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The Woke Infection | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 90

For millions, gaming was (and still is) an escape from the real world, where we can put away our daily troubles and concerns and be someone else, somewhere else, doing something else. So why does it seem like so many people who don't like games, those who play them, or the ecosystem everything combines in have the most power? The power to set narratives, to sink games, to disparage and defame individuals, and more? To talk about this, I brought journalist and op-ed writer Erik Kain onto the show. Within, we discuss the controversy surrounding Indian revenge fantasy This Land is My Land, the legacy of Gamergate, the self-destruction of mainstream media, the fixation on divisive woke politics, and more. We also get into some other issues, too, especially concerning recent comments from Sony Bend co-founded John Garvin about buying games you love, the David vs. Goliath scene currently playing out between Xbox and PlayStation, the upside and downside of a service like Gamepass, and more. This is an episode for those who like depth. #SacredSymbols #LastStandMedia



Dustin changed a lot lately... Seriously the video says Dustin.


Iono, I like the new Dustin.

TB Lightning

This is why we must have physical copies of Dustin!


Is the Finn Mckenty pod still happening?

TB Lightning

Congrats on the constant wins at Last Stand Media!

Matthew Cooper

I really enjoyed this conversation, been on a good streak of SS+ interviews.

Raymond Wallman

Very nice conversation gentleman. As you some of you might know I am currently producing a documentary on GamerGate. This is based on both the Society of Professional Journalists "Airplay" discussion in August of 2015 and James Desborough's book "Inside GamerGate." I don't believe just ignoring it will make it go away. It involves a lot of issues which are very relevant in todays society, from social justice, to social media, to legacy media, etc. And I believe the competing sides are only going to get more vicious and more acrimonious until we receive some closure. And by being able to view the whole situation in the form of a documentary will take a step toward bringing some closure to the situation.

Raymond Wallman

Thank you for discussing the issue of "gamer entitlement." It really answers some questions I had. Colin if I could have your permission I would like to use segments of this conversation in my film.

Raymond Wallman

Eric Kain I have enjoyed your writings on these topics for years now. If you would like some further reading which might help you understand where "The Woke Infection" came from might I recommend some further reading on the topic: 'The Blank Slate' by Steven Pinker; 'Cynical Theories' by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay; 'The Coddling of the American Mind' by Johnathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff. And for how this has had an effect on journalism, I'd recommend 'Hate Inc.' by Matt Taibbi, 'The Madness of Crowds' by Douglas Murray, and 'Trust Me I'm Lying' by Ryan Holiday.

Kyle Toker

I love these conversations, great work guys!


I may took a look at those books as well. I'm interested in the topic.

Maxx Lazos

I agreed with you both on various topics and disagreed with you both on various topics. Successful show 🤌🏻

Edwin Magana

This episode is gold I tell you! Pure Gold! Definitely going to give it a second listen.


Colin the tweet you're referring to about cyber bullying and just turning off the screen is by the great Tyler the Creator you boomer


Colin these interview episodes have been great. Keep em’ coming!!


I really love these interview episodes! Thanks for the great stuff Colin!

Jeff Pollard

Awesome episode!! Hope you have Erik on again soon.

Russell Garrett

Just FYI, I’d be happy to SS+ just being an interview show like this - sadly there’s so few open minded people who will actually talk to you.


Excellent conversation. Really hope to see Erik on again.

Your Boi Nicky V

Polish people making a game about Native Americans is 'cultural appropriation' but Indian and black actresses playing characters in The Witcher, founded in Polish folklore, is 'diversity'. 🤡🤡🤡 Anyway hell of a discussion - great to listen to two articulate and informed perspectives.


I’ll have to finish the 2nd half later but this is excellent, great guest. I had no idea about him.


Yes, but at an unknown time. He was "bumped" because to reschedule him would force us to reschedule something else. It's just a quirk of how things played out. We'll get him back into rotation, but other things, shows, people, etc. have to all come first.


Hey! Try to keep your thoughts to just one post-per-thread. It drives me insane. =) And you can use whatever you want, sure. =)

Toren R. (KESA)

John Garvin's comments about buying games day 1 are pretty gross and speak to a larger problem that I have with games media, which is this pressure to know of, care about, and somehow alleviate difficulties developers and publishers have. Not to sound cold, but I don't give a fuck if Nintendo needs my help, or if Sony is going to be forced to adapt because of purchases Microsoft makes; I couldn't give a shit if a studio has to revaluate because their game didn't sell well until it was $14; and I SUPER, EXTRA, 150% don't give a fuck about "crunch" (I'm sure any small business owner can relate - you are CONSTANTLY working. Even when you're not.) Those are their problems. problems that THEY should solve. Not me. I'm the consumer. All that matters to me is if I like what they're selling and does the price make sense to me. I don't think I've ever watched a review for a new phone or camera that stressed how hard Apple worked on it, and that I should buy it the DAY it comes out and at the fullest, purest, most expensive price. That said, I don't take any issue with people supporting a studio with buying a game at full price, day and date, which I have done plenty. but it's a luxury I can afford, and do on occasion when it feels "right to me" not because of some sense of obligation. I just find it so annoying that there are large swaths of games media (which, ironically, often get sent free copies) that can't help but act like I'm some sort of ingrate because I waited for a game to A) get fixed and B) get reduced in price.


That Tyler tweet is sooo good and could help so many people live happier lives if they just thought about it when they’re on social.


Great guest, great convo. Thanks.

Tony Rivera

This was a fantastic podcast.. really enjoyed it gents. Definitely have him back!


What a nice young man


I really like this Erik Kain guy, great episode man!


To be fair, I'm not entirely sure I ever watched a video game review that stressed how hard the team worked, either...? I don't disagree with your overall point, though. As I said: No choice is without consequence. It doesn't mean you aren't making the right choice for you.


Finally got a chance to watch. Love Erik Kain. He is so genuine just like Colin so it was exciting to see this happen.

Romeo Paolo Latorre

Happy to report that I am no longer a free listener. Last Stand Media has helped me get through this pandemic. Shoutout from the Philippines!


Great conversation. Great to hear from Erik Kain and honest I'm SUPER pleased that they bothered to talk to you, because it's quite distasteful how the industry treats Colin. Good to see the nuanced conversation about all these complex topics, and not these stupid, sweeping platitudes that only serve to virtue signal. We NEED these types of conversations if we're ever to move forward, but I'm genuinely scared that the only voices that will be allowed to exist are the loud, woke crowd. I've really lost touch with the gaming media cause of that.

Guybrush Threepwood

This was good, didn't know Erik before this, glad I listened.