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A Transylvanian Triumph | Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast Episode 169

God Almighty, it's finally happened: The long-rumored (and much-leaked) Castlevania Advanced Collection is indeed coming to PlayStation 4. Actually, it's available right now, bringing along with it some wondrous vampiric action out of the clear blue sky (or dark night). Surprise! Then, in another piece of news that can only be described as For Colin, Square Enix randomly revealed a remake of 1991's SNES classic ActRaiser, also available now. Talk about random (and awesome). For many, though, the bigger news of the week will be word of former Sony second party partner Quantic Dream reportedly making a Star Wars game. And it's apparently not the Star Wars game you'd expect, leaving us much to discuss. Also percolating are some new THQ Nordic announcements, some key secrets hidden in both PS4's and PS5's recent firmware update, and even rumors that famous fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 2 may be making a comeback. Then, as is typical, we like to wrap things up with your inquiries. Will Sony ever update the PlayStation Plus Collection? Was the PlayStation 3 generation one of gaming history's very best? Could Microsoft's next purchase set off a cascade of bad press for the Xbox brand? Will Chris finally test the very boundaries of his mysterious and arcane powers? Get some Sacred Symbols merch! https://LastStandMedia.shop Follow the hosts on Twitter! Colin: https://twitter.com/notaxation Chris: https://twitter.com/ChrisRGun Dustin: https://twitter.com/DustinCanFly A new episode of Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast launches each Friday morning. To receive instant, ad-free access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia You can also subscribe to the audio version of the podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and other podcast providers, or use this link: https://open.spotify.com/show/1GKTOA7ZhIfrxIxSR0rg25 Listen to Colin's retro and nostalgia podcast, KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://bit.ly/KnockBackPod #PlayStation #LastStandMedia #SacredSymbols 0:00:00 - Intro 0:03:26 - Corrections, comments, and concerns. 0:19:35 - A few smaller news items. 0:33:32 - What do we appreciate the most from our favorite podcasts and talk shows? 0:40:36 - What have we been playing? 1:05:00 - Several games revealed at the Nintendo Direct are coming to PlayStation including a Castlevania collection, an Actraiser remake, and The Voice of Cards: Isle Dragon Roars. 1:20:09 - Rumors suggest Quantic Dream is working on a Star Wars game. 1:40:41 - PlayStation 5’s new firmware update, 2.0, is receiving nearly unanimous praise. 1:46:13 - THQ has revealed new PS5 games, with more in the works. 1:50:49 - Marvel vs. Capcom 2 may be getting a remaster. 1:56:01 - The Kloana platformers may also be getting the remaster treatment. 2:01:04 - News Wrap-Up 2:02:16 - If Sony were to acquire Konami, how do we want it to go down? 2:06:47 - Why hasn’t Sony said anything about additions or changes to the PS+ connection? 2:09:53 - What Marvel hero should Insomniac take on next? 2:14:29 - How do we feel about the PS3/360/Wii generation? 2:21:21 - Do we look for our legs in first person games? 2:28:11 - A Microsoft acquisition is heavily rumored. How do we think it might go down?



Thumbnail savant


Just got a promotion at my job and now a new episode of sacred symbols, this Friday keeps getting better and better!

Frank G.

Dustin looks like my 2 yr old without the stubble lol! Love it.

James Pies

Judging from the thumbnail, looks like Butler was a classy (and frightening) time.

Stephen Forgione

Was surprised we got a new spongebob game and not a remake of the movie game (which plays super similar to battle for bikini bottom) Rainbow studios has a soft spot in my heart due to making the 2006 Cars video game. Great open world racer

Michael Thew

Soul caliber IV for ps3 was the game with Vader in it, Xbox got yoda. SC III had exclusive characters as well, Spawn for 360, Link for GameCube (the version I got) and wait for it, Heihachi Mishima from tekken for Playstation.. he don’t even have a weapon

Josh Jelen

Hey Colin, if you are a big fan of ActRaiser you may end up liking Smelter that was just recently released on PS5. The game follows a similar premise with the side scroller and top down gameplay aspects mixed together, with the side scrolling part feeling very Megaman X. It may or may not click with you, but thought I would just give the mention in case you hadn't seen it and possibly be of interest.


