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Heating Up Feat. Jimmy Champane | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 117

Just last week, Sony began to roll out a new model of the PlayStation 5 with a few new internal revisions. Among the changes, the most significant is a drastically smaller heat sink. This was first uncovered by Jimmy Champane of PSReady and YouTuber Austin Evans in a video that caused quite the controversy. So what's really going on here? I (Dustin) invited Jimmy on to discuss their findings and the backlash around the video. We also dive into the state of PlayStation 5 hardware and where we see things going in the future. This one is for the fans of the technical side of things. Enjoy!



I just resubscribed yesterday for the first time since your launch year. LSM is so value focused and concerned about community in a way that doesn't feel insincere. I am glad to help support content like this. You Chris, Dustin, Matty, and Cog have become one of the most imporant parts of my very rough year. Thank you!


Man, i so dislike the unashamed clickbaity videos from Jimmy Champane and often full of lies, can't believe he's made his way to last stand Media 👎🏼


This is first time that I'm bit disappointed in the content because you are spreading not accurate information. Problem with Austin video wasn't that he used camera connected to his phone, problem is the testing methodology. He only measured exhaust temperature (not even exactly same place on both consoles) and based on that he said that new revision of PS5 is running hotter. You can't make that assumption based on such testing! Temperature of exhausted air can of course mean that console is running hotter but it can also mean that revised cooling system has better performance and it makes better job at dissipating temperature away from the components. Fan in the console is different, it can move more air the therefore also keep components at lower temperature. My point is, you can't say that console is running hotter unless you measured actual components temperature. There is good Digital Foundry article about it which I recommend for everyone to read. Sorry to say but I expected more due diligence from you.

Jordan Avery

I don't intend to insult anyone, but there is a bit of misinformation here and a problem with the testing methodology performed by Austin Evans. I appreciate all you guys do but I hope that we can see a follow-up on this subject after other outlets or Austin Evans uses proper testing methodology for this particular scenario. Thanks for the episode, hope the live event goes well!


I’m with the other commenters so far. The problem with this is a combination of a fundamental misunderstanding of how a cooling system should work and jumping to conclusions without complete information. Is the processor itself running hotter, or is the new cooling system more efficiently removing heat from it, which manifests in a higher temp output from the exhaust? Tbh, the latter makes more sense, but you’d want to actually test the processor temps. Either way, talking about this in such an illogical way is just irritating to listen to


He didn't say he new the increase in heat was for sure a defect or anything they just shared there results they the console runs hotter what it means is up to interpretation you all need to calm down there's nothing wrong with this episode at least in my opinion


That is the thing, we don't know if it runs hotter. We know for sure only that it exhaust more heat which doesn't have to mean that it runs hotter.


How do you know the video was full of inaccurate information when you certainly didn't listen to it before posting? Please don't be like that. It's lame. -Colin

Jake H.

Hmmm, in that fantastic episode with More’s Law is Dead the other week, he said that the on-board custom SSD in the PS5 was better than anything on the market for PC right now, whereas Jimmy Champagne states in this episode that an off the shelf WD BLACK SSD with a heat sink is faster than the one in the PS5. I’m no technical expert so I won’t play pretend, but this seems like a clear contradiction, no? I’d be curious to hear which assessment is accurate.


In terms of raw input/output, the new pcie gen 4 drives are faster, something like 5.5GB/sec vs 7GB/sec read speeds. But Sony has a custom controller that assists with priority, decompression, and other tasks that make the internal drive (and to a lesser extent, off-the-shelf expandable drives) faster for the particular use case of gaming, vs putting one of the off-the-shelf nvme drives in your PC


All these nerds in the comments. I will say this - I too, enjoy hot sex.

Shaun Wilkinson

Austin Evans is a liar and a fraud unfortunately.


Austin Evans is neither of those things. Your fanboyism is clouding your judgement and you need to grow up.

Shaun Wilkinson

In this case he most definitely is. Honestly, using “fanboyism” towards someone that has a different opinion as you is just boring and lazy at this point. He lied in his video and again in his response video, which is even worse! His methods were laughable and he used a shitty click bait title. He’s pathetic honestly.


He didn’t lie about anything. I’m not calling you a fanboy because you have a different opinion, I’m calling you a fanboy because you’re so mad about what a youtuber had to say about a console you like that you’re throwing out slanderous shit like “liar and fraud” with no basis. No one likes it when people do this shit to Colin, Chris, and Dustin, but now it’s okay and even preferable because the mean man Austin Evans said the new model console runs hotter? Give me a break. Again, you and anyone else spouting this nonsense over a video observation these guys made needs to grow up.

