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God Almighty, it's finally happened: The long-rumored (and much-leaked) Castlevania Advanced Collection is indeed coming to PlayStation 4. Actually, it's available right now, bringing along with it some wondrous vampiric action out of the clear blue sky (or dark night). Surprise! Then, in another piece of news that can only be described as For Colin, Square Enix randomly revealed a remake of 1991's SNES classic ActRaiser, also available now. Talk about random (and awesome). For many, though, the bigger news of the week will be word of former Sony second party partner Quantic Dream reportedly making a Star Wars game. And it's apparently not the Star Wars game you'd expect, leaving us much to discuss. Also percolating are some new THQ Nordic announcements, some key secrets hidden in both PS4's and PS5's recent firmware update, and even rumors that famous fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 2 may be making a comeback. Then, as is typical, we like to wrap things up with your inquiries. Will Sony ever update the PlayStation Plus Collection? Was the PlayStation 3 generation one of gaming history's very best? Could Microsoft's next purchase set off a cascade of bad press for the Xbox brand? Will Chris finally test the very boundaries of his mysterious and arcane powers?


0:00:00 - Intro

0:03:26 - Corrections, comments, and concerns.

0:19:24 - A few smaller news items.

0:31:03 - What do we appreciate the most from our favorite podcasts and talk shows?

0:38:01 - What have we been playing?

1:02:05 - Several games revealed at the Nintendo Direct are coming to PlayStation including a Castlevania collection, an Actraiser remake, and The Voice of Cards: Isle Dragon Roars.

1:17:05 - Rumors suggest Quantic Dream is working on a Star Wars game.

1:37:12 - PlayStation 5’s new firmware update, 2.0, is receiving nearly unanimous praise.

1:42:41 - THQ has revealed new PS5 games, with more in the works.

1:47:13 - Marvel vs. Capcom 2 may be getting a remaster.

1:52:24 - The Kloana platformers may also be getting the remaster treatment.

1:57:26 - News Wrap-Up

1:58:39 - If Sony were to acquire Konami, how do we want it to go down?

2:03:02 - Why hasn’t Sony said anything about additions or changes to the PS+ connection?

2:06:06 - What Marvel hero should Insomniac take on next?

2:10:37 - How do we feel about the PS3/360/Wii generation?

2:17:27 - Do we look for our legs in first person games?

2:24:09 - A Microsoft acquisition is heavily rumored. How do we think it might go down?



ur ppnballs

So happy you got your castlevania!!!

Raymond Aludino

Hmmm. The perfect podcast while working.


Remember when people hated Konami a few years ago... Yup like usual gamers moved on and forgot. I didn't see anything outside of praise for Konami yesterday when they released the Castlevania advance collection. 🤷‍♂️


Colin's point on Microsoft acquiring EA to just put sports games on game pass, like yeah how is that a bad thing lol? there's a massive market for people who just play those games


Colin, gotta say thanks for the music recommendations on twitter. anchor drops has a tracklist of back to back jams!

james o halloran

I think the guys take on Microsoft is slightly short focused, Microsoft couldn't give a crap about short term bad press from hardcore gamers if it means long term gains and to own a much bigger slice of the gaming market. People will be annoyed at first if they acquire a publisher but then after a few months the value proposition gets so big that people will quickly just go to where the games are especially if the price of admission a subscription to game pass is so low.


If mvc2 gets a remaster I will, to quote Colin “Shit across town”


Dude, it's an amazing record. So glad you're enjoying it. Walletsworth and Wife Soup are nuts.


Was listening today during my walk and I will admit I too always call the games form Gamepass, PS+ free when they in fact are not. They are just included with your subscription. Actually I think the only games that are truely free are the Xbox 360 games with Xbox Live Gold? Even then I think they may have eventually changed due to gamepass. Even the "Free" PS games are only when you have a membership according to thier site.

Hose A Contra Razz

PSN games aren’t free the claimed games end when your subscription ends so if he’s mad about gamepass games being free he should mad about psn also

Luke Silletta

Deathloop is really good. For me it solves lots of issues I had with the Dishonored games. Mainly the fact that in Dishonored I felt like I was always missing things in the levels. In Deathloop you get to explore Arkanes amazing level design with a fine tooth comb and discover so many cool things. Huge surprise hit for me.

Big titty drinker

I disagree with Dustin that movie should be kept separate from games. For alot of people wanting to experience thier favorite movie, show, anime , sport ect as a game is what got them into gaming in the 1st place. If the IP is interesting enough why not translate it to a game?

