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Battlestar Galactica (Season Three) | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 194

Our return to Battlestar Galactica brings us to what many consider the show's weakest season, and that's certainly a valid perspective. But the reality is that, while season three took some weird turns and bottlenecked the show with some frustrating one-offs that felt more procedural and drama, it's still full of emotional moments, excellent acting, and a continuation of a core plot that finds our fledgling band of human survivors still seeking Earth, fleeing from their Cylon pursuers who are always only a step behind. We've said many times: Battlestar Galactica is a science fiction show, but it's more than that. It's a show about philosophy, religion, and existentialism, and that all comes out in droves during this contentious season. So jump your ships into orbit and hit play. And don't pay any attention to that music you may be hearing in the background... Check out our merch store at http://LastStandMedia.Shop A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #KnockBack #LastStandMedia #BattlestarGalactica


Rob Aitken

I fear that I missed the call for questions on this, so I shall go for the short-precise Colin comment reply. Is the Battle for New Caprica the best space battle sequence put to film or does the Battle of Endor still reign?

Rob Aitken

50:00 - Answers my Question, Patience in the Moriarity brothers, one should wait to listen entirely before commenting for the possibility is high they will have already discussed the question.

Julian Zhu

Really enjoyed this one guys. Looking forward to S4. Thank ya


Saul Tigh was my favorite character in season three. Helen's death scene was heartbreaking followed by the scene when Adama tells Tigh that he brought them back and Tigh says "not all of them" Lee's testimony at Baltar's trial was a good piece of dialog. My understanding from the DVD special features, Jamie Bamber nailed that scene in one take.


Ah, season 4... "THEY'RE IN THE FRAKING SHIP!!!!"

Liam Mcnulty

Contentious 3rd season!? It has some of the highest rated episodes on imdb. The Adama atmosphere drop is legendary. "The Adama Maneuver" lol. So say we all.


The third season was unpopular with fans. I remember, it was the first season I watched when it was one.

Liam Mcnulty

But, but I am a fan lol. Been watching since the mini series aired, but tbf back then I never really paid much attention to what other people said about it, that season had some of the burst episodes in the entire run, but also some random, stand alone episodes. It wasn't until a few years ago I noticed that season 3 is one of the highest rated seasons on imdb.


I'm not saying you're not. I'm saying: There were a lot of people that didn't like Season 3 when it aired. Not trying to fight with you; it's just a memory.

Liam Mcnulty

I know you're not! Was just clarifying that I wasn't really aware of what people were saying online about this show as it was airing. But we should still fight... Pillow fight, and upload it to an only fans. We'll make lots of Gil.