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A new report from Bloomberg has us reeling, so much so that we decided to record (and release) Sacred Symbols+ some four days early (you're welcome). Here's the rub: It appears that the secret San Diego-based PlayStation team we've been talking about for a couple of years has indeed been working on something. Then another thing. Then other teams' things. Now its things are other teams'. Follow all of that? Also: Bend isn't making Days Gone 2, and -- in 2019, after they weren't greenlit on the sequel -- they were split in two. One-half went to work on Factions with Naughty Dog, while the other team went to make a new Uncharted game... also with Naughty Dog. They were so afraid of being absorbed by their big cousins down south, it seems, that they asked to be liberated from their projects, and finally were. It's all so confusing. And concerning. And baffling. Let's talk about it.



Kendrick Luckenbach

Holy sheesh, love the turnaround on this! Hope you guys have a great weekend all around

The Late Nate

Colin, you're a legend mate, just thought I'd let you know


EMERGENCY POD!!! I love it.

Antonio Pereira

Unexpected but a great surprise. Thanks for doing this for us.

Nick La Creta

Oh let’s fucking goooooooo

Anthony Palerino

2 podcasts in 1 day. Bruh we spoiled out here.

Anthony J Sanchez

This is the beginning of the PS3 era all over again

Ambitious Casual

Heart dropped when this released 🤣 thank you GUYS! Was dying to know your thoughts


This is so exciting

Matthew Clem

Damn, this post came in clutch for my ride home.

Dustin Goncharoff

In little Ani voice: "NOW THIS IS PODCASTING"


THANK YOU for acknowledging we needed this. The day felt wrong with a new episode without coverage of this.


I literally just finished the last podcast. Perfect timing. Thanks guys!

Andrew Arana



#Legends! Massive thanks!

Ben Williams

Dang, wish they would've taken some questions!

Ben Williams

But also glad for an extra podcast!!


Such a goddamn clusterfuck


Colin you made my day.

Kenneth Oms

I hit pause on the regular episode cause I needed to hear this one brother! I saw Shawn Layden replied to your tweet

Khyle Claeys

Thank christ you guys decided to follow up on this!


This era of Sony is fascinating


There’s is a lot but here’s my little 2 cents. Is Sony fucking dumb?! Days gone had some of the best moment to moment gameplay I’ve EVER PLAYED. It was frantic, intense and had me sweating every time. Insert Oprah meme “you work for naughty dog, you work for naughty dog”

Brandon Soto

🎵Sending out an SOS!🎵

Mitch Krassin

That argument that Colin made about Dreams and Media Molecule is what REALLY struck home about this whole thing. It totally is different rules. I would take another Days Gone over another Dreams any day.


🎵 Message in a bottle🎵

Kenneth Oms

It pisses me off what they did to Sony Bend. I feel like not only will there be internal animosity towards naughty dog but external as well. I can see people jumping to conclusions already.


This was needed. Great episode, and I am very excited at the idea of Shawn Layden appearing on the show, even though I feel it is extremely unlikely.

Robbie Agnew

Colin was so on point in this episode I got chills.

Hose A Contra Razz

I find it weird that Nintendo was the censor, proprietary on carts, top dog and Sony was not. Now the roles are reverse.


I wonder if this more risk averse Playstation is the reason for Kojima supposedly working with Microsoft. I doubt a company that wouldn’t green light a sequel to a profitable game like Days Gone would go in for another game like Kojima would make


Finished the episode and Colin, I love the energy you’re giving off. I can feel the vibe of “hey I care for your product, but WHY ARE THESE DECISIONS BEING MADE” as an Xbox fan I feel this to the core and it sucks this is happening. Considering I bought a PS4 last Gen and was loving what Sony was pumping out. This reminds me of a sports franchise. Maybe a little New England patriots esc? Riding highs and then Bill not drafting well and setting the team up for the future.

