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Challenging Colin III | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 91

It's that time again! Come tell me (Colin) how wrong I am. I dare you! On this adversarial episode of +, listeners challenge me, my opinions, views, and thoughts on all sorts of topics: My Trophy obsession, why I think PlayStation 5 should have been delayed, the financial cost of gaming, my dismissal of Jak and Daxter, TV shows and movies based on games, Naughty Dog's crown jewel status, my incessant defense of Bend Studio, and much more. Come take a swing, if you must! Maybe you'll even live to tell the tale. #SacredSymbols #LastStandMedia



"CBD joint"

Allan Galeano

20 mins in and I'm loving the energy in this episode. Good stuff.


Over a decade of consuming Colin content, and on this day we're blessed with what I think is the first time we're seeing Colin smoke a joint on video. Glorious.


Colin lighting a joint is the best thing I have ever seen. Freakin amazing! 😅

Domenico Smarto

I think the social media discourse ruined the last of us 2. While I didn’t enjoy it anywhere nearly as much as the original. I still had fun talking about the story & decisions Naughty Dog made with my friends.

Maxx Lazos

You didn’t read my long-ish question a few weeks ago and said to respect the rules but you read someone else’s much longer question? Hurtful tbh Still love you. But hurt.

Greg Shapiro

This was awesome. I can’t get over how good the content is. You are the best, Colin. This is, without a doubt, the best video game Patreon out there.


So I worked on a non-unionized AAA game then moved on to both union and non-union film and TV jobs. While I can't speak for unions across every sector of work, I can say that the union jobs I worked paid more than twice as much on the hourly rate, provided protections for unjust terminations, provided more benefits, and gave a much more reasonable work schedule as opposed to the non-unionized counterparts. Unionizing the game industry will be hard though because for every person working in it, there are 1,000 people outside ready and waiting to take your job.

Dan P

I vicariously felt relaxed from that blunt. Please do this every mailbag <3


just me or was this episode weirdly confrontational?


I'm looking for Xbox Series X for Phantasy Star New Genesis...I'm feeling the out of stock pain now.

Caleb Greer

That blunt was far and away the star of this show.


I think so. Sometimes I feel like people jokingly say extreme stuff to Colin and he takes it very seriously. But then again I don't get a gazillion messages a day... so I don't know what that would do to me (maybe put me in a defensive mood)


Hey Colin. Just wanted to follow up on the question that you asked about why people care what you play. I would say because people like you, want to connect with you in some way and would feel validated if they weren't the only person that liked something (and yes, on the internet you can find people that like anything, but it's different if it's someone you respect). Kinda like your reaction to Micah watching and enjoying the LotR movies. But maybe beyond that it's because people want you to verbalize what they feel. I think podcasting/game commentary can be... maybe not art but a craft. And you've certainly honed that craft. Just my two cents. Best, Chepe

Christopher Peterson

Hey Colin, You are wrong about your answer to the FF7 Yuffie question - saying “it doesn’t impact you” would be an acceptable answer for every question on the show. The point of the question was to defend your CRAZY stance of avoiding a game you showed interest in because of the split trophy list. Stay awesome!! Chris


What is an example of a computer role-playing game? In the 90s i would say it would be the Fallout series or the Neverwinter Night series. I wouldnt have dreamed of playing Elder Scrolls on a console back in the day but currently i dont the know difference. Can anyone give me an example of a current CRPG?

Jarett Davis

I believe the Divinity games would fit this genre. Maybe someone else has a better example though

Michal Dudic

I take minor issue with the premise of this show. If people don't write in with compelling arguments then why even bother with this? It's a little soapboxy, especially without a co-host to balance things out.


I'm sure there are many that would echo your thoughts. Too bad you haven't worked at a unionized developer (which are practically non-existent), or we'd really be cooking with fire for an upcoming episode of +!


I can totally relate to and understand that in my own world, but not in the greater, wider world. I kind of like that some of the things I enjoy are a bit more rarified, but that's just me being annoying. =)


Fair enough. But I can't defend a preference to play for Trophies; it's something I've felt since 2008. It just is what it is.


I feel like it's very rare for a podcast host to open up an episode only to critiques. And so I think I have the right to defend myself. Isn't every solo episode I do inherently soapboxy?

Mason M

The point about Motion Twin is so spot on especially because it actually happened and the team split into two with Evil Empire going in a traditional ownership route https://evilempirestudio.com


CBD joint, sure lets go with that lol 😜 great episode as usual my friend.


I don't agree with Michal Dudic, I love the Challenging Colin episodes and I love the fact that you're willing to open yourself up but still staunchly defend your positions. It's one of the reasons why we've all been such dedicated fans over the years. If you ever decide to do some sort of live call-in version of the show, I'll be first in line to debate you about the $70 game pricing. But an interesting variation might be to have Dustin on and he takes the position of the person writing in and plays devil's advocate in a back in forth. Just spitballing here because I love debate, but maybe that's just me. Anyways keep up the great work <3

Tony Rivera

46:10 - should be a chapter and verse in the CLS Bible. I love your content, Colin. But this moment of just complete and sheer brutal honesty.. the humanity of your words. Cheers man. I loved the episode but this moment here where you just talk and get it out. We all feel that but never hear it. Thank you. I'm proud to call you a friend. - With that said.. it's ok to take some time. It's human. You need it. Let Chris run the show for a week, or Dustin. You've built a family that you trust. The content is solid. Take some time. Recharge. Enjoy a nice weekend with the lady, and with Rush. It's healthy. Work will always be there waiting for you when you get home. Those you love and the memories you can make together - they may fade away before you even notice they were there for the taking. Just my two cents.


I vote Colins new image be of him smoking a joint anytime he’s on camera lol

P Neal

Thank you for speaking on price increase justification.

P Neal

Unions didn't stop kickstarter from laying off.


I am new to the Last Stand Media content but would like to say that the Sacred Symbols and the KnockBack are no doubt my favorite podcasts now. Thank you Colin! I am glad I found out about your content years after your IGN days.


Why is this not on the podcast feed?

Joseph La Russa

I enjoy the Challenging Colin episodes, but I have to say I found this episode a little disjointed (pun not intended). Unlike most of the people, I found the joint smoking to be distracting and elongated the episode unnecessarily. I don't care what you smoke or don't, but personally I'd appreciate if you didn't do it on video if it's going to be such a distraction from the topic. I recognize I appear to be in the minority of the Patreon, but I felt like I should express my distaste for the approach in this episode. Still a supporter (could you imagine unsubbing because someone smoked a joint in a distracting fashion? Lawls.), but those are my thoughts.


A call-in show could be cool, but it's not something I'm gonna do any time soon. I love the way Jaffe does it, but man does he get some dunces.

Andrew Gambill

Weird question, but is there an odor to smoking CBD? Does it smell like pot?


It's indistinguishable from marijuana with THC. Only a chemist (or botanist who knows strains very well) would know.

Aaron Chisholm

There’s something quite relaxing about Colin have a smoke while working 🤔