Samuel Ashley

Colin you mentioned that you installed kena and disconnected your ps from the internet, but does it not bother you to miss any patches that would potentially eliminate any bugs you would come across while playing? Personally I’m pretty ocd about playing the best version of a game which makes it hard for me to play a game right when it’s launched. Also I believe it was Soulcaliber IV that had Yoda and Darth Vader characters separate to the ps3 and 360.

James McGivern

Language can evolve, sure, but that doesn't mean every way people change how they use language is a good change. The shift of the definition of literally reduced precision and increased ambiguity in how we use words. Considering that language is intended to clearly communicate ideas, any change to conventions that makes language *less clear* is a bad change.

Andy T

Hey boys- excellent episode. I love my series x- it’s a great console. But to your discussion about Microsoft buying more studios/publishers- they still haven’t done anything. Where are the games? The ascent- middling. 12 minutes- middling deaths door- ok. They haven’t proven that they can guide studios to great release after great release. Show us the games.

Zack Fair

Cant understand why people thought spiderman 2 would be co-op. Like insomniac and PlayStation aint stupid, a co-op game would hurt their sales plus they didn't imply a co-op game by having the two spidermen shown. I know I didn't

Brandon Soto

More like Assholevania, amiright??!? *raises hand for high-five*


The tales gald issue is to make the game balanced. I am 80 percent thru the game and have had 0 issues with less gald. People just want to cheese the game

James Good

Shadowrun is a turn-based RPG with Party mechanics. You create a character, choose their race, class, and background and then you play through a linear story while managing your stats, companions, and Loot. Isn't really a strategy game. It's more like old school fallout or Dragon Age: Origins. Great game that mixes fantasy. and cyberpunk.


At around the 58min marker you guys talk about gaming positions and let me introduce you to 2 items I bought a couple years ago. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W6CLMMH/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PY6SS73/ These 2 items is how I play sp and co-op games. Not at all time but once in awhile when you feeling like a lazy boy😴


I was straight mortified and saddened that Microsoft bought Bethesda. Arkane made some of my favorite games last gen (Dishonored series & Prey) and I'm definitely going to miss them most. Not being able to platinum their future games suck. 2nd was Bethesda itself. I loved Skyrim and liked Fallout 4 a lot. I had to buy a Series X to play Starfield. I didn't want to buy a SX lol.

Julian Zhu

This is how i feel too. I will definitely be playing Bethesda titles on pc, but I will miss their trophies. That's an entire dimension lost.

james o halloran

All the games you listed are not Xbox game studio games. Psychonauts, Forza horizon 5, halo infinite , flight simulator are games realised or to be realised in the last 6 months by Microsoft. Also deaths door is a must play it's absolutely fantastic made by two guys.

Joshua Brown

Two hours and forty one minutes? The ad said three thousand.

Craig Mcguire

I understand the skepticism around Micrsosoft, although I maintain the 2K stuff is bullshit and obviously not something anyone should want. I think they are trending in the right way, partnerships post Scalebound cancellation have largely done well critically. I think the Xbox one gen and 343 really spoils the water with Xbox studios. 343 are such a basket case it overshadows the consistant good stuff Turn 10 and Coalition put out with minimal drama, they added Playground who alos knows how to ship and worked exclusively as 2nd party before being aquired. I don't blame anyone for an overly skeptical eye with them though and the recent Initiative news certainly add an interesting wrinkle to the conversation as it's potentially a sign of another studio struggling but also a sign of Microsoft taking extra steps to get it done.

Kenneth Oms

Darth vader and Yoda were in the soul caliber games too. That’s what Chris is referring to by yoda being on Xbox and vader being on PlayStation. Link was in the GameCube version of soul caliber


I was wondering if some of this was people coming into JRPGs not understanding the full expectations of the experience (i.e. grinding).


I've seen setups like these, and I want them... but then it feels like it defeats the purpose of being in a living room or bedroom.


Yeah, 343 cast a shadow for sure... and I think they kinda still do. I'm eager to see how Halo turns out, because they've gobbled up so much time and money...

Jason Cartwright

The best choice for a first party star wars game: A new Star Wars Racer made by Polyphony


Oi, Wanted was a fun game. How dare you

Jeremy Seal

The definitive version of Soul Reaver and Marvel vs Capcom 2 are the Dreamcast versions.