As Cog would say, Game Pass games are "free ninety-nine" which I think we should adapt to mean "paid for with a subscription" instead of what it actually means.

Jake H.

I believe this will be the exact type of correction you said you DO NOT want, however: You mentioned Sol Cresta was the game aping ActRaiser, but that’s actually an upcoming shoot-em-up game from Platinum Games. The indie game you were thinking of that was inspired by ActRaiser is Sol Seraph.

Ryan Harvey

Colin, in Tales of Arise I got stuck heading to the flame gates for hours!! Press the left dpad in the field and it will show your quests - when you choose the quest you can press square to see where the location you need to head to is. If you open up the map with square you can press triangle to see locations in a handy list. The amount of time it took for me to find it is totally ridiculous but I hope this helps! I'm almost 50 hours in and it just keeps getting better. Just wanted to comment this because I got so frustrated playing and getting lost for hours until I eventually figured these actions out.

Julian Zhu

Ah man this has been a crazy (good) last like 10 or so days for gaming on PS, we're talking deathloop, kena, tales, death stranding DD, D2 Remake, lost judgement and now castlevania advance and actraiser. What do I sink my teeth into guys?! I'm thinking castlevania advance because I completely missed these games growing up. Also, Dustin I agree with your sentiment on deathloop and ratings. Personally I found it to be a good game with high highs but overall underwhelming compared to dishonored 1/2, much like Matty, because in a lot of ways it feels like Arkane-Lite. But I couldn't care less about the dialogue around the game right now -- whether it's a 10/10 masterpiece or not. When did we become so obsessed with such black and white conversations about an arbitrary number scale for rating a game and not about the nuance of a game and what it does well and doesn't do well and what it personally means to an individual. I prefer conversations like "I loved deathloop for x and x and I disliked it for x and x" rather than "deathloop is definitively a 10/10 masterpiece no question" or "this game is overhyped garbage." That is why I preview long form discussion roundtables or analysis videos/critiques about games and film rather than 5-10 min reviews.


Come on Colin you're better than cheating to get that Kena platinum lol. If I can't beat the game on master then I don't deserve the platinum!


Also you guys are not reviewing games your giving your opinions on the news in the game industry as a whole there is a difference

Marc Cairney

Chriiiissstiiffaaaa. -Mom.

Joaquin Branche

Colin, let me start by saying I love you, I respect the way your mind works and I personally feel that the way you think is what sets you apart from your constituents. That being said I personally feel that you're completely wrong when it comes to Xbox and their acquisition strategy. Saying things like "Why the fuck do you need Ninja Theory?" I sat there like "What?', "Who wouldn't want Ninja Theory?". I implore you to please have Jez on as soon as possible to explain more on this topic specifically as that guy is (in my mind) what you are to Playstation to Xbox. I would bet my plums Xbox buying a SEGA or WB games would lead to zero pushback from anybody outside that playstation ecosystem and given how long that has been your go to console, I believe that it has skewed your viewpoint a bit. Respectfully.


I understand the gripe with the "free" terminology when used to describe offerings from services like Game Pass or PS+, but it sort of feels pedantic to me at the same time. Yes, captial is still being exchanged for goods/services, but after the value threshold the cost-per-title starts rounding to zero pretty quickly. It shakes out to $120 a year, if I play two would-be $60 games a year on the service (I do) than in a sense everything else after that is "free." I have always used this same defense for PS+ as well, so it's not just some console warrior thing. Again, I get it... But it just feels pedantic to me. Especially since one can easily argue nothing is truly ever "free."


I don't consider that cheating, per se. Two playthroughs are annoying for a game like this, and if there's a way around that, so be it. If I have to do it straight-up, I will. =)


I think people are looking at this as a numbers game. How does Ninja Theory fit into Xbox's culture, or help define them? That's why I said: Undead Labs made sense. That studio just doesn't.


It's definitely pedantic, but it's also true that you're paying for Gamepass and that games there aren't free. So I like the idea of coming up with some fresher terminology.

