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Many of you miss Fireside Chats, Last Stand's original podcast that ran from 2017 until 2019. Within, I interviewed all sorts of people from all walks of life, and while I still chat with folks about games, I wanted to make an exception today and expand the net a little. Welcome popular YouTuber Finn Mckenty -- also known as The Punk Rock MBA -- to the show. Finn's specialties are music and business, but today, we discuss being an online creator. Beginning with fanzines and even applying to GameFan in the '90s, Finn found his way to YouTube stardom and financial success because of hard work, determination, and a willingness to do what's necessary to break through. For those who want to know what it's like to go out on your own and chase your dream, whether in or outside of games, we hope this different kind of episode resonates with you.



Brandon Breeland

LET'S GOOO YES FINN! I just watched his Avril Lavigne video this morning haha love this guy, super excited for this!


Yes! Please do more of this kind of episodes!

Kyle Toker

Oh awesome! I went through a period of watching his videos all the time. It's been a while though I should check back in!


Helll yeah.


DUDE! No way! Finn rocks!! Thanks for making my Tuesday infinitely better at work

Cody Richter

I was literally about to ask when he was going to be on the show after having to be rescheduled a while back. Really looking forward to this one! Two of my favorite personalities on one show!

Shaun Wilkinson

Another great episode. This is a well known quote but it came to mind when “luck”came up. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” - Seneca

Dakota Brown

Thank you for introducing to me to this guy. He seems right up my alley with his content. I also appreciate his personality. You guys rock!

Liam Fagan

I will tell my future kids, that today was the day that fireside chats made a comeback.

Lou & Rei Loper

No idea who this guy is....but you dangle the words 'Fireside Chats' in front of me and I'm in 😁👍


This was a great episode, more please!

Zack Fair

Who is this guy??

Michael Candelaria

Hell yes, I've been looking forward to this one

Joshua Brown

Colin is going to interview Filip Muicin?! This could be the game industry’s Frost Nixon. Who’s next? Marty Sliva?

Kenneth Oms

Great episode. I didn’t even know about this creators work before, going to check him out!


Awesome episode. I need that ign shirt😂


Absolutely awesome episode as expected. Huge fan of Finn so this was a match made in heaven. Looking forward to the next one Colin! As an aside one very unexpected turn this episode took for me was when you started talking about how Micah actually encourages you. Out of nowhere I bursted out crying which was a first for any SS shows. Given how my previous partner had a tendency to be the opposite with my current business that hit hard I guess. I imagine if I had a partner like Micah I would describe my feelings in a pretty similar fashion to how you did. Happy for you to have a partnership that works like that :)


Please have him on again. Great show


You're a great interviewer; thankful for any and all fireside chats!


I was with someone like you were describing. It isn't easy. When you find the right person, you will know.


This might be the best thing I have listened to in Years!

Sam Hammond

Excellent episode, totally looking forward to more episodes with Finn!

Matthew Cooper

This was a great conversation. Very good points brought up. I've always thought job security was overrated and an illusion. The only real job security is being as good at your job as you can be. Working for some big company, some manager three levels above you can decide one day he can increase efficiency by 2% by merging two departments and eliminating "redundancies" aka you. In a way being self-employed is the most secure situation possible; what, am I going to fire myself? Luck matters, but not as much as hustle and work ethic. Sure, sometimes life has dice rolls and opportunities find you. But the more you apply yourself and grind, the more chances you get to roll the dice. If you never leave the couch, you never give yourself a chance. It also ties into most people's poor financial management. People who have big mortgages, big student loans, high credit card balances, and/or big car loans have so much weighing them down, they can't stomache the risk that comes from striking it out on their own and leaving a cushy, but possibly soul sucking corporate job. They cling to some false "security". Whereas people who avoid all debt and save money are usually more comfortable taking chances and pursuing new opportunities, because they can balance it with their personal financial stability.


I agree with a lot of what you said. About luck, I think it's omnipresent, but hard work (and having a good work ethic) can never, ever hurt you. No one missed an opportunity that meant anything because they worked too hard.


This man is offering an inspirational tale about content creation, YouTube and the like. If you ever want someone to offer a cautionary tale, please reach out. I think the “creator mentality” can be applied to ventures more worth most people’s time. Seriously, if you want someone to offer the opposition’s perspective, reach out.

Chris Bradberry

Wow. This was such an excellent episode. I had never heard of Fin, and honestly only listened because I finished all of the other content. Man, I am glad I didn’t skip this one. This episode demonstrated Colin’s unbelievable interview skills, allowed Dustin to expand upon he and Holly’s life, and introduced me to the very articulate and interesting Fin. Well done.


Heads up the tag is under regular Sacred Symbols. So for mobile users of the app who uses it content it wouldn’t show.


That’s fair, the show was more about him and less about whether you should get into content creation as a career.

Sergio Pina

I think the hidden Gem for those who listen to this show is the fact he's interviewing And you interviewing Filip Miucin soon! That's going to be an amazing listen.


This was awesome! Bring him back!!!


Adored this. Great work

ur ppnballs

This really put my gears to work. Much appreciated.

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-09 13:46:42 Glad to hear it. <3
2021-08-29 19:06:25 Glad to hear it. <3

Glad to hear it. <3