments as content creators?

0:48:03 - Is the currency of time a deterrent to using Game Pass?

0:53:20 - Microsoft and Sega have formed a strategic alliance and announced a “Super Game” initiative.

1:13:27 - 343 is preparing an Early Access bundle for Halo Infinite.

1:27:12 - Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 have been delayed due to, in part, a leadership change.

1:38:01 - Death’s Door, previously an Xbox exclusive, is headed to PlayStation.

1:40:43 - A Facebook account will soon not be needed to use Oculus Quest 2.

1:45:13 - Games are now available on Netflix.

1:48:47 - Coming soon to Game Pass…

1:55:22 - Game Pass pick of the week.

1:59:04 - How good does a game need to be at launch to pay full price?

2:05:58 - What do we need for Elder Scrolls 6 to be satisfactory?

2:13:35 - What are our sleep schedules like?

2:17:00 - Is Dragon Ball Fighterz the best Dragon Ball game?

2:19:47 - What workout program do we follow?




The outer-space sections in Halo 2, Reach and 4 were all amazing, so that's a great suggestion by Cog.


Awesome story Cog— did you guys ever listen to Three Red Lights before Podcast Unlocked by chance? Hillary Goldstein, Erik Brudvig, David Clayman, (and more) made a killer show that was funny way back. This is the best Xbox podcast for me in a long while.

Jesse spivey

So true story i only joined this patreon because i needed help getting the resistance burning skies online trophy i put the $5 up to join the discord and let me tell you this is the best community when it comes to rallying together to get a trophy/achievement i put the word out Johnny waffles found similar folks and the rest was history. Just thank you to this community.

Anthony Palerino

I will pay to play halo early so fast. Also imo Thruster as a pickup is def competitively viable. If power weapons are viable, than so is a thrust pickup. Power doesn’t have to just come from damage, it can be movement as well.

Craig Mcguire

I've bought every COD since BO2. It's a hard pass this year for me.


I loved Xbox back in the day. I was the only one amongst my friends who had an Xbox, whereas everyone had a PS2. I also had a PS2, but I just preferred to play on my Xbox. I felt games just looked and ran better on Xbox vs PS2, and I really liked the Xbox controller (the S, not the Duke lol). That carried over into the 360, where I played almost exclusively. I did eventually get a PS3, but only for MLB the Show. Towards the end of that generation, I graduated from college and moved to the city (Chicago) and was having so much fun that gaming kind of slipped out of my life for a few years. When PS4 and Xbox One were launching, my interest in gaming started to grow again. PS4 had MLB the Show and a lot of positive pub, and everything I read about Xbox One was a disaster. So even being a big Xbox fan from the beginning, when I jumped back into gaming I went with the PS4 and it ended up being the right choice. PS4 was amazing! I got addicted to trophy hunting in the games I loved, and got to play so many awesome games. Xbox wasn’t even on my radar anymore. When the new consoles were about to be revealed, I definitely intended to lock in a PS5 preorder. I was also going to try for a Series X, but for my nephew who is a big Xbox fan. He graduated 8th grade, had a summer birthday, and started high school all in the middle of a pandemic. I felt so bad for the kid, I had to hook him up! And here’s what happened… As we all know, the PS5 preordering was a fiasco. I ended up being one of the many, many unlucky who couldn’t secure one. Then later when the Series X preorders went live, between my wife and I trying in multiple places, we locked in 3 preorders lol. After some thought and considering the nightmare that was preordering a PS5, and the fact that I did love Xbox back in the day, I decided I’d keep 2 of the preorders. One for my nephew, and then one for myself. I canceled the third to hopefully free it up for someone that wanted it. Last November came around and I did the awesome Xbox Live into Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick and was locked in to Game Pass for 3 years for suuuuuuper cheap, and then my Series X arrived. Long story short, the Series X is already up there with my favorite console ever, and I can’t remember ever having this fun being a gamer. Game Pass is just amazing and it’s been so fun going back and catching up on so many games I’ve missed on Xbox over the years. Even though I played the original Gears of War multiplayer religiously on the 360, I had never played a Gears campaign before. Thanks to Game Pass, I’m a little bit more than halfway there as I just finished Geara 3 the other day. I’m trying to do the same with all of the Halo campaigns, again thanks to Game Pass. I couldn’t care less about cars and/or racing, but Forza Horizon 4 blew me away and I can’t wait to try 5 next week. Along with getting back into gaming, I started to search for good gaming related podcasts to listen to while at work. I found a bunch over the last year and a half or so, and have loved some and bounced off others. Sacred Symbols quickly became a favorite of mine, and after a while I became such a fan that I decided to sub to Last Stands patreon, something I was new to. This is how I discovered Defining Duke. I say this not to slight Sacred Symbols, because it is a great show and I still listen and anticipate new episodes. But I can honestly say that Defining Duke has become my favorite show in this Last Stand universe. That might slightly be influenced by how much I play on Xbox lately, but Matty and Cog are just awesome and I love the content. I did eventually get a PS5 late last year. Both the Series X and PS5 are awesome. I do play my Series X quite a bit more, but this generation has been off to a hell of a start and it’s just going to get better and better. Sorry for the super long post, just wanted to share my story a little bit but also give you guys props for the awesome show. Listening to this new episode right now. Keep up the good work!

Denver Walker

If I'm not mistaken you can no longer use a credit/debit cards to purchase PS3/Vita games. Dunno.. could be the issue? Not quite sure if they have implemented that little snag yet though. Best of luck chuck


It really can't be understated how much of an impact Cog has had on Defining Duke and Last Stand Media. His personality and positivity instantly transformed DD back into something I needed to hear everyweek, and since I was already doing that I started consuming the rest of LSM's content more regularly too. Which finally lead me to go, look... Colin, Chris, Dustin, Matty, and Cog are consistently putting out the best video game content on the web I can at least throw them a few bucks every month. Cog, you deserve every ounce of success you have earned! P.S. you can't forget Matty either. From day one you were engaging with the audience and trying to create the best show you could... And let's be honest there were More than a few episodes before Cog where you had to carry the weight of the whole thing on your shoulders.

Douglas Morreale

The worst part about Returnal is it got Millenial Games Content Creators abandoning level or map for "biome" 🙄


The Xbox-Sega partnership dynamic is whole new levels of interesting to me. Especially how Sega of Japan and Sega of America are very divided. With some musings that Sega of Japan outright just dislikes the US and Americans in general… perhaps they turned a new lead? The series X generation will definitely be an interesting one to come, to say the least. Awesome episode! And thank you for reading my mail!

David Taylor

If you ever want to try the 3DO release of Road Rash and dont have a 3DO it did get ported to the PS1 and Saturn (and prolly PC but that wont be easily playable nowadays). I havent played them in forever but if I remember correctly the PS1 port was pretty solid. Saturn version I remember not liking the music. Also check out Road Rash 3-D on PS1, not a great game but it does have Jason Tobin (Earl in the Fast series, Young Jun in Warrior, Virgil in Better Luck Tomorow) in it as a random gang leader in live action sequences.

Carlos Moreno

The thrusters as a pick up is the play! yea it gives you an advantage, the nature of winning the pickup over your opponents.