The Eclectic Gamer

Whether it was said in jest or not, the fact of the matter is that Knockback has a direct impact on video game discussion on Sacred and it is absolutely disheartening. As someone who quite proudly finds the time to play all the stellar new releases whether AAA, indie, and everything in between, I can’t help but think that the main show is negatively impacted by fewer deep dives into video game conversations as everything is just surface level impressions. I think we should pull back on some of the niche news items and try to do that but there are these patrons that are feverishly stuck in the past who just wanna hear about a TV series or a movie or a decades-old video game when there is so much amazing stuff going on right now in the game industry. So while I adore metal gear solid 3… It’s actually my favorite overall metal gear, i’d rather see Colin play Deathloop, Kena, Disco Elysium and ultimately Jett, FarCry 6, House of Ashes, Solar Ash, The campaign for the upcoming call of duty as they are all 2021 PlayStation 5 releases. I even said it in a community thread post that Deathloop is likely going to be a 2022 playthrough for colin as well as the Iki Island content for ghost of Tsushima, Kena will likely be a short interstitial that he tackles sooner than late (by the way just finished it last night and it’s currently a top-five game for me this year the battles and environment and lore I thought were really cool) and Tails will be meander through and perhaps enjoyed by the end of it and I really don’t know where far cry 6 fits into the whole spectrum… I miss the days of SideQuest where they were actually timely video game reviews although they were few and far between.


I also use the Two TV system. But I two TV's through out the entire year.


Of course it has an effect. No one said otherwise. I'm under no obligation to play anything other than what I want to play. We pushed the MGS2 episode of KnockBack back literally four or five times over two months because I hadn't played it through yet. The brilliance of Sacred is that we play what we want, when we want, as we want. This is an industry, analysis, and news show, not a reviews show. It never has been. Also: I don't just play games and then sit down and record podcasts. I have a life, I own two businesses, I have many, many, many, many other responsibilities. I think you need to give me a break. <3 P.S. There's little likelihood I play Iki, ever. I'm not very interested in it. I think you're fooling yourself if you think I don't play and beat Deathloop, Kena, Far Cry 6, and Tales before the end of this year.

John Pliskin

A crapton of sodium on this pod at the end. A take two sized purchase is def coming. Cry more

John Pliskin

Lmao its worth the $5 bucks a month to watch you guys shake in your boots. All this xbox talk on a PS podcast. Maybe because Sony doesnt have shit for you guys to talk about lmao. Cry more


Chris's rant about seeing your nose got me


You're very welcome to be here, disagree, and post about it all you want. But if you're going to be hostile to me, other LSM folks, or any listeners, you will be banned. You can disagree with us without insulting us, and if you do again, you'll find out how little I care about your money.

John Pliskin

Oh so now its an “insult” all i said was cry. You’re clearly hurt over your preferred toy company not being able to compete money wise. I really dont care about your threats bro lmao.

The Eclectic Gamer

That’s a load of malarkey…your gonna dislike Deathloop and bounce off. Play Kena and try to overthink it, Tales at the very end of year like you did with FF7R and likely play FarCry 6 at launch, but get annoyed at trophies. Chris’ PS5 is likely not going to be played or even unpacked from storage and Dustin’s just going to have a cup of coffee with a dozen games from now until December…the X factor is none of you have children so a few 6-8 hour game sessions can change everything.


As far as reflections go, the first time I noticed it was way back in Metroid Prime on GameCube! There’s a mirror you can see Samus and the reflection of her face reflecting in her visor when certain gun flashes happen.

Giovanni D'Amico

This used to scare the absolute hell out of me. I don't even know why. It wasn't a scary face or anything - I think it just startled me to see a face out of nowhere when getting the simultaneous startle of taking damage. I'm going to go YouTube it and see if it's anything like what I remember. Edit: OOF omg yes, I hate it. It's terrifying.


Col, the video game fantasy draft idea was actually started by our buddy Shane Satterfield. He was the first to do it. “Always thinking.” Always obsessing more like. lol The 360 generation will always be my “golden age” of gaming. I’m not opposed to Xbox buying anyone because that’ll be more games that I don’t have to pay full price for.

Michael Brennan

I have to disagree with Chris....we shouldn't be changing the definition of words because people are unable to speak eloquently and insist on butchering the language. You "literally" sound like an idiot when you repeatedly use words incorrectly. If everyone starts referring to cars as houses and vice versa, are we going to swap the definitions? This must stop.

Shawn Hayden

Darth Vader is not in injustice 2. He is in Soul Caliber 6 on ps3, and maybe on 360 now. I'm remembering them bringing the exclusive characters over eventually for some reason.


He's right that words evolve in meaning; my problem is that there are two words that were once opposite that mean the same thing.

Ladder Ape

Whilst I have enjoyed the few Castlevania games I have played, I can't help but feel their weight in modern gaming is overblown. No game in the series has ever outsold Spongebob's latest romp at 2 million copies. I would enjoy hearing thoughts on where they should take the series. A 3d game could use God of War as a template. Thanks again.


Just because they didn't sell well doesn't mean they aren't special. Every Metroid game combined was outsold by Horizon.