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By the time 2002 rolled around, people were already pretty disenchanted with what would become known as the Star Wars Prequels. 1999's Phantom Menace left much to be desired, but there was great hope Attack of the Clones would turn things around. After all, it's the Empire Strikes Back of this particular trilogy, but as we all know, it's nowhere near as good. Yet, there's no denying that, for us, this movie is better than we remembered. But there's still much to say about Hayden Christensen, Kamino and Geonosis, Jango and Boba Fett, Tusken Raider slaughter, Yoda's lightsaber battle, a '50s diner, and much, much more. So put away the death sticks, hit play, and join us for yet another chat about A Galaxy Far, Far Away.



Ben Williams

Can't wait to hear this one!! One of the worst Star Wars movies ever haha


The fated day has finally come...Dexter Jettster and his 50s diner...

Cole Barker

The Star Wars movie that made me a fan lol


we need knockback episodes on M. Night Shyamalan’s “the good trilogy” (sixth sense, unbreakable, signs)! gonna have to start lobbying at the next general election one by one…

Dr Stump

Hell YES! Been waiting for this one.

Stephen Forgione

Going to be interesting to see what the discourse will be on the prequels and sequels when enough time has been removed from both trilogies. We may already see it, but I think the prequels will win out long-term for being more original and having better action.


my brother in law and i are having a disagreement about this right now… i’m the one that doesn’t like it

George Sinclair

I'm not emotionally ready for this, I love those films haha

Alan Hayden

I agree the time jumps are problematic, along with some other choices made. I do think however that the casting of Christensen and his performances are a little overblown or harsh. Lucas apparently is known as being a director that's not great with actor's. He also did really well in Ep.3 I feel. I'm also a little confused as to what Colin wanted as he suggests Anakin should be more earnest and good etc so we see the contrast of his demise more, but the conception of the twins to take place in such a dark way. Is this not a little too strong for one film? I think the complacency and hubris displayed by the Jedi and Obi-Wan was the perfect way to go about Anakin's downfall. Exposing him to the seduction of Palpatine essentially, making it all the more tragic. Had Qui-Gon survived none of it would have happened. All in all, it's not good overall. But the prequels are aging well, particularly in a soulless corporate Star Wars environment. Thanks for the episode guys, loved it. Have a good day! P.S I seen it in theaters as a kid too, everyone laughed at Yoda unfortunately!

Lou & Rei Loper

I love you two quite a lot...but for my own sanity I'm going to EMPHATICALLY skip this episode to avoid losing it while thinking about this movie again. Rei and I watched it again earlier this year (with the rest) and I didn't think it was possible for me to dislike it any more...except that I FIRMLY can say that this is unquestionably the worst fucking movie I've ever seen. Sweet Jesus I hate this fucking movie. Love the podcast, you two are the best lol.

Eric Cyr

It's quite unfortunate that alot of the political intrigue and important/interesting plot points take place after this film in the clone wars animated series from 2008

Dylan Weaver

Say what you want about the prequel films but I was always interested in the political drama aspect of them. I can only dream that one day we’ll get a mini series on the inter workings of the republic

Jacob R.

Good stuff :)! Would love to see your own takes on what the prequels should have been akin to what y’all did with the new trilogy.

Adam Niksch

I’ll jump in and answer one question Dagan had as I’m the one who submitted Episode 3. I honestly didn’t think you needed to do Episode 2 first, as it’s definitely the weakest of the George Lucas films, while in my eyes 3 is a legitimately good movie. I wanted to hear your thoughts on something I felt was good (but I’ll save more on 3 for that topic). Good talk overall. I watched it most recently prior to episode 9 and agree that it’s not as bad as I remember, much like Episode 1. Don’t be too hard on Hayden though. He’s better in 3, but really suffered from the fact that George was the writer, director, and creative lead on the movie. I personally don’t think any actor would have stood a chance with that setup, especially someone who was an unknown. George is best as a creative lead and letting others write and direct (see Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Clone Wars series).


Woohoo! This means we're one step closer to episode 3, my personal favorite (not the best, just my favorite). Episode 2 is one of my least favorite star wars but the soundtrack is so good. Across the Stars is gorgeous even if it's just a slowed down version of the Hook theme.

Arquimedes Quintero II

I can’t stop watching the Matrix Resurrections trailer. It gives me goosebumps. Btw, I think TENET is a great film. It gets better every time I watch it (and I’ve watched it many times).

Adam Niksch

I think you’re right. The prequels have their issues but at least there’s a story there that connects all 3. The sequels are really just a giant mess stitched together to sort of make a trilogy. There’s no cohesion between them. Plus episode 3 is actually good…

Ryan Zimm

I am sorry, but Padme being raped might be the worst idea I've ever heard. If it were a Non-Prequel, fine. But the entire crux of Jedi is the redeeming of Anikan. If Luke was the product of rape, that redemption would be ridiculous. It literally would ruin the whole series (I kid....the whole series has long been ruined)

Robbie Agnew

Movie is trash, but I still enjoy it. Probably just because I grew up with it. But enjoy the pit battles, jhengo Fett stuff and the romance scenes are so bad they are great.


TENET is pretty cool, but it is so confusing to me. I still don't understand how a temporal pincer works... I need to rewatch it.

Arquimedes Quintero II

When I heard it I thought that would make more sense than what happens in episode 2, but you’re right that it would break the original trilogy.

There’s No I in LLC

I remember this being the first movie I thought was bad.

Arquimedes Quintero II

The prequels themselves are an argument against totalitarian governments. The existence of Jar Jar makes it obvious that no one in the production had the authority ir the balls to call Lucas on his bad ideas, bad writing, bad casting or bad direction (mostly of dialogue or character moments).