Mark Michaels

Working on the platinum for this now. The timing was perfect, I just finished getting the Symphony of The Night Requiem platinum. Also working on Demons Souls finally. I love 100% my favorite games of all time. Playing these games again after all this time has really made me realize the entire souls series is just a 3D representation of Castlevania.

Kevin Jay

Damn Dustin went off in the end on Microsoft. He just laid the hammer down on motherfuckers haha.

Piston Pants

When Chris with concern was saying you have Insomniac who did Sunset overdrive doing Spiderman and Wolverine, Quantic who did Detroit doing Star wars, and io interactive who did hitman doing James Bond all I thought was "yeah that all sounds awesome"

Nygile Oliver

Did you guys ever hear about the story of the Quantic Dream workplace being sued and David Cage running out of court crying a few months ago? It was wild

Nygile Oliver

Commented this right before hearing yall say Darth Vader and Yoda were in Injustice 2 instead of Soul Calibur, shaking and pissing and crying and throwing up right now, cant believe this

Greg Hommel

Ok guys, I have a unique daydream and you have a unique problem. Let’s work together. I have a daydream that I am not a 40 yr. old husband and father with a career and that I could someday be a part of the multimedia beast that is Last Stand Media. You guys are in the unique position that not a one of you gives a flying fuck about one of the biggest Sony First Party titles in existence, Gran Turismo 7. Perhaps I could pretend that you need me to write a review for you to help you out, considering the backlog growth potential next year is off the chart. You then could let me know how I did. I have exhausted every GT title from PSP to GT Sport which I still play multiple times weekly. I’m quite excited to get the next iteration, as I’m sure many of your fans are, but I know you guys aren’t going to cover it in any detail. Just for fun, how about it? Keep on creating this diverse content. Stop fucking chickens though. SEN name is KillerTomato.


Hey Greg! We discussed a few weeks ago that we will definitely have someone on + that can speak with authority on GT when we get closer to launch.

David P

The issue of an (over?) abundance of licensed games is something I've shown some concern/disdain for, especially from Sony's first party and my worry that their other studios may end up working on marvel/star wars in particular which leaves those of us who don't care for them out in the cold. I mean, getting a truly great star wars or batman or spiderman game is great for those people, they were overdue- but I loved how much new stuff the PS4 generation gave us.


Colin, you fetishize PlayStaiton to an obscene degree. The premise that potential acquisitions require a multi-year, intimate relationship prior to a transaction is romanticizing Sony's business model. That's cool and all, but it doesn't make Xbox's acquisitions unwarranted. Microsoft has all the money in the world. The reason they bought the studios they did is because their cultures aligned. Phil Spencer didn't put names into a hat and choose them at random. Ninja Theory was acquired because they had storytelling chops held back by resources available to them. It also filled a hole in Xbox's portfolio which requires diversity for the sake of Game Pass. It's pretty straightforward. I'd be hesitant to act like Xbox is the only one making moves because of some inherent necessity, too. PlayStation would be out acquiring more studios if Sony could afford them. Instead, they opt for timed exclusivity deals of which there are at least a half dozen known of thus far. That sounds to me like they don't even have the content in-house to satiate demand. It's not like they just bought three smaller studios recently either. Chris mentioned how important a company's image is and you suggested that Microsoft would get shit if they bought another publisher. Just look at how everyone reacted to The Initiative partnering with Crystal Dynamics which became the manufactured controversy of the week. Xbox has done this with Relic and Splash Damage before. Nintendo does this all of the time. PlayStation did with with KojiPro and Guerrilla. People will find a way to get mad at Xbox regardless of what they do, and Xbox's leadership knows this which makes the threat hollow and moot.

Ryan Hayman

1:39:40 "Off the beaten-meat path"


cod vanguard runs to good on pc. best running cod yet on pc for sure.


I think we're at the border where I don't want to see anything more, personally. Spider-Man and Wolverine are fine, and a second party timed KOTOR remake, cool. But I tend to agree that their efforts are best spent on existing IP and hopefully some new stuff.


