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Colin x Matty = Bethesda + Microsoft Talk | Sacred Symbols+ Episode 85

We've stayed apart long enough, don't you think? In a (rather smart) attempt to allow Defining Duke (our Xbox podcast) to grow its own identity without me (Colin), I've stayed far away. But that doesn't mean I can't corral one of those guys every once in a while, right?! Thus, for the first time ever, welcome MrMattyPlays to Sacred Symbols+. Today's episode is all about one thing: Bethesda and Xbox. What're things looking like from the Xbox side of the fence? How's everyone's confidence (or lack thereof) with the mega-deal Microsoft and ZeniMax struck? What (if anything) can PlayStation fans look forward to post-deal? And who's gonna get gobbled up next in The Great Consolidation Machine? Only one way to find out...





Happy Stone Cold Steve 3:16 Day


I really liked this discussion. I think Matty brings up a good point when he says Xbox is willing to switch genres with their biggest IPs (Gears Tactics and Halo Wars). Halo Wars 1 is one of my personal GOATs (played tons of private matches with friends). Hopefully they do the same with Fallout, TES, etc.

Dan Root

I really hope Sony decided to maybe try and either start new studios or even acquire existing ones. How much would Square even cost?

Samuel Mills

Good stuff, gentlemen.


Great show. The conversation around Square Enix is interesting, but I can’t help but wonder why Nintendo is not mentioned here. SE and Nintendo also have a long standing relationship and switch has current and upcoming exclusives. I don’t know that Nintendo would try to buy them but I think Nintendo losing access to Square is a much bigger deal than Xbox in the event that Sony tries to scoop them up.


Good point. Never thought of that and now we're seeing SE team up with Xbox. I could entirely be off the mark on where they are at as a company.


I wonder if there is a point where gamepass' value starts to eat away from potential game sales from 3rd parties. I figure it must be hard to sell a racing game when ppl have Fortza from gamepass.


I'm sure MS pays handsomely for the games on game pass but I do feel like MS is just throwing money at game pass hoping it will be successful


I’m starting to think Microsoft is long-term just trying to strong arm it’s competition, like a Wal-Mart moving into town and offering products at prices that smaller guys can’t beat. Sony is small potatoes compared to Microsoft and I think their continued push towards affordability is evidence of this.


This Matty guy is growing on me...secretly keeping Defining Duke on more to hear him chit chat with the bearded guy...I still need to know when Phantasy Star Online 2 New Gensys comes out so I can get an Xbox


Sony has shown a similar propensity at times (we got off-beat Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, etc. games), but I'm still not sure it's good to revolve around specific IP for too long.


That's totally what they're doing. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Sony needs to keep quality sky-high to compete.


Great episode. Tbh I find cheering for this monopolistic consolidation to be absolutely cringe and complete fanboyism. If Sony bought Capcom or Square Enix, I would not be happy. Because I would rather Sony continue to cultivate their own teams, maybe acquiring a few studios here and there, starting new ones. Etc. They have a real identity and culture that's been built over time. Microsoft just used their windows money to buy a publisher. And they over paid. Rather than grow and build, they would rather absorb. Im just not really a fan of it, as somebody who enjoys games as a passionate hobby and art form.

Joe West

Genuinely one of the best episodes you all have put out.


Can we get someone who doesn’t work for Colin next time. Matty is great and I love his work. It just felt a little employee, employer to me.

Ross Stoddart

Excellent episode guys!


A word on Game Pass profitability, Microsoft is now the only company in the US with a market capitalization of more than a trillion dollars. I’d say that kind of money allows you to play the long game.


This begs the question...is Microsoft playing in a space where Sony can’t realistically afford to be? Is PlayStation still Sony’s only successful division?


I’ve no answers, just thoughts.

Robert F Friemering (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-10 00:13:56 The "What should PlayStation do next" conversion makes me think of a scene from Ford vs Ferrari. Lee Iococa talking to The Deuce & says "Will Ferrari go down in history as the greatest car manufacturer because he made the most cars?- The Ferrari badge means victory." That's what PlayStation has right now. Victory with the PlayStation Studios. Game of the Year wins & nominations. XBox with so many studios will produce more games but that doesn't mean a win. I do agree PlayStation does need to switch up their genres but for new great 3rd party games are doing that, sometimes exclusively.
2021-03-27 16:44:32 The "What should PlayStation do next" conversion makes me think of a scene from Ford vs Ferrari. Lee Iococa talking to The Deuce & says "Will Ferrari go down in history as the greatest car manufacturer because he made the most cars?- The Ferrari badge means victory." That's what PlayStation has right now. Victory with the PlayStation Studios. Game of the Year wins & nominations. XBox with so many studios will produce more games but that doesn't mean a win. I do agree PlayStation does need to switch up their genres but for new great 3rd party games are doing that, sometimes exclusively.

The "What should PlayStation do next" conversion makes me think of a scene from Ford vs Ferrari. Lee Iococa talking to The Deuce & says "Will Ferrari go down in history as the greatest car manufacturer because he made the most cars?- The Ferrari badge means victory." That's what PlayStation has right now. Victory with the PlayStation Studios. Game of the Year wins & nominations. XBox with so many studios will produce more games but that doesn't mean a win. I do agree PlayStation does need to switch up their genres but for new great 3rd party games are doing that, sometimes exclusively.


I do think Phil Spencer plays the marketing speak game, but I do respect that he speaks in broad strokes because he's very wary of feeding into fanboyism and console wars. He actually voiced his personal distate for it, and I respect that he isn't using Xbox's success to 'dunk' on PlayStation or anyone else for that matter. Also, awesome to see Matty mention MMX: Command Mission. I love that game and I'm disappointed there's been no remaster or re-release.