I was 8 years old when episode 1 came out and I absolutely loved this trilogy and saw them all multiple times in theater when they came out. And then I stopped watching star wars for years for no real reason and one day on Amazon I saw the 2 trilogy bluray sets on sale and I bought them and I started with the prequels and I couldn't even make it halfway through episode 1 before I realized how boring and bad the movie was and as I continued through the prequel trilogy I was just finding so many things I didn't like about them and I haven't even attempted to watch them since then and I even let a friend borrow the prequels so he could watch them with his daughter and she couldn't even make it through episode 1 without ripping it apart and yet watched 4-9 and loved them

Jeremy Seal

I do buy into the Jar-Jar is a secret Sith Lord, especially after he gave emergency power to the Emperor. I could see Jar-Jar being a bigger villain in the trilogy before the huge backlash to his character.

Joseph Losinno

Just started listening. Happy to hear you were happier with this one. You really need to watch the Clone Wars show and Rebels! The OT trilogy is still the best but these shows really wrap up the era of the six films nicely

Bogey Zero

Oh man all your complaints about Anakin are completely fixed in The Clone Wars. You see the friendship between him and Obi-Wan really fleshed out. He struggles with Jedi Council's teachings but truly believes in them and wants to do good. He's not some psychopath that just wants to kill people because he's evil. He's a man that wants to save everyone he loves no matter what, even if it means having to kill. Plus he's waaaay better acted in the show. He went from being my most hated star wars characters to my favorite in the Clone Wars. It really matches well with Obi-Wan reminiscing about their relationship in A New Hope.


I'm of the mind that maybe we've been too harsh on Lucas all this time, but I don't know for sure. No one was keeping him within the lines, for sure.


It wouldn't have made any sense for us to do 3 without 2, if for anything than to remind us what is what.


Dude, one comment per thread. Edit your original comment if you have more to say. You're spamming at this point.


Colin have I been pronouncing Count Dooku wrong my entire life? When I google it it’s pronounced “doo-koo” as I’ve always done but you are saying “doko” if I’m not mistaken


Hey guys! Just wanted to say that so far I'm loving the episode. Really amazing analysis of one of the most controversial movies in nerdy fandom history. I wanted to provide my quick take on how I think that Anakin would be "easily" fixed. I think you basically said all the ways that the movie fails: the acting, the writing, maybe the casting. But I think a way that Lucas could have had everthing that he put in this movie, but still managed to pull it off maybe is having Anakin transition from a whiny 19yo to a stoic and very importantly: *not talkative* 20 yo. BTW I kinda disagree with you guys and think he plays a pretty convincing 19 year old... trust me I have cousins that age. They are super whiny. Just imagine growing up with people always telling you how to be this ninja monk and you always excelling at everthing... I think it would make you a not very modest and annoying teen I think. In other words 1 quick fix. Have him start talkative (whiny) and end closed off emotionally and not talkative at all. That's the key! Have him talk less. The trigger for this could be the Jedi Council reprimanding him for being a maverick basically. But like actually punishing him in some way... not the passive aggressive way they dealt with him. This would also push him towards Palpatine. Another bonus that I got from this is that it would fix his relationship with Padme. Have him woo Padme right in the middle. Between him being talkative and closed off. Lastly the the "breaking point" would be the sand people scene, just like Dagan said. And after that basically he's just a mute. I think that it would be hard to pull off but thinking about Mad Max in the last movie proves to me that you can have an almost mute character and still have him be likeable. Anyways thanks for the great content!

Kenneth Oms

great episode as always. I enjoy some of the lore the prequels expand but man we’re they hard to watch. Especially how this movie is structured, so many cuts from anakin to obi then back. I wish they would just redo the movies like they did with the Clone Wars cartoon. Way better.


It's not a bad idea, although I do think the fundamental issue is the necessary change in actor by starting so young.

Reuben Barrett

I love that you two just riffing come up with better ideas than the actual Star Wars writers. The idea of Anakins killing of the Sand People being told by Uncle Ben is brilliant!


Just wanted to reiterate that I must be crazy because I didn’t mind Yoda doing his badass flips and I prefer the newer trilogy over the prequels. 😅

Jake Shapiro

Y’all gotta chill out with the Hayden Christensen hate. Seems to me your problems with “his performance” are actually just problems with the script and directing. I’m not saying he deserves an Oscar, but IMO he did fine given his situation. Let me put this in terms you’ll understand Collin: Hayden Christensen is to the prequel trilogy as Sam Darnold is to the 2018-2020 Jets.


Thanks for reading the whole comment 😂. I agree that is one of the biggest issues of the prequel trilogy.


Ya wanna buy some death sticks?


I'm pretty sure the bad relationship between Mandalorians and Jedi was started by KOTOR (if not, whatever KOTOR was based on). One of the important characters in that game, Revan, closed out the Mandalorian War (you're told this in the opening cinematic). Also, I'm pretty sure the Mandalorian War is when the Jedi first decided to fight on behalf of the Republic. That's why the Jedi are basically military officers in the prequel trilogy.


Bad delivery and bad acting is all down to George's 'faster, more intense' style of directing. He just isn't interested in humans and emotions, he wants to show you new groundbreaking SFX, and connect the dots of his overarching story. It's hard to take issue with Hayden, when all of the actors in the prequels are wooden and one-note. Ewan has a weird take on watching the slaughter of younglings in EPIII, too - he says 'I can't bear to watch this', matter-of-factly, turns the recording off, and continues the conversation emotionlessly - this moment always stood out to me, and I'm sure there are more examples of his weird delivery in the other movies.