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For pretty much every child, going to the movie theater is a rite of passage. The thing is, the nature of that rite hinges mightily on when and where you grew up. For we The Brothers Moriarty, our formidable movie theater experiences were on Long Island in the '70s, '80s, and '90s, and it's from there that we can draw many memorable, funny, and resonant stories. Our pre-movie rituals. What snacks to eat. Getting rides to and fro. Meeting girls (or boys!). Playing in the arcade. Seeing flicks you weren't supposed to. The saga truly goes on and on. Today's episode of KnockBack -- voted on by the audience -- is dedicated to our favorite cinematic stories. Not on the screen, of course, but our stories of visiting them, instead.




Indeed, the inventor of the Pretzel Dog does deserve accolades.


Did I understand correctly that you paid the fence company additional money, for them to come back and fix their mistake!?


Amazing episode! I love Dagan.

Brandon Hardman

Colin, please watch Tinker Tailor, it’s on HBO right now if you have it. It’s one of the best Cold War espionage films ever.


Bros. Moriarty, I literally died laughing listening to this episode. As a small business and home owner, I’ve repeatedly been forced out of my comfort zone with regard to dealing with contractors. I’m a really passive, chill guy, and I’ll be damned if I haven’t had to get ugly with someone every single time for one reason or another. Eventually, we began tapping into our local business and homeowner network and ended up with some impressive referrals we’ve continued to use. Keep fighting the good fight; They’re out there!

Timothy Martin

I think it is adult rite of passage to get heated with contractors. I know some/most are decent dudes but there are some seriously shady characters in that space.


Caping for Gina Carano at the end of this? Yikes. Really put a sour note on an otherwise fantastic KB episode.


Yeah, I need to go through the trust tree. I am mad at my builder, I'm becoming impatient with my pool guy... the only people I've had good experience with are my security folks. Fence problem is solved now, though, and I got a refund on the extra money.


Caping? I'm an equal opportunity defender of targets of absurdist cancellation, and I certainly don't need to roll out the list, do I? She was cancelled for making a clumsy and offensive Nazism reference. We've been swimming in them for like five years, now. What is her intent, and what's in her heart? Do you really think she's a bad person who deserved to lose her role? I don't.


It wasn't the only thing she did and I agree that the statement alone is not worthy of losing your job.. Let's not ignore the multitude of other things she said as well. Disney has a brand image to maintain. It's well within their right to fire someone who might negatively affect their bottom line and I'm sure you know that. And to answer your last question - Yes I think it's totally within reason for a company to terminate someone who's outspokenly anti-vax and 2020 voter fraud alarmist (which we should note, the investigations have all concluded there was no widespread fraud). These aren't harmless stances. They're dangerous.

Clay Layne

The Bros M! This episode had me with a nostalgia boner! You guys are my age and every point made hit me with flash backs. I really enjoy these episodes. Great stuff as usual.

Timothy Martin

My father in law is pretty knowledgeable about this stuff and something of a builder himself, he told me to only use local, licensed builders and never pay more than 50% up front for work. Pay the remainder in increments when work is completed/inspected. Contractors assume millennials like us never learned this and take advantage.

Timothy Martin

I think we can all agree that: 1) social media is stupid and pointless 2) heavy handed Nazi comparisons are silly when used by the left and right With that, I personally don’t think what she said deserved termination. I think the problem most center-right Americans have is that they don’t see standards being applied evenly and fairly, e.g. why was Pasqual not fired for a similar nazi comparison? Why were many prominent celebs not terminated for furthering the Steele backed Russian conspiracy theory in 2016? The lack of uniform application of standards creates a perception of undue persecution

Daniel Boyer

Dude the 1800 collect scam to get a ride home took me back. Fantastic episode!