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It's that time again! Come tell me (Colin) how wrong I am. I dare you! On this adversarial episode of +, listeners challenge me, my opinions, views, and thoughts on all sorts of topics: My Trophy obsession, why I think PlayStation 5 should have been delayed, the financial cost of gaming, my dismissal of Jak and Daxter, TV shows and movies based on games, Naughty Dog's crown jewel status, my incessant defense of Bend Studio, and much more. Come take a swing, if you must! Maybe you'll even live to tell the tale.




Yusss I love these episodes


Wow, did I really wrote my question this poorly... Trying to find the thread the see how bad it was, but I can't find it. My English is clearly not the best being French Canadian, but it seemed really bad. Sorry and thanks for reading it still 😂


*claps hands, licks lips* looking forward to this one boys

George Sinclair

These episodes are good content dude


As far as prices goes, I've waited 2 weeks for Habroxia to not be on sale because I wanted to reward you guys. Games at 70$ are another thing to me. I find that price too expensive, not that I can't afford it, but the perceived value just isn't as enticing anymore for a lot of games. With that said, I still purchase games I really want at full price. But you do make a great point, thanks.

Remington James

This is literally the only games podcast I listen to anymore, the rest got a little too “woke” for my liking

Kenneth Oms

Great episode. I should have written in about Jak and Daxter. What I wanted to ask Colin, do you think it would make sense for a small team from Insomniac Games to make a new one? It seems like they are the go to for platformers like it in terms of art-style etc.


I felt that first question. I am a huge fan of letting people play what they want. That’s why I tried to start the hashtag #PWYW which come to find out mean Pay What You Want... and is mostly used by... cough Furries... Regardless I am using the hashtag #PWYW and I’m standing by it. Stop hating on people or giving them a hard time when they do or do want to play something.


Have you considered doing one of these on twitch where people can push back more on your answers in chat? I find these episodes clunky, like a tennis match where the opponent is constantly slamming lobs back without any possibility of a return.

Jake Z

Glad you're going to play Disco Elysium. After finishing it last weekend, I was going to join in on the recommendation train. I was hesitant on playing it too, but glad I did because it's one of the best games I've ever played. While you can tell the devs lean left, it isn't in any way didactic. In fact, it's largely about how ideologies manifest in the complexity of characters and the world. It's one of the most intellectually stimulating and sharply funny pieces of media I've ever experienced. Would love to hear you do a spoilercast on it.

Stephen Forgione

I disagree entirely with your premise that unions are outdated/no longer necessary and your comparison of them to abolitionists. Abolitionists worked to eradicate slavery, an issue that was happening in the time in which they lived in. Unions don’t exist to eradicate work, but to eradicate the uncertainties surrounding work currently, such as health benefits, paid leave, pension/401k options, and management mismanaging their workers’ benefits in general. These issues still persist today, which is why many unions continue to exist and is the central theme of collective bargaining: workers are stronger together than trying to fight one-on-one with management for better benefits. On your mention of union auto workers getting paid less, union auto workers also usually have better health coverage, better time off options, and even potential retirement plans available to them. For a person with a family, they’d be more likely to take the cut in wages for the addition of medical benefits for their family and ability to take paid time off when they need it. I totally agree that media companies don’t have a need to unionize, as their jobs aren’t as strenuous compared to other industries and they don’t have the financial capability to go under such a change, as they usually result in lay-offs. However, saying that we don’t need unions anymore since we’ve “moved past that point” is short sighted. Just because workers have better conditions than they did during the Industrial Revolution doesn’t mean there’s no more room for progress or that management is solved and will always be on the workers’ side to make the right decisions. Labor unions in particular still have a need in modern society, as these workers are often in dangerous/hazardous surroundings and the unions work with both management and local legislators for both better health benefits and safer working conditions. My father’s a union electrician, so I’m definitely biased here, but his union membership and benefits made sure that he was able to find a good paying job when he needed it and have health coverage for his family when medical bills came knocking. For that, I’m super grateful. Hope this managed to show you the continued need of unions in the modern world, beyond the pay rate. At least, in certain industries. Ps: I commented this again because it appears Patreon ate my original comment when I tried to edit it.

