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Listeners of our show always ask us (well... me... Colin...) about game development. Now that I've helped create and publish two games, I have some insight, and people wanna know what making a game is like. Where does an idea come from? How do we execute on it? What's it like dealing with the platform holders? How do we iterate, polish, include, and exclude? The inquiries are seemingly endless. That's why we thought it would be fun to invite Lillymo Games' other, much more important half -- Barry Johnson -- to the show, so that we might discuss what it was like creating our newest offering. This is an episode driven entirely by your questions, and we hope you enjoy it.




How are you going to square the Vita store closing with limited physical releases?

Cody Richter

Just wanna give y'all a shout out for the announcement regarding the old games. Very consumer friendly and looking forward to what comes out of it. Keep up the good work guys!

Oliver Johnson

I bought Habroxia 1 on sale and played it in an airport where I couldn’t totally see the screen and I had a bad time. I put it down with the intention of never picking it up again. It wasn’t until Colin mentioned the modular nature of the game that I went back to it, played it, loved it, bought the sequel, and loved that one even more. As for the story, I really like Twin Breaker’s story, I found the ending reveal to be rather moving. With Habroxia 2, the story tied more closely to the gameplay so it was easy to be left wanting more. I think the best option is to always go with what feels right for the game. “Too much” or “too little” of a story is an obnoxious criticism— I think if you do what feels right for that particular game then you’re gonna be in a good place.


Love to hear Barry again

Ian (616Entertainment)

Every time I leave a long comment on one of your threads, Patreon totally fucking swallows it and it just disappears. -_-

Ian (616Entertainment)

Long story shorter than before: I was one of the reviewers that wished there was more story in H2, but that was based solely on how much I ENJOYED your writing in TB. Anyone who complained about TB and then wanted more from H2 is a jabroni. I wonder, though, do you feel like telling the story the way you did (less dialogue and exposition, more clues and contextual situations) was a change made to please people who aren't even hardcore fans of you or your work? I can't imagine the hardcores wanted less story content, I'd think it was the average yahoo reviewer. Which leads to another question, do you aim to please the more casual fan, knowing your hardcores will support you no matter what?


Enjoyed the episode. I think Barry did a great job with the difficulty level. Want more of a challenge? Just don’t spend credits on power ups.


Thanks for answering my question, fellas!

Andrew Morgan

You hear that? That’s the sound of another great + episode.


Barry sounds so sweet. 🥺 Fucking Candian ass accent with his "abouts". Cool conversation, boys, thanks.

Matthew Nichols

Colin, on the bit about the story criticism. I think it's important to remember that the people who complained about the Twin Breaker story being too long, are probably not the same people complaining about the Hybroxia 2 story being too 'backseat' if you will. That's why people always say make what you want to make and don't worry about what people say. Simply because if you please one group, you probably pissed off the other. No matter what you do, one group won't like it... Keep up the great work! You and Barry are doing really cool stuff!

Brandon Soto

Went through my backlog and platinumed Perils of Baking, Habroxia, & Habroxia 2 all in a row. Keep up the great work guys. Maybe consider a 16-bit sequel for Perils of Baking.

Peter Pham

Can't wait for you guys to releasing your old games!

Peter Pham

FYI, I'm not into modern retro games and I'm indie games (with a few exceptions), but I'm glad I'm supporting you guys and having fun playing your games in front of my little kids.

Maxx Lazos

PS5 RERELEASES?! Please please please incorporate the dualsense (haptics, touchpad, AND microphone) features. Astrobot may have the #1 Dualsense integration but it would be sick if y’all were in that conversation as well


I wanted to just give my own take on Habroxia 2’s story criticism. I actually felt like the opening of the game gave me the expectation of more story, not my past playing Twin Breaker. The first time I sat down to play while talking with my girlfriend I’d expected to be able to talk with her while playing, then the tutorial scene appeared with text boxes and I realized that this game would have story that needed my attention more fully so I turned it off to come back later. So when I popped the game on later that night, and really enjoyed the tutorial stage, I was surprised to see no more use of the dialogue boxes and didn’t even fully accept that they wouldn’t be appearing until I’d finished my 5th level. Personally, I think the dialogue appearing alongside gameplay is what gave me this expectation of more to come. Giving this perspective with a lot of love, huge fan of both games and excited for what’s to come.

Timothy Martin

Claire, I think you may have posted this under the wrong heading/topic. Typically LSM has the show "threads" where you can submit questions and comments for inclusion or discussion. Patreon show posts (like this one) are usually filled with reactions to the episode itself.

Chad Lewis

Is ara fell any good? Looking for something in that style.


I guess this is another 'Colin was wrong' moment. Colin. Their was a game on the PS1 called Breakout. Of course, it was a brick-breaker game, that contained a story. The synopsis was the main protagonist's (or brick's) girlfriend gets kidnapped and you have to save her. Their are many different stages in the game, such as prison, a farm, factory, a castle and of course space. It's a very short game, you can complete it in an hour, but a very fun one. I would recommend you check it out, though it may be hard to find.


Greetings gentlemen, with the announcement of porting the games to PS5, is there any chance of rereleasing physical copies of the games? I missed out the past few times there was limited runs and would love to buy physical copies of the games.

Dennis Parker

I’m one of those people who hated the four paddle levels in Twin Breaker. lol I beat Habroxia 1 a few weeks ago. Good fun.


Colin, Barry, you guys are the best! This was one of my favorite SS+ episodes ever. Colin, I felt such pride in you, when you said that you are actively learning new game design/development skills to contribute even more to the team. Hearing this fills me with an extreme sense of inspiration and I am rooting so much for your success, go get em!

Jonathon H

Twin Breaker was hard. Habroxia 2 was perfectly balanced.


Superb episode! Thank you both for sharing your experiences.


Honeslty I really enjoyed Peril’s of Baking and had a lot of fun with it, I’m glad to hear you guys’ll make another one!!


One doesn't have anything to do with the other, in our eyes. We will continue to publish on Vita however we can until we can't.


Thank you. We definitely want our games to generally be for as wide an audience as possible.

Kyle Martin

Man those voices when you get pick ups is essential for me hahah loved it in OG streets of rage! Great episode guys and even better game!


Can someone please link the video feed? I don't seem to find it


There is no video for this episode, they explain so at the beginning

Nathan Densley

I love the games. Never feels forced. Can't wait to see and play the next ones

Andrew Gambill

Absolutely loved this game. One of my goals for 2021 was to play more games out of my comfort zone and I bought to support Colin but ended up falling in love. I thought it was too hard at first, especially when I was only upgrading armor, but once I started upgrading weapon damage, spread and speed it became a lot more fun. It almost became too easy at the end fully powered but being able to mow through enemies and feeling like an invincible god was a ton of fun. I haven't played Twin Breaker yet so I can't speak to the story there, but I was hoping for more story in Habroxia 2. Can't wait to see what else is coming from you guys!