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Alongside a fantastic technical preview for Halo Infinite's multiplayer came some scary news for fans who have been waiting years for Infinite to finally drop. For starters, story spoilers are spreading throughout the web thanks to campaign files which were data mined from that very technical preview. That's not all as the very fitting battle royale mode may have also been discovered thanks to some voice lines uncovered by Jeff Steitzer! What do all these leaks make for the future of this make-or-break title for Xbox? The Duke discuss! Furthermore, Forza Motorsport 7 has been curiously delisted  from all Xbox digital marketplaces. It's still playable and available, but the racing sim sized hole is now being filled with questions. With other Game Pass games tangled with licenses suffer a similar fate? The Ascent launched this past week on Xbox, PC, and Game Pass! It's yet another important exclusive as Xbox finds its legs. Matty and Cog dig in on what works and doesn't for this beautiful twin stick shooting action RPG. In other news, the Activision Blizzard situation continues to develop with a new page being added to the sorrowful storybook day by day. We finally delve into the ugly situation and all it has to offer.


0:00:00 - Intro

0:08:32 - Will Halo Infinite’s multiplayer and single player components both launch on time?

0:16:36 - What are our thoughts on Scorn?

0:19:37 - How do we feel about The Ascent?

0:30:42 - Is Matty a Sony Pony?

0:39:27 - Why are the versions of some games not equal across PC and console?

0:45:34 - Will Halo Infinite have a battle royale mode?

0:53:12 - Forza Motorsport 7 will reach end of life status on September 15th.

1:01:17 - Game Pass additions and departures.

1:04:59 - The Ascent has a new update but still has issues.

1:05:39 - The Activision-Blizzard situation has gone from bad to worse.

1:19:04 - 2K is set to announce a new franchise.

1:28:58 - Game Pass pick of the week.

1:32:14 - Why does the UK lean so heavily towards PlayStation?

1:37:00 - What Microsoft properties should have a dedicated team?

1:42:17 - Are we looking forward to Tales of Arise?

1:47:05 - What Xbox games can we not stand talking about?

1:53:42 - What’s wrong with my elbow?





Guns vs Kittens

Pause. In regards to Matty needing to be more engratiated with the Xbox ecosystem as far as achievements are concerned, I am of two minds. 1: Matty should be able to enjoy whatever ecosystem he desires, and if he likes Trophies then so be it. The metgame is a fraction of the overall player base (as we have heard them yell at Colin for not playing FF7R on PS5 because of trophies). 2: There is a point to be made on one facet, almost all games are made with trophies in mind. That being said, occasionally there are broken achievement triggers. Most recently with the games Operation Tango and Doki Doki Literature club having broken "platinum" achievements on the Xbox because their ecosystem has no equivalent. Overall, there is no particular reason he should feel compelled to play on a system he doesn't feel like playing on. We encouraged Colin to play on Xbox, we should extend the same courtesy to Matty


A note on Mattys Xbox loyalty, I’ve noticed a bit too much deference to the PlayStation crowd. I’ve said it before but Matty at times is more Playcation than PlayStation or Xbox. He does have a slight tendency to pander. Matty’s a good kid he means well but again, he does come across as pandering to Last Stands primary audience at times. Cog on the other hand comes off as “balls deep” and yet…manages to be more candid and thus more genuine that Matty.


Obviously Matty needs to get an Xbox tattoo to show he's true to the Xbox brand. For example it would be hard to argue against your Xbox loyalty when you have little Xbox power symbols under your eye for every year your Xbox live account has been active. You can use that one but feel free to make it your own.


I echo Matty’s thoughts exactly on The Ascent.