Nathan Densley

My request for an interviewee is Fran Mirabella. Is that possible?

David Portnov

I had the exact same thought. It doesn't feel like a conversation. At least with Twitch, there is a possibility of pushing back from the other other person after Colin responds.


Colins arms are looking fucking swole. My mans getting bricked up

Anthony J Sanchez

Telltales The Walking Dead could have just been another show in the universe for me. The gameplay wasn't very good, but I loved season one's story. So yeah, most games have their gameplay to back up their stories.

Jake H.

Matty said either on Defining Duke Ultimate or a recent episode of the H.A.M Radio Podcast that Game Pass was profitable, so I think you might want to ask him about his position. You’ve stated previously that nobody actually believes Game Pass is profitable (I certainly don’t), so it’s a bit confusing when another Last Stand Media host has previously expressed that they do believe that it’s profitable.


It seems a lot of people care whether or not you play the FF7R dlc due to how much you gushed about loving the FF7R in general. As your supporters, we want to continue seeing you talk about the things you like (typically more than worry about your trophy count/organization). You're able to do whatever you like, but FF7R dlc talk would make for good content for your audience.

Michael Size

Seems like someone or some.. thing was trying to tell you something when your joint kept putting itself out. lol


Jak 2 and 3 are so fucking good. Maybe this is nostalgia speaking but I think you should give them a shot

JP Morris

I’d love to hear you debate someone about Game Pass being profitable, I keep hearing it constantly on Twitter and other podcasts and it’s annoying me too haha


Even if Gamepass was $150 million in net profit per month, which it clearly isn’t, the Bethesda deal alone put the service in the red for just about 4 full years. Anyway, hope you get some rest Colin. You sure take on a lot dude

Will Hahn

Colin, there’s something so satisfying watching you smoke a joint and answering questions about the gaming business. The way you are sitting in your chair and talking to the audience reminds me of a narrator straight out of a Raymond chandler novel lol. Mad respect for you bud, you’ve been helping me keep my anxiety down lately and I always appreciate your perspectives on the industry. From Modesto, CA, have a wonderful night.

Jonathon H

“Maybe you should bring Twisted Metal back as a game.” There’s no way that joint was CBD with a take like that.


I think it's ok if they have different inclinations towards a subject that can't be corroborated bc microsoft doesn't talk about it. So who cares in the end. But I'm more interested in why Colin says that PS has to get their own gamepass if it's only a money losing proposition? At that point wouldn't it be better that Sony not do that and continue what they've been doing?

Joseph Losinno

Highly recommend Jak 2 and 3 for you to play. The franchise truly evolves from 1 with the open world elements and light shooting. As someone Chris's age who was the oldest in the family, this series introduced me to the open world GTA style of game and frankly shooting at all. This series along with Sly was critical for me to see what 3D games could do.


I found out about Feals through the podcast back in the days of living off the free feeds. I know they are just a sponsor, but I ended up finding a product that helped me when I needed it thanks to you. Just glad to see they got a mention on sacred symbols+ too.


How would the Bethesda deal put them in the red? Think about this perspective gamepass is part of the gaming division Bethesda’s deal would put the entire division in the red not gamepass. Unless I’m unaware of gamepass being it’s own separate entity away from the gaming sector of Microsoft?

Guns vs Kittens

Hey Colin. You said you challenged anyone to point out how the Last of Us 2 was worse off than the original. Well, my friend, I have an excellent video for you to watch about that very subject. Its a superb video by NakeyJakey (someone who i actually had never heard of before that video's release), and he absolutely nailed how at least I, personally, feel about the game. It is a little on the longer side in length but I doubt you have much problems with that as long as you are interested in the substance of the discussion. I hope you see this and enjoy the video: https://youtu.be/QCYMH-lp4oM EDIT: I would like to also say that the video comes from a place of love. It is, by no means, a takedown of Naughty Dog, nor is it toxic or vitriolic about Jake's complaints toward the game. It is a thorough, articulated description of his dissatisfaction with the title. Again. Hope you find time to listen to it and take away some things to battle with. We appreciate the work you put in

Trevor Bolstad

Colin, Listening to you talk about the $70 price point was very cathartic. Thank you! I’m so sick of people over-simplifying the situation.