You're certainly free to believe whatever you'd like. If Microsoft is the focal point of industry consolidation, then they will be the focal point of my criticism. There's nothing fetishistic about pointing out that, save Nixxes, you'd have to go all the way back to PSone's founding to find a PlayStation studio acquisition in which there wasn't a deep relationship there: Bend, Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, Sucker Punch, Polyphony Digital, Housemarque, Insomniac, Media Molecule, etc. Also closed studios, from Liverpool and Zipper to BigBig and Evolution. All of them worked with Sony on exclusives -- often multiple -- before being bought. And shit, Nixxes is like the very definition of a surgical strike based on need. Not exactly buying Ninja Theory for ???, but I digress. What percentage of Microsoft's acquisitions are like that? Since that percentage is infinitesimal, is that not newsworthy? Since their competitors don't do business like that, is it not worth drawing that comparison? Since neither of their competitors ever bought a publisher, full stop, nonetheless maybe more than one, if rumors are to be believed, is that not something worth talking about? Like it or not, we'll keep talking.


On the topic of language change, “Ye olde” is said as “The old.” The “th” sound was represented by a letter called thorn, which then evolved (for reasons) into a “y.” Then again, I suppose this is consistent with Chris’s broader point. Most people probably say “yee” incorrectly, just like their misuse other words and sounds.


Studios Xbox built from scratch: - 343i - Turn 10 - The Coalition - World's Edge - The Initiative Where's PlayStation's organic growth of AAA teams in comparison? Studios Xbox had long-term relationships with: - Undead Labs - Playground Games (of which Xbox opened an entirely new 200 person studio under for Fable) That's a third of their studios. Throw names out like Compulsion, InXile or Ninja Theory and these were small indie teams that Xbox has staffed up immensely. Compulsion were 30 people when We Happy Few shipped and just moved into a studio to accommodate 120 people. Hellblade was only developed by a staff of ~30 persons because the rest of the studio had to take out contract work to fund the project. Don't use the world consolidation in the same sentence as these tiny, financially struggling teams. Even Bethesda, arguably, had been a close partner of Xbox since they first entered the console space. Hey, remember how PlayStation tried to buy Leyou not too long ago and were outbid by Tencent, what was the connection there? Like I said, PlayStation simply can't afford to spend like Microsoft, so you fetishize their approach to acquisitions which is the only option available to them. You can keep talking all you want, Colin, but I see more people on social beginning to realize that Xbox as part of LSM is coming across as one big grift. You're one of the most ignorant pundits on the subject of Xbox. Let me repeat myself: The only Xbox guy as part of LSM is Cog and it shows.


Loved the ep! I don’t usually comment but just wanted to add; I play my ps3 and ps2 all the time, my PS4 on the other hand hasn’t been turned on for a year or so. I don’t currently have any intention of getting a ps5 as I’ve moved back over to Xbox for newer titles, but if Sony allowed for backwards compatibility on the ps5 I’d certainly consider moving back over… I’m sure there are many others who have a similar mindset - don’t underestimate the sleazy underbelly that is us retro gamers! Really love the podcast and I greatly appreciate all of your efforts, especially the big c - been following you since the ign days. Haven’t always agreed with your depraved Yankee opinions, but I have always respected your honesty and integrity. Glad to see your success, it’s well deserved and there’s alot of us out here who are proud of you. Stay safe boys. 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ 🇺🇸🛫🌍🛬🇬🇧🎙👨‍👦‍👦🎙💐👏🏽🙏🏼❤️


I don't underestimate retro gamers, but it's still a niche. As these machines begin to break, it's gonna be sad out there. =\ Thank you for your kind words.<3

Blake Wall

Speaking of Klonoa that game has messed up ending

Blake Wall

If you are planning on playing Klonoa at some point I recommend not spoiling it it's a pretty good twist and currently the cheapest way to play it officially is on the ps3/vita

Wayne Moss

I think insomniac would make a really good DareDevil game for Marvel. Wouldn’t mind seeing them try a darker take on a Marvel game you know hiding in the shadows of knight in Hell’s Kitchen.