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First and foremost, a big thank to Karak for being an excellent host for Defining Duke. We will miss his commentary, jokes, and analysis on the latest in Xbox. With that in mind, Defining Duke will soon be bringing a new host on board that we will announce soon. Onto the news! Xbox has touted the cloud for years and now they're making big hirings and one in particular is for Hideo Kojima to help him make something for Xbox. The prospect of Xbox extracting one of the dominant players in the PlayStation space certainly is tantalizing and it looks like they plan to make big moves to ensure it goes according to their desires. Aside from that, EA is looking to resurrect (HA!) Dead Space! Hailing from EA Motive, it is reportedly a re-imagining and not a direct sequel. What does this mean for the survival horror franchise and EA's approach to reviving old franchises? More pressing, what are our thoughts on the nature of leaks full on spoiling big reveals? Matty and Ben team up to tackle this and much more!


0:00:37 - Intro and an announcement about Karak’s departure.

0:04:31 - Does adding buggy games to Game Pass hurt the future of the service?

0:11:30 - What Marvel character would we like to see a game developed for Xbox?

0:15:02 - Should the Banjo Kazooie series be revived?

0:18:42 - Will Warner Bros/AT&T sell off their remaining studios?

0:23:32 - Is Xbox’s lineup becoming too cluttered?

0:29:07 - Would PlayStation want their subscription gaming service on Xbox if they had one?

0:34:04 - Xbox appears to be working on something cloud related with Kojima.

0:42:55 - A Dead Space revival of some sort seems to be in the works.

0:50:54 -  Game Pass updates.

1:00:04 - Disney wants to bring more of their IP to Sea of Thieves.

1:10:05 - The development of Psychonauts 2 has reportedly been free of crunch.

1:12:04 - Monitors optimized to work best with Xbox Series consoles are on their way.

1:15:34 - Game Pass and Backwards Compatible picks of the week.

1:23:00 - Is “fans” a bad word?

1:27:42 - Should Microsoft utilize Bethesda to acquire new studios?

1:30:38 - Is the next The Outer Worlds game going to be too big?

1:35:12 - What old games should get remade with new engines?

1:41:17 - What can 2D games do to be considered next gen?



Dylan Manuszak

I'll co-host. Hit me up 😄


Karak thank you. Always saw you on YouTube as ACG and always stumbled across your reviews. It wasn't until this podcast that I started following everything. Hope you start freeing up more time for yourself as doing it year after year can be a grind.


Ryan McCaffrey, c'mon down!!!


Keith David for co host!

Stephen Forgione

Loved Karak, he will be missed on the Duke. I fully trust Matty to steward the show and pick the right co host. Also Ben, don’t slander Nuts and Bolts. It may not be what original fans wanted, but I know myself and others love it (personally it’s my favorite of the series).

Clay Layne

It would be great. With a 6 figure at IGN it would be very unlikely....Ever!


Episode hasn’t been up long enough for me to listen to the whole thing, but Ben and Matty have a great dynamic. What are the chances Ben could be Karak’s replacement?


Not trying to be disrespectful when I say this but I feel the show is better off with Karak doing other things. Often times he give me me Marshawn Lynch “I’m just here so I don’t get fined” vibes, like he had better things to do. I get he was being “genuine” when he was kinda chippy and rude but... kind of seemed like an asshole. I don’t like the co-host of the show I’m watching making me feel like I’m annoying them with my viewership. Anyway, Go Dead Space!


Glad to hear Ben on the show!

Piston Pants

Agreed. Saying I don't care about this as your opinion on a topic only goes so far.

Timothy Martin

Karak always acted like he was disinterested in the show, too good for LSM at large, and frankly kind of a snob. He may be a good dude in general but this was not his best look. Happy to see a duke future that goes in a different direction


Ben was great on the show and would love to see him more across all Last Stand shows! As for the Sea of Thieves conversation about adding more Disney properties to the game, I feel that Peter Pan would be an excellent addition and would fit the tone of the game.


I just want to say that Ben did a fantastic job on the show! He clearly has a deep knowledge of xbox's past and present! Really great episode overall and I think the show mightve found it's replacement hopefully.

Shawn Yorn


Ian (616Entertainment)

I’ve never said anything about it because Jeremy is a real person with real feelings (which people ignore/forget all the time online) but I think this will be good for DD. Nothing nasty, no personal attacks, but I was finding myself listening just because I wanted to support LSM, and eventually I switched over to only listening to DDU. Sometimes you just can’t connect with people, ya know? And that was my problem, across like 10 episodes I had nooothing that I was like “okay I get him, he’s my dude.” He seems to do really well on his own channel and I’m sure he’ll continue to do so, so, hats off to him. Again no insults, my issues were my problem, not his, lol. Here’s to the future of Duke, Duke Ultimate, and to whoever the hell is going to step into the role. LSM onwards and upwards, as always. Much love. PS Ben, great job so far on this episode. Wouldn’t mind hearing that voice pop up more often! And Matty, you’ve been killing it since day one. <3

Avery Illies

I really really like Karak. I understand that he has many roles and cannot do DD every week. Hopefully he can still be found on the Ham Radio Podcast? I send Karak my love 💕 and thank him for being a fun and engaging co-host.

Brian Comstock

Thank goodness. I could not stand Karak

Adam Barnes

The dude couldn’t even give us a farewell episode? Thanks for jumping in Ben!


I wouldn’t be at all offended if Ben stuck around as a co-host or regular guest. I dunno how that would mesh with his schedule though.

Colin Stevens

Always felt like he never really gave a fuck and it was just about the extra paycheque so hey no skin off my back hopefully you replace him with someone who cares lol

Timothy Martin

Colin is pretty good about keeping drama private, but I feel like this has been brewing for some time. Karak seems like he is always put out by doing the show and was always an odd choice for LSM. His snark never really fit with the company vibe of chill and accepting. Good riddance, IMO. Looking forward to the future

Joshua Brown

I heard the new host is J Allard.


