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What the Hell Happened to Games Media? | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 87

Journalism is broken, full-stop. Not just enthusiast press; journalism, generally. The evidence is all around us. What's interesting, though, is that its breakdown may have at least partially begun in our very own industry, and that's perhaps why today's games media is completely unrecognizable when compared to five years ago, no less 10 or 20. To talk through what's happening out there, I (Colin!) invited Nick Calandra on the show. Nick is the newest Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist, a website that's trying to make its way in a world where a never-ending game of musical chairs gives those who can succeed fewer and fewer places to sit. So, let's discuss the decay, its provenance, and what (if anything) can be done to fix what's so obviously in staggering disrepair.



This was great!

Alex Bolton

An excellent, level headed conversation about a controversial topic. This is how it's done! I feel this should reach more people than those just subbed right now on the patreon, so please pump this up on the regular show this week so more people are aware of it! Would definitely bring in many new patrons.

Michal Dudic

gaming chairs are a scam

Matthew Cooper

Great discussion. It's kind of sad that journalism is being destroyed by the cancer that is Marxist ideology. I'm choosing to ignore more and more of it. I just won't go to any gaming sites anymore, I just listen to Last Stand podcasts for all my news now. Also, I don't know how Colin can stand to watch MSNBC or any cable news channel anymore. I'd rather hang myself in a closet than endure that brand of psychological torture....

Caleb Greer

Really great work Colin. Good interview / discussion.

Dave Carsley

But if you don't even know what "the other side" is saying, how can you be sure your side still has the better answer?

TB Lightning

Vote with your wallet: -1 to fake shill media corporations and +1 to good independent creators is a 2 point swing. We can create a viable alternative. There are enough good independent creators to replace the mainstream now.

TB Lightning

Great guest! By the way, I am loving these interviews. It reminds me of Fireside Chats, which was my favorite show of CLS.

Michael Thew

Great episode, it echos in all media. You should make this public in a week or two for everyone. It’s a very important topic

Michael Thew

Everything is free and companies like ign are much to scared that their comment section will not at all translate to a Patreon. Unfortunately I believe those that comment think paying for a quality product is beneath them and I truly think big companies that use ad based revenue know that and cater to trolls because unfortunately they are the loudest voice.


Awesome Stuff!

Tony Rivera

Highly recommend Secret Labs gaming chairs. Had horrible lower back issues last year when the shutdown happened. Splurged on the Batman Secret Labs chair. It's heavy-duty, with integrated lumbar support (get the Titan chair for the integrated lumbar, I'm 5'11" and it fits me perfectly well, maybe a bit too roomy in the torso and doesn't hug my back as much, but the lumbar support is incredible). Most gaming chairs are a scam, as Michal said above, but I've been very pleased with the Secret Labs gaming "office" chair. Cheers!


I really enjoyed this episode.

Empty Symbol

Fantastic interview. It's awesome to know there are still actual journalists in games media. I'll echo that this should be one of those episodes everyone gets to hear, would be a great teaser to get people to sub on patreon but more than that it's a good example of the other side of games journalism that most gamers won't get from the big gaming sites/channels

Hugo's Desk

This is one of your best interviews! Thanks for talking about this topic!

Kenny C

Excellent interview. I was hooked to this.

Dave Carsley

I have a different theory. I think Colin himself wrecked game's media! Think about it, everything was cool for like 25 years before Colin came along, then by the time he left, the entire industry was a smoldering, activist-filled, single-minded, uninteresting husk of its former self. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO, COLIN?!?


This was a fantastic episode. Loved it.

Will Caldwell

Loving these "fireside chats" :)


Will Wheaton was an excellent guest, would love to see him again.


I would love to hear what the hell happened to Marty Sliva. He was one of my favorite dudes from IGN and just dropped off. A future interview would be fantastic if you could secure it. Either way, hope y’all can be on good terms.

Hi5 Music

Rising is not a "socialist show" lol


Great episode. Nick is a great guy. We need more people in the industry like the two of you rather than these cowards that hide and attack from behind their "clout".


Dude! I remember when I started really following games media again, around 2009-10 I remember distinctly feeling like do these people even like games or their audience. It felt pretty weird, probably because it is weird. Thank you for keeping the light on this topic. You’re work is enormously appreciated..,thank you!

Joseph Cerini

Overall pretty good fireside chat. The majority of outrage though, exist in a bubble. We see it more today then in the past because of Social Media. And Social Media projects the effect of crowd psychology across it. Games media is certainly not dead, the big websites are dieing, but there are plenty of smaller sites/groups doing great work out there, politics aside.


Anything only exists in its own bubble. The question is, how does it seep out into the wider world? Everyone dismissed the crisis on college campuses a decade ago, and now look who is infecting everything.


Great ep. I distinctly remember being a daily Kotaku reader and feeling the jabs and agenda creeping into regular articles until I decided to stop reading altogether after they posted a terrible clickbait article about some poor kid that had nothing to do with video games. Also, a funny story, in our countries version of the site, they would import the US articles as soon as they were posted so we'd only see the articles as they were originally uploaded (without any future edits) and the amount of basic spelling and grammar mistakes was insane.

Diego Muñoz

Just got to watch this episode. Great Fireside Chats-type conversation! Who was the IGN "journalist" that didn't disclose that she was interviewing a friend of hers? That's journalism 101. My God...


Great discussion, for sure. I've always had some respect for Escapist and other different outlets just for being reasonable tbh. The venom in the games media has been absolutely awful and it's why people have turned to alternate voices and influencers. As a side note, I always felt like the mess of GamerGate was a microcosm of the storm of politics and culture war to come, and sadly I was right.