Shaun Wilkinson

Do your research. Everyone knows he lied, it’s right there on video lol. I’m no “fanboy”, I’m just a gamer that doesn’t appreciate people lying to their audience…


You repeat that someone lies without saying what the lie is, you repeat false information and reject the basic physics behind the observations made. You’re not just a fanboy, you’re an immature bandwagoner with little common sense. Do your own research and quit being so mad when someone criticizes your favorite piece of plastic.

Christian Longo

The Spencer guy clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about. “Reject basic physics” 🤦🏻‍♂️The video measured exhaust heat which is a super inaccurate way of measuring heat in any hardware. Hotter exhaust can also be a good thing, it means heat is better being pushed out of the system therefore cooling it better.... and temperature doesn't shorten lifespan of electronics as long as it's within manufacturer specifications. Things that actually damage electronics are overheating and overvoltage beyond limits etc. If hotter equaled shorter lifespan you'd have 9900k CPUs dying instantly.

Shaun Wilkinson

I’ve seen the videos, I know what he did and it suck. He made a mistake and hopefully he’ll learn from it and not do it again. The temperature reading he was taking was from the exhaust and not the internal heat, so that’s laughable for starters. He then said it would effect performance in his first video and then denied he said that in his own response video. The whole thing is scummy click bait and amateurish. Search for “Austin Evans lied” on YouTube and you see it all laid out.


@Christian, no one said anything about lifespan or performance. The fact is that it runs hotter. That’s all. There is NO product that exists that has a smaller heatsink that “more efficiently” removes heat and therefore keeps the SoC cooler, unless it has a vapor chamber. That’s not how heatsinks work, and this does not have a vapor chamber. Hotter exhaust is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s never a good thing. The level of denial by the PlayStation community surrounding this - almost all from people that DONT EVEN OWN THIS MODEL btw - is astounding and frankly, pathetic.

Christian Longo

Literally in this video they say it can affect the longevity of the console… you’re the only one in denial here guy

Shaun Wilkinson

Austin took external readings, not internal, so he’s talking nonsense… he’s a YouTube and not an engineer and he lied. More than once. It’s as simple as that.


Yessss!!! Dustin Preach about back buttons… the Filthy casuals must learn!!!


Is the PS5 over-engineered or just poorly designed? I'm leaning towards the latter. Clearly it's so big because cooling was an issue but that stand has to be one of the worst design elements Sony has ever made. Let's hope we don't end up with the "Blue Ring of Death" in 18 months time.


Check out the recent write up that Digital Foundry did. It’s far more informative than Austin Evans’ video. That guy is one of the most annoying techtubers ever.


Steve from GamersNexus should give us a better understanding of the new cooling system.

Big Boss Games

This isn't the first time Austin is wrong about the PS5. It's starting to become really annoying. No problem with criticism on the PS5, but be sure you're talking facts!!! Anyways, keep up the good work LSM! You guys are fucking nailing it!!!


Speaking on fan noise and will the ps5 be loud in a few years.. I think that’s probably doubtful other than a few handful of cases but fan noise will be an issue in the future. I have a high end pc with an expensive top of the line heat sink and that baby is loooouuuud. The parts are massive and take a lot of power to run and that’s why a lot of pc gamers have taken the liquid cooling route. I don’t see consoles ever having liquid cooling for the simple fact it’s even more expensive to have therefore increases console prices even more. All and all I think on the console side whether these “new” ps5 is gonna have fan issues or not, we should probably get used to it like in previous gens. That’s why I wear the 3D pulse headphones. No noise lol


My PS5 is already significantly louder than the PS4 ever was

Cristian Colta

https://www.igorslab.de/en/sony-playstation-5-why-the-new-ps5-is-even-better-than-the-old-and-a-superficial-view-is-wrong/ New info on the topic. I really think this episode needs a redo. I'd love it if it was with the same 2 people.

Nathan Paxton

I strongly disliked this episode, for all the reasons others mentioned above. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

Hoder Erroneus Jensen

Personally I don't need it, it's properly the worst SS+ episode to date, as the episode is built on incorrect understandings and outdated information. Austin fucked up and Jimmy clearly doesn't have the tech knowledge to speak about this. I'm sure Jimmy is annoyed that his boss fucked up, as it affects him, but at least he was smart enough to not make a shitty incorrect clickbait title like Austin. I would advice LSM on not doing tech heavy videos, as they simply doesn't have the expertise or knowledge to cover it. If they want to, they need to have a proper expert on, like on the "moore law is dead episode", that was a great episode.

Cristian Colta

https://youtu.be/v55u3Xrjf-c New info on the topic. This episode needs a remake. Remaster. Re imagining.