Jake Z

I'm glad they're not making a Days Gone 2. That game is uninspired and boring as hell. At least Dreams is inspired and shows Sony still takes risks. I don't get this argument that Sony is complacent. They're the only console maker in the VR space, the most experimental space in gaming. They still go after weird indies. They just released TLOU2, a super bold game. They reimagined God of War and started many new IP last generation. They pioneered the new standard for controller design. Meanwhile, Nintendo is releasing Wii U port after Wii U port, reselling old Mario games with hardly anything done to them for $60, and complacently continuing all of their old franchises. Xbox is largely continuing their old franchises too and hardly innovating either aside from the Game Pass model. I get that this recent news puts Sony in a bad light, but all this doom and gloom is entirely premature.

Piston Pants

I liked Days Gone but I felt the back half of the game was what could have been the sequel. Felt like they knew it was one and done and wrapped the whole thing up in one game.

Jack Doheny

I have never been so disappointed by the fact we aren’t getting days gone 2.

Big Swingin' Rick

I really though announcing days gone for PC was an effort to build a bigger fan base for the enviable sequel, im really bummed by this news


What a fantastic episode. Agree 100% with Colin and this all needed to be said.


A remake of tlou is a giant waste of time and resources. Uncharted makes more sense even though it's still not needed Triple dipping is in skyrim and gtav territory


I'm just going to say I got my subscription's worth with this episode. Like goddamn Colin was on fire!


Been a fan since the “AWHAAAT?” days and I have not heard concern about PlayStation in your voice like this, Colin. But I’m 100% with you. This is not the Sony I signed up for. The leadership is all new, but they’re not inspiring confidence so far. As CD Projekt proved, good will can be thought of as a literal currency. CD Projekt exchanged all of theirs to sell 13 million copies of Cyberpunk. Alongside this article, the way Sony’s treated studios that earn them a huge chunk of good will, it appears they’re too focused on actual dollars, too scared of risk, and undervaluing sentiment.


Really happy to hear you go off on a classic Colin is Pissed rant. I only ever play my PS5 if my kid wants to play Sackboy. The talk about all these movies and TV shows concerns me. I am so pissed about Days Gone. I have been waiting for months for Bend to be ready to officially unveil a sequel. And as someone who basically thinks the Last of Us games are little more than "fine", it hurts even more to see other studios screwed over in favor of Naughty Dog.

Joshua Hutchens

I'm sad to hear about Days Gone 2. I really liked the first game. Not only was the combat fun, but I actually liked the story of it too. Even if it was a little silly at times. Was really wanting to see where things would go after a crazy cliffhanger. With what they learned from the first game. I truly believe you could have had an amazing second. Too bad. On a side note, it's interesting that it is the ps+ game of the month. Kind of a stab at the heart.

Stephen Forgione

I don’t think it was mentioned but I find it absolutely hilarious that Jason seriously tried to compare Dreams to Roblox. Like if Sony tried marketing Dreams it would become ROBLOX. Absolutely hilarious


I don't mind that they didn't greenlight a sequel. It just sucks that they wasted a lot of Bend's time, and lost some talent, too.


To kind of steal a phrase you and Chris use often, "We already have a George." I feel that encompasses my feelings on remaking The Last of Us. The game is already a classic and not at all dated.


I liked the whole package. Sony PR did that game dirty by letting it go out to critics without a patch.

Luke Silletta

Who in the world wants a remake of Last of Us 1 right now? I can imagine everyone who is working on it is also scratching their heads about it. Sony is making it so hard to be a Playstation fan these days. Xbox is doing really good things but I think because Sony is fumbling so hard its making them look like total geniuses.

Brandon Soto

Love the passion, Colin. PlayStation fans deserve much better than to eat shit and have everyone’s ass to kiss. Everyone hates on Sony nowadays and it’s really not fair. But they have themselves to blame.

Will Hahn

Colin, great episode. I totally agreed with everything you said. Sony is being incredibly tone deaf with their fan base, it’s unreal.