I discovered LSM through Karak, and now DD and SS are some of my favorite podcasts ever. Also found the excellent HAM Radio through him. So I'm really glad Karak was a part of LSM. This Patreon is just fantastic.


Can we just make Ben the new co-host? He did a great job!

James Galos

The sultry sounds of Ben preaching the greatness of Sea of Thieves is what I needed today

Greg Mocha

The ACG international podcast is really good! He has a completely different vibe , so please check that out. It’s also a great stream on Friday too. I’d encourage folks to look for it!


Matty if you're looking for a host you've looked to far. You just had him on the show, Ben did a great job today!


#seaofduke I apologize boys but I refuse to get a Twitter lol, but amazing show nonetheless, keep up the good work :)

Greg Mocha

Ben was very engaging and had a great pace to his words, appreciated his easy to understand nature.


I have no idea who this Ben guy is but he’s awesome! Absolutely loved this episode, well done Ben!

Jimmy Champane

Ben definitely came in the sink rather than sinking in the cum. Just my ¢2.

Alec Dyer

Bens cool being on a podcast once in a while but I personally wouldn't really wanna have him on every show,


Ben did a great job. Not sure you really have to look for a new co-host, after hearing the two of you together.


As far as I know, karak said he was stepping away from DD, Ham radio, and the international podcast, so unfortunately if people are interested he won't be there either. It's a shame because karaks personality works far better as a host than it did as just a member of the other podcasts.


Ben was great for this!

David P

This what I've been thinking for Banjo. Just get out a remake ala Spyro/Crash (which would be less work since there's only two games instead of three that need remade) and maybe that can bring more attention back. I don't know why devs had to recreate his look on the 360, he looks great in Smash. Coincidentally both spyro and crash got pretty fugly re-designs and came back to the classic style with their remakes, so there's some hope yet for Banjo. It doesn't have to be a huge series but it's an established IP that could really help hit a missing genre for xbox, with a platformer/family friendly game.


Thanks for answering my question! Great show, guys!


Matty and Karak were like oil and water TBH. I love ACG's stuff. The international podcast is great. But he cannot really be second fiddle. You could tell for awhile that he was tiring of the speculation which is kinda Matty's forte. A year of dissecting what Starfield's HUD font represents would drive me a little nuts to. If there's any constructive criticism I could give, it would be to dive more into what's available in the news as opposed to guessing and speculating on what isn't there. We don't need more Cyberpunk-esque hype cycles so far out.

Greg Mocha

Strongly agree with this. I tend to roll my eyes every time the show goes back to bethesda speculation. Matty reacted (or appeared to) strongly to the Halo lack of release date and then A week later we find out it was down to a few different weeks and they didn’t want to say yet. Just relax everyone:) it’s just games.


FWIW, I offered Karak to add to our news script every week any potential topics missed. I actually addressed this criticism weeks ago saying people wanted more diverse news offering and I’ve done that :)

Jack Sibert

I personally don't understand your criticism of Capcom hating Megaman They have re-released every game every game in the MAIN Megaman, Megaman X, and Megaman Zero series. They're rumored to be doing the same thing with the Battle Network series. And they've released a new mainline Megaman game in the last few years with Megaman 11. I get that you may want a new X series entry but if the demand from the Megaman X remaster collection warranted a new entry, they would do it. I personally think that they are probably working on a new X entry ATM.

Douglas Morreale

Wow, this was a much more pleasant, humble, thoughtful podcast than all past DDs. Huge upgrade. Keep Ben around!

The Devmeister

Agreed! Finally serious thoughtful discussion. That ACG guy was annoying!


Greetings and good day Mr Matty (and Ben), well done on a great show! I think it was becoming clear from some of his comments that Karak was getting frustrated, or even overwhelmed, with the number of pods he was a part of. Wishing him all the best and I hope he’s happier with the switched up focus. As for the future, I’m certainly not worried as I know you’ll continue to nail it Matty - looking forward to what you do with it next!

Joseph Ady

Why are you all hating on Karak? He wasn't annoying. He was very well informed about games and an awesome host!!!

Greg Mocha

Criticism is tough but I think most people maybe didn’t appreciate the vibe. Luckily he’s continuing with his own podcast, and the one just released was awesome!

Timothy Martin

I am not seeing any “hate” toward Karak. Many people, (including me) did not like his attitude and didn’t think he was a good fit for LSM. This is valid criticism, not hate.

Joseph Ady

It was excessive

Perfect platypus

No hate for Karak but I did find him bit too salty. Good luck to him and hope he has more time for his own endeavours in the future. Matty as others have said has been killing it and my preferred personality of the 2 since the start. Ben was great and can hopefully jump in on any episodes and Duke + topics. I'm sure whoever gets the job matty will steer the ship thru in this great time of xbox PC /PS5 competition. Great time to be a last stand patron.

Samuel Zamora

I’ll miss ACG aka Karak aka Jeremy aka the jacked dude with the sunglasses presence on the show.

Dale Pollard

All the best karak. You and ben are the only xbox podcast I still listen too. Infact last stand media the only gaming podcasts I listen to anymore. Thank you for entertaining me for all my long work hours. Side wish: Marty sliva would be awesome at last stand.....just a dream I'm putting out there. Him and Colin were the only reasons I went to ign

Big Daddy

Ben did excellent! He and Matty had excellent chemistry and it was a great show! I’d say keep Ben coming back! 👍

Andrew Acrolix

Karak lent a really irreverent, south park style of humor to the show that'll be dearly missed. I'm gonna miss those masturbatory metaphors.