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Eastern Europe has never been explored in Resident Evil, that is until the launch of RE Village, known colloquially as RE8. In a direct sequel to 2017's Resident Evil 7, players once again find themselves in the role of the mysterious Ethan Winters, this time as he chases an undead mystery many thousands of miles from Louisiana. What he finds on the other end of his voyage is a small, seemingly-abandoned town run by a Christian Orthodox-like cult-of-personality, and... well... the zombie slaughter-fest ensues. We hope you enjoy our chat, and remember: Spoilers linger everywhere within.



Kenneth Oms

Now my Tuesday is really looking up thank you bois!

Big titty drinker

Fucking these chickens all of the world bruh all over the world!

Quintin Propes

Ahhh taking the kids to therapy and this drops. Thank you gentlemen!


I was hoping Matty would be on this. He said before he wanted to do a spoiler cast for Resident Evil


Debating listening now to pass the time at work faster, or save it for the drive home. Toughest decision of the day.


have you messed around much with the silent hill games, Colin? it’s a rare breed of survival horror that other developers have been trying to ape since its death incredibly interested about the direction of the series going forward like you guys. was that ethan approaching the car at the end of the game? will we play as the bad guy in RE9? lots to look forward to

Timothy Martin

Great episode! Thanks for including my question!


I gotta agree with the platinum trophy comment - the S rank trophy is probably the hardest trophy I’ve ever achieved


I'm surprised they barely talked about the Chris segment

Tyler Cumerford

I honestly don't really understand the love for the dollhouse. It just seemed like a PT ripoff and then it gets worse by doing the cliche Outlast "all you can do is hide" segment with a monster on rails. It felt very uninspired in my opinion.

Jack Sibert

Couldn't disagree more regarding Heisenberg and the last level. Really enjoyed it

Timothy Martin

I thought it was less terrible than most of the games media. The fish level was WAY worse in my opinion


I played the first two, but it's been very long. In high school, my friend Bryce and I rented both, and would switch playing and "driving" on GameFAQs using a walkthrough. =)

Big titty drinker

Not a big fan of this game. Just kinda bored me gamplay wise. Re 2 remake is much better imo.

Tyler Cumerford

Yeah Idk it just felt copied. Even the whole baby horror setpiece is just like the fetus wiggling around in the sink in PT and the constant baby cries 😂 kinda weird

D'Ante Almo

If Chris wants a good horror movie set during the day he should watch midsommar 😂

Big titty drinker

Speaking of horror games... konami letting blooper team make silent hill is a complete fucking L jesus christ.

Brandon L Bevilacqua

I agree and I dont. It honestly depends on the section bc i feel this game is like 3/5 different horror games in 1


It’s not as bad as it seems. I suck at games and I managed to get the trophy in like 5 hours once I watched a few suggestion videos.

Big Boss Games

Yeah 😂 Midsommar is a really fucked up movie 😂. Very good tough.

Guybrush Threepwood

i watched an hour long documentary about midsommar u can find it on youtube they analyze everything in htere, its actually really interesting. i think the channel is Truthstream Media

Dan T

Woah Colin, I thought I was listening at 1.5x speed at first, lol

Samuel Zamora

In regards to the Platinum trophy, that damn Legendary Cowboy trophy for S rank in Mercenaries Mode is a bitch-in-half. Same as that write in, I’ve been stuck with at needing that last one for the Plat. I hope they nerf or update to make getting that trophy easier. I’ve beaten that game more than 10x and have everything unlocked except that dang trophy /unlock-able associated and the EZ Answerer light saber. Had this not been so dang hard for me, I would’ve had the platinum within the launch week. Overall I loved this game which is crazy cuz I hated RE7 and still do… that game ranks at the bottom of all the RE titles mainline or not. Let’s hope Resident Evil Outbreak remake/ file #3 comes out! I’d take Chris’ idea of an Outbreak game set in Japan. That would be dope!


Yeah, it stopped me from even endeavoring to get the other Trophies. Being one Trophy away from a Platinum is obnoxious; I don't intentionally put myself in such situations.


I love how Heisenburg called Chris a "Boulder-Punching Asshole". I couldn't stop laughing.

Shawn McDonough

As a massive RE dweeb I found this episode a bit frustrating. I really just wanted to be there to offer insight and lore