Reuben Barrett

So happy this came out as soon as it did! This is a massive blunder on Sony's part, and they've given Microsoft more of the one thing that they need... time. I feel like regardless of what Sony do there's no way they're going to be able to out maneuver Phil Spencer and Satya Nadella. All they can do is make great games, but if they're just rehashing the same old thing again and again fandom will wane, and Xbox will have the green grass everyone is after.

Jake H.

You were a real firebrand this episode— I appreciated the passion and felt all your points were very well-said. Bend needs to be given the chance to realize their full potential, and this whole debacle seems to have only hurt them in terms of time and manpower. Hopefully for this new IP they are provided all the resources they need to succeed and not hamstrung by Sony right out of the gate, which seems to be the case...


I feel like a lot of Sony fans got way to spoiled last gen. I feel like there’s this weird level of blind arrogance for Nintendo and Microsoft not being amazing at all last gen that they either always undervalue or say it will be bad when either Nintendo or Xbox make any move. Even in this podcast you keep saying these games will be great that’s a major issue cause it’s not a wise view to have. We have seen way to many times devs can let us down even though Colin loved tlou 2 there is still a legit honest amount of people who didn’t for non political reasons. It’s something I feel like a lot of these things people trashed Xbox for specifically are realizing now that hey wait a minute.

Jeremy Seal

Phil Spencer plays more Playstation games than Jim Ryan, and that's a fucking problem.

Random Integer

They’re remaking last of us part 1? After releasing it twice already and also having the same story produced in a tv show at the same time? What is this? Skyrim?

Frank G.

What in tarnation is goin on in that Japanese turned Amercan company, them boys got it pretty hard up there...lmao Holy shit I can't wait to make that plank bridge for Ellie in 4k and 60fps it's everything I've ever wanted 😂


Love the police reference

Michael Limauro

Right after making days gone free for ps plus this month too lol. What are they doing?

Hose A Contra Razz

The sad part is there are fanboys on Twitter saying all Sony has to do is show us a another preview of horizon and every one will be praising them again and forget this


Can’t recall the last time I’ve heard you legit fired up like that. Nice to see. I think Days Gone 2 not being green lit and them wanting to do an Uncharted or TLoU remake is wild. Neither need it yet. Additionally, like you said, Media Molecule gets better treatment off an inferior game. I don’t think it’s SOS time for Sony just yet because I do agree that they should focus on their big games but this is another questionable move for sure. Like you guys mentioned in the proper ep, could it be Jim’s leadership? Who knows? But the perception and ground Xbox is making up this generation feels like it’s growing by the minute. My decision to purchase the Series X feels better every day.

Josef Barker

As usual Colin you're on point. I feel exactly the same when I boot up my ps5 to play a ps4 VR horror game. There's not enough ps5 content we know about right now. Hopefully we will know more around E3 time.

Mason M

Really great episode and your passion shows. I feel like a lot of these issues are symptoms of a bigger problem in communication, PR, and complete disregard of generating good will with customers. Xbox knows this and are being the complete opposite and making it their strength. Perception is crucial.

Jordan Dedo

Woah, please tell surprise to wake up to this information I loooove it


Thank you. I think we'll learn more soon, but it's WHAT we might learn that could disappoint...


This doesn't sound like the Sony that went on stage after Sega announced the Saturn's price and had one word to say: "$299". And then walk off stage. This doesn't sound like the Sony that took a giant leap of faith and made a console in a really competitive space because they really had a grudge against Nintendo and then absolutely flattened Nintendo because of disc and diverse range of games.


Hey Colin, love the militant attitude in this episode. I gotta say you're totally right, and I agree completely. It feels as if I'm being disappointed by Playstation more and more on a daily basis. And I fucking love Playstation. I think it's time for me to buy my first ever Xbox and be a multi-platform guy, Gamepass is stupid to pass up at this point. Xbox really seems to care about their player base and giving them the absolute most that they possibly can. Love the show, and stay strong for Returnal and Ratchet. Thanks for all you guys do.