Matthew Cooper

I think, with the exception of the dodge button, TLOU Part 1 feels a lot better to play than Part 2. Switching weapons, reloading, picking stuff up, etc. are all a lot smoother in the first one. Part 2 slows everything down, making things more realistic, but kind of a pain in the ass to play. It also has a tendency to drop inputs and the combat is really designed to over-emphasize the dodge button. It's a good addition overall, but the way enemies won't react to hits or even bullets sometimes, so that you have to dodge their attacks, is really dumb.

Matthew Cooper

I think the idea that it's not consistent to avoid Disco Elysium while saying people should consider other viewpoints is way off base. First, being pro-Stalin is the same as being pro-Hitler, it's complete wackjob territory. It's also fine to read and understand their extreme philosophies, but that doesn't mean they deserve equal weight in your mind. I generally think it's stupid to base who you associate with or do business with based on politics. I don't care if you're right or left, support Biden or Trump or Bernie, I'll buy your game. But I do make exceptions for the true nutjobs. If a bunch of actual Nazis put out a game, I'm not buying it, even if it's some great game. Same goes for Stalinites, I'm not buying their game. That's just me; I'm not calling for a boycott or for them to be cancelled, I'm just not comfortable giving them money.


This was great, could tell from the first puff he was giving 0 fucks. Awesome show!


Great episode, I always appreciate how you are not afraid to defend yourself (even with silly subjects like games).

Brandon Soto

People with their thousand-dollar gaming PCs and huge physical collection, but can’t pay 10 extra dollars for new games.

Luke Silletta

If you really don't wanna mess with your trophy's you could always watch someone play through the FF7 DLC on youtube. Maybe Sony should make an option to toggle trophy's on or off so the Colins of the world can do their thing. Its interesting hearing about your trophy obsession because I'm the exact opposite. I play pretty much every new game and have ZERO platinum's. When I feel like I'm done a game that's it for me.

Brandon Soto

Ratchet, Jak, & Sly Cooper are all from the same era. If Insomniac can make new IP while still making Ratchet games, I don’t see why Sucker Punch / Naughty Dog can’t work on Jak & Sly as well with a smaller team. A new Jak & Daxter that looks like Rift Apart? Sign me up. The Crash Bandicoot point you made was key as well.


I don't like the idea of crossing the streams with the Ratchet studio. They need to find a Sanzaru to do it.


Of course there's room for progress. The question is, is that progress worth dues? I think people should have the right to unionize, certainly in private industry, at the leisure of both owner(s) and employees. Unionization is slowly-but-surely dying. American union membership is lower than ever. I feel like, if it was really in the best interest of broad swaths of workers, that wouldn't be the case.


I'm not sure there's much a debate to be had. There are no concrete answers; I'm using common sense.


I don't dispute their right to be communists or to have a Stalin portrait (if they are, and they do). If their intent is ironic, that's lame. If their intent isn't ironic, that sucks. But I'll still play their game.


Sucker Punch is never working on Sly again, that dream is dead. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jak return.

Zack Fair

Great episode Colin, Nice and relaxing Podcast! I totally understand the feeling of just getting to the next day and Mondays are always the worst! Keep smoking that CBD

Zack Fair

Thanks for the info on The stalin picture in their office Colin, didnt know that! I was gonna buy it at some point but now I won't be


Awesome episode, wrapped up my Friday nicely.


Was Divinity Original Sin 2 the CRPG everyone told you to play?

Zibi Majewski

Half the questions you read were basically the same. Bit dissatisfied with this challenge. Oh well, maybe next time...

stubz gaming

Excellent show 👏


The quality of the challenges are commensurate to the audience's willingness to also put in the work. =)

Zibi Majewski

Fair enough. Still though, you could have picked more questions that weren't just different take on why are you "selfgating" yourself etc. I can't unfortunately ask questions any more, because I'm in the "patreon poor bracket" (£1/month) due to covid-19.