Dano Bass

About the elbow thing...go to a medical massage therapist like me lol It's just compartment syndrome and tendonitis. Active and myofascial release 😁 Book an appointment with me (Newburyport, ma)


I loved this one dukes! Thanks for the health info. Much love! ❤️🤘🏼


First, english is not my native language, so sorry for grammar mistake :D. Hey Matt and Cog. First, thanks for the awesome show. About my opinion on Xbox Loyalty, I don't want loyalty. It has no value for what I'm looking for in this podcast. Too much loyalty can bring too much subjectivity. I don't want sheep, I want discernment and more than one view and people that are passionate about gaming. I would say that to be on a Xbox Podcast, you need interest in the brand, products and their games, enough experience with it and something to say about it that has value for gamer and the industry. I'm interested in critical discussion about the good, the bad and mostly suggestion on how to improve it. I'm here to learn, explore and go in depth on the Xbox Platform/Ecosystem. And DD is doing all of that. Both host do a great job and I don't expect to agree about everything they say. This is how I know this show is really good. Like Cog said, what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. Good gaming everyone!


*Reads timestamps* Wait a minute… Did you not talk about how August had a good Games with Gold for the first time in months?!


If I’m gonna be fair to Matty when talking about Xbox news or games sometimes you talk about how you got the platinum for x game sometimes. I do think you share a preference to PlayStation cause of the terminology you use even talking about games that where better on the 360 you bring up how you played it on the PS3. Now does this mean matty is a Sony pony hell no he’s not toxic as fuck like the twitter fuck heads. However subconsciously Matty your language and terms heavily favor PlayStation terms more. That’s about it.


I don't think that Patreon questioner meant to call out Matty as a Sony Pony. He was just stating that Matty should maybe play multiplat stuff on Xbox because that is an easy way to become a better host on an Xbox podcast. Basically: gaining more Xbox expertise >>> getting meaningless trophies (I turn off trophies/achievements like ACG). So yeah I didn't find that question to be fanboy-based, and I think Matty took it the wrong way. Maybe the questioner could have done a better job with phrasing his/her argument.

David P

I remember you saying PS4 *was* your preferred console last generation. I don't think you seem to particularly prefer Playstation at the moment. That being said, I've used my Series X a ton but I still prefer trophies because of the platinum, which caps the whole thing off nicely. Right now my biggest drive for achievements is probably microsoft rewards, and so far I've only 100%'d one game on Xbox (Banjo Kazooie lol) On the other hand, it makes games that normally wouldn't have platinums feel less insignificant. I know on PS lists without a plat would seem not as compelling to go for. For better or worse, it doesn't feel like an issue on xbox.

The Chicken Chaser

Yo Matty calling out the email I sent him lol

Perfect platypus

So pumped to have my question read out at the top of the podcast thanks guys. Great show BTW you guys are killing it 👏

Douglas Morreale

"How dare the leadership at Activision stand up for their company and not commit Seppuku on their YouTube channel. No due process, burn them at the stake!" ~ Matty, Schreier and others of their ilk in the lynch mob.


I genuinely was unbothered by it, I promise you. Thought it was a valid idea to discuss!


Who encourages Colin to play on Xbox? I’ve never seen that, but you might be right. And while I agree that Matty should play on the console that he wants, I find that the more one person plays on one console the more knowledge they have of that platform. And honestly there is a certain respect that comes with having more than 100 platinums on PS. Just like there is a certain respect that comes from having 1M Gamerscore (Rand al Thor 19). I respect Colin (and Rand) for that. Call me crazy but that shows me he’s put in the time to get those.


I probably read you wrong then. No worries. Love the pod.


Cog says What’s the argument to not having Battle Royale? I’d say it’s that it takes up resources that could otherwise go towards the standard mp.

David Taylor

The Forza games disappearing from digital sale after a set amount of time seems to be pretty standard even before Gamepass, I think they only license the cars for 4 years so they are not paying money to support games that are way past popularity. I think that is why the physical versions of the games tend to hold value far longer than other Xbox titles. I just grabbed Ori 2 and Gears 5 from Gamestop for $5 brand new but used copies of Forza titles, even some from the 360 era, tend to be between $20 and $40 used. It will almost definitely happen to Horizon 4 next year so I would pick it up if you ever see it on sale if that is a concern.

Zack Fair

I'm a PlayStation gamer, but all you xbox fanboys need to get off having a pop at Matty, the disrespect towards him is unbelievable. The guy should be able to play on whichever console he's feeling that day without having salty xbox fanboys commenting all the time and having a dig at him