Anthony Maltese

Excellent episode gents and I’m hoping that Sony feels like they are on their heels and can pivot soon enough. As shitty as the Bend situation seems, I tried to get into days gone but have to admit the bros of anarchy vibe got old fast. I’d be interested if they can reuse some of their hoard mechanics that you guys praised in some kind of futuristic/space setting. So long as they don’t just make Oregon-in-a-terraforming-dome on Ganymede or something like that. Shit now I want to reread (and rewatch) the expanse


I agree about the risk averse thing, but do you really think a $70 returnal and a $70 ratchet and clank aren’t risky? I think while returnal could be Amazing, that it’s super risky. It could really flop.


I still think we need to give ol Jimmy a little bit more time. Unfortunately for everyone else it seems PS is catering to the consumer that I am. A dad that loves big budget titles that got no time to finish the back log and loves the new new. Though I am upset about Days Gone 2, I am happy that it worked out for bend in the end. I was tired of zombies 4 years ago. So here's to hoping we all at least get the horde mechanic in a different style game. Ps its killing me that I never misspelled titles. Anyways back to cold beer, yard duties and a nap later.

Erik Schuessler

Man, if Shawn Layden came back it would be The Return of the King. Honestly, I'm ready for an underdog Sony again. I know I might be dreaming, but seriously, current PlayStation essentially spitting on their heritage leaves a horrible taste in my mouth. It's not just the store closings. It's Japan Studio. It's going from O to X. It's having Jim Ryan mouth off like an idiot asking why anyone would want to play PS/PS2 games. It's been a never ending fuck you to Japan for too long.


Great conversation! Only wish it was a little longer. Also I hope you listened to the Jaffe & Jeff Ross podcast episode, lots of great insights that can add a lot to the conversation. :D

Joshua La Rosa

My understanding was that this team formed from VASG was done in secrecy and without the backing of Sony to begin with. Sony really only got involved when the last of us remake was approved, Likely the team wanted to create a vertical slice of the remake to sell to Herman and the team for funding. I don’t think Sony was planning a Last of Us Remake until the vertical slice was shown. Am I off here ?


So I should just go ahead and die on my hill of ever getting a new syphon filter game :(

Gareth Handa

Fantastic episode Colin and Dustin. Do you think Sony will listen to this and fan feedback or will they carry on being arrogant?


I do wonder if Last of Us Remake will come to pc like Horizon Zero Dawn.


Did anyone else sing the title in Sting’s voice? No?

Dylan Neves

Well said, guys. I'm a Nintendo and Sony guy, and it's looking bleak right now, with small, distant shimmers of light.

Joseph Cerini

With all due respect, you can not underestimate the effect COVID had on the lunch of PS5 and Sony. Let alone the industry. We have seen this with delay after delay. It's like you said, I am sure Sony and the 3rd parties would love to have games for PS5 users to play... now, but it's not possible. I suspect Sony was working on a solution for the PS3/Vita situation but it was delayed, they probably had scheduled the stores to be shut down last year but were waiting on the solution to be complete until COVID and technical issues delayed it. I suspect the solution to PS3/Vita is going to be intergrated into Sony's response to Games Pass. This makes the most sense. As for the Bend situation, you can only blame Jim Ryan and upper management. I feel bad for them. O and P.S. Do not forget about the love letter Astro Bot was to Playstation. It was a beautiful showcase.

Thomas Adamson

Totally off subject so if this gets buried I deserve it. But I’m starting FFXIV for basically the first time on PS5. Anyone want to join? Psn-twa556


I don't mind that they're not making Days Gone 2. I mind that they wasted 18 months on a fucking Uncharted game. Give it a rest!


We're gonna find out! I think they're gonna get away with it during these early hours because there's nothing to play.