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Attack of the Clones | KnockBack: The Retro and Nostalgia Podcast Episode 189

By the time 2002 rolled around, people were already pretty disenchanted with what would become known as the Star Wars Prequels. 1999's Phantom Menace left much to be desired, but there was great hope Attack of the Clones would turn things around. After all, it's the Empire Strikes Back of this particular trilogy, but as we all know, it's nowhere near as good. Yet, there's no denying that, for us, this movie is better than we remembered. But there's still much to say about Hayden Christensen, Kamino and Geonosis, Jango and Boba Fett, Tusken Raider slaughter, Yoda's lightsaber battle, a '50s diner, and much, much more. So put away the death sticks, hit play, and join us for yet another chat about A Galaxy Far, Far Away. Check out our merch store at http://LastStandMedia.Shop A new episode of KnockBack launches each Monday morning. To receive instant access, as well as other perks, please support the show on Patreon at http://patreon.com/LastStandMedia #StarWars #KnockBack #LastStandMedia


Luis Gonzalez

I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

Shwetank Shukla (Sam)

Proud of you and Dagan Immensely for sitting through this Bad (Floating) Alien Apple. Keep up the awesome work , Definitely my least favorite Star Wars film by a mile. Cant wait for your Revenge of the Sith review. Cheers Sam :D :D

Al Rodriguez

You guys deserve the Medal of Honor.

Toren R. (KESA)

I know Hayden is bad... But I always thought that much of his delivery was based on having the same cadence and tone as James Earl Jones... Like, try to talk like JEJ without making your voice deeper than it naturally is, and if you're not a 250lb+ old Black man, I bet it sounds hilllllllarious. Idk, I'm probably crazy, but that's what I remember hearing.

Michael Thew

I liked this movie and Anakin was whinny like Luke. Idk I’ll give you guys a pass on ripping this one but I really like episode 3. So be nice, otherwise I’ll have to kill a school of padawans

Eli Manning

I saw this movie as a kid, the perfect age for Jar-Jar to stick, and yet I never loved him. I didn't mind him let alone despise him, but I always knew he wasn't that cool. So yes, Dagan is correct in saying that as a kid he wouldn't have even liked Jar-Jar.

John Nelson

I have to mention this, but you guys forgot to talk about the soundtrack...what did you think in particular about Anakin and Padme's love theme?

Cole Medvec

I love hearing your perspective. As someone born in 1996, I view the prequels the way you do the OT. Ironically, I find the OT to be very cringe worthy 😂. We can agree the sequels suck, though. Keep spreading that jelly

Walker Simmons

This was always by far my least favorite Star Wars movie....until episode 9 came out.

Adam Niksch

It was mine until 8 came out. And was second to bottom until 9 came out. I really thought we couldn’t do worse than this one (although it hasn’t aged as bad as I thought) but yet here we are…

Jakejames Lugo

Gonna be honest, I've lightened up on the prequel films over the years. Especially with my feelings on the sequel trilogy now, I've looked at episode 1-3 in a very different light than when I first saw them. Time definitely smooths out edges.

Julian Zhu

love the AoT tee, Dagan!

Caleb Greer

Awesome episode. But Idk Colin, I must disagree with your take on the Clones vs. Droids. I understand the argument that it’s less visceral, but we’ve seen the opposite already, and it adds more than it detracts. It’s sheer numbers versus the ability to think and adapt. It adds ethical and moral questions about life and the nature of war and the willingness of the “good guys” to use genetically edited humans as fodder. With the Clone Wars show, we get to see the nuances of their personalities and the brotherhood that’s there in the face of what they have to do and their struggles with what they are, as well as the relationships they have with their Jedi superiors (and the heartbreak of what they’re unwillingly forced to do later). Plus, it doesn’t take away from the Stormtroopers. The clones rapidly age and are quickly phased out. Tarkin actually oversees this in the recent Bad Batch show (bless Dave Filoni’s vision).

Michael Miller

Oddly enough, I think the 4K/HD remasters of these three films has made the dated CGI stick out more.


Sounds like there's a lot of external lore I'm not familiar with. But I guess that's the point... most of us aren't!

Arquimedes Quintero II

I’m the same age as Colin but I didn’t grow up with Star Wars. My entry was episode 1, which I enjoyed. I would like to understand what Colin refers to when he says “they ruined…” x, y and z. Is he referring to what the fandom had cooked up in their collective imagination or his imagination as an individual fan?, is he referring to novels, comics or something like that ?. Because it seems to me that the expectation was that they would stick to the archetypes (like Yoda being like this Kung Fu master who doesn’t need to fight). If I have to guess, I think fans just went to the movie demanding “blow my mind” and the writers just fell short in almost every regard. Is that fair? I don’t know.

Arquimedes Quintero II

I would love an animated remake of the original trilogy and the prequels, but one that adds and improves the whole experience and makes it more cohesive and believable. Also, no Jar Jar…. Maaaaybe Ewoks but make that battle less childish. A good scary, agile and cunning Ewok army could be awesome.

Adam Niksch

Colin is right here. I love the lore around the prequels (clone wars and bad batch are both great), but there’s way too much important information buried in those shows. The Clone Wars absolutely makes the prequels better, but it shouldn’t be necessary. George tried to do too much, and I believe he realized that before episode 3 came out. Here’s a great example. If you just watched the movies, I’d argue that Qui-Gon is a completely unnecessary character. He’s neat, but why he’s in the story always wasn’t very clear just from the films. But, I now understand the idea of the dual of the fates was literally referring to the fate of anakin, in that if qui-gon lived anakin would be fine but him dying would mean a dark end for anakin. That wasn’t clear from the films.

FourEyes Malone

As always a great episode, I really enjoy your Star Wars discussions.

Caleb Greer

Yeah, I would accept if you just stayed within the bounds of the movies, it isn’t as good. Clone Wars is like such essential viewing at this point: it pretty much anchors and is the basis for The Mandalorian, and a lot of characters or plot threads show up in other things. Plus it makes the prequels better, like you say.


We don't forget things... usually. We just don't talk about everything. What's most relevant to us will shine through.

Adam Niksch

No doubt about it that it’s basically required viewing at this point to truly appreciate the stuff on Disney + right now. Mandalorian is still a solid show, but it’s so much better when you’ve seen Clone Wars (and Rebels too).

Alexander Lucas

Just please… please. Pronounce Count Dooku appropriately. Please

Cole Medvec

Forgive me, Father. After listening, I definitely have different feelings than you too, but it’s interesting hearing the other side nonetheless.