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It goes without saying that PS5 is all the rage right now in the PlayStation ecosystem, and with good reason: Its physical aesthetic is controversial, but its powerful capabilities and opening salvo of games certainly isn't. Now that more and more of you -- our lovely audience -- have access to the console, we thought it would be fun to field your thoughts about the machine. From the DualSense controller to the lightning-fast SSD to the launch library and beyond, let's chat about our opening weekend with next-gen. Just hit play.




First Edit: second


Blessed my evening

Timothy Bryant

I was about to go to bed... but sleep can wait I’ve got sacred symbols plus to listen to dammit!


I work third shift and you guys make my nights much easier, thanks!

Douglas Morreale

Congrats on securing seven new consoles each (multiple for your own home) and additional units for friends, family and pets. ☺ Excited to grab my own next year if I'm lucky!

Brent Lindquist

Happy to have this for my drive to work tomorrow!

Bryan Lozano

Yaaass bitch!!! Perfect timing. About to hop on the ps5 and have this on the background

Watch Ergo Proxy

The guy complaining about his HDR looking blown out could just have a cheap edge-lit HDR TV instead of a backlit TV, those do exist surprisingly.

Tyler Cumerford

HDR just makes whites whiter and blacks blacker. You hsbe to tweak the brightness on each game and your TV. I have the same TV you do Colin. There are tons of YouTube videos to help you. Especially now that they have the new consoles


Yup I had a $300 4K TV that did "HDR" and it looked so bad when I turned it on in games now I have a LG CX OLED and when I turn off HDR it looks worse. Gotta have a high end TV that can actually display real HDR.


Anyone else Notice how insane of a jump the audio coming out of the Dualsense is? I have my Sennheiser HD 598 plugged in and Demon's Souls sounds like I'm in a Dolby theater all the time.

Daniel Maynard

Ok guys, you can tell if your about to start the PS4 version of a game by looking next to the name of the game once you're on the games page in the main menu. There's a PS4 logo next to the name

Richard Duflo

I think the Trophy comment near the end was mine. Although, I guess it’s possible someone changed my name 😂 For cross gen games, you can check what version you’re playing from the home screen. Press the Options button on a game tile and then go to the bottom to Game Version. You can select the 5 or 4 version there. I don’t know why it’s not automatic.

Bryan Lozano

You guys sound like my mom getting her first smartphone when talking about the new ui. A single press to the ps button gives you access to almost everything you need. I’m not saying it’s perfect but I just think it requires some getting use to. Anyways thank you for the great content guys.

Frank G.

Oh no Colin I respectfully disagree on keeping that ps4 pro. As soon as I get my ps5 I'm yeeting that ps4 into the sun...Or I'll donate it just want it out my 🏠 already. Stay up Dustin. Chris where's the Beyond light review?!


Just wanted to say that, even though I don't own a PS5, I was able to add Bugsnax to my library by browsing the PS store through my computer. I recommend everyone to do it as soon as possible. Great episode, I'm glad you guys are enjoying the PS5, it's awesome to hear your thoughts as you experience more of the console.


Launch is completely botched. If I wanted to buy 10 Iphones 12s I could any day I want, if I want 1 ps5 I'll have to wait for... next year. I dont see this as a lunch so much a pre-sale beta launch for the console. Massively disappointed that unlike the ps2, 3 and 4 I cant access it without paying someone who botted their way into 20 consoles. Super sour grapes for me :(

Anthony J Sanchez

Lol, I just got my PS5 yesterday, and I absolutely love it. The only thing that's annoying is not being able to shut off the console/ controller by holding down the PS button.

Cory Towler

Hey fellas. I did want to talk about something you guys missed. A few weeks ago, you guys had some concerns about the mic on the dualsense. Im happy to confirm that Its pretty incredible. I was unfortunately one of the poor souls that had his pre-order canceled 3 days before launch day but thankfully a few of my online friends were able to get one. We did some play testing with that mic and i'm actually very pleased with how well Sony did with it. I believe it was Chris that was concerned about being able to hear a ton of "clicking and clacking" on the controller but I was shocked to not hear a single button press feedback. On top of that the mic they used on the controller has a better sound quality than a ton of my other friends headsets. I for one would never use this because I love my steelseries way too much but id like to throw some more props to Sony for how much time they put into their controller. If i'm being honest, i'm more excited to get my hands on the features of the controller, than the console itself. Anywho. Thought you guys might want to know. Love the show guys. Keep fucking that chicken.

Forrest Hunter

I wasn’t expecting to think about Jenny Jones today, but here we are,,,

Real Radec

I gotta disagree with Chris on the Dualsense in use of 1st and 3rd party games. Games like Sackboy and Spiderman use it well. Like dude CoD is the biggest shooter right now and it has excellent use.of the triggers so personally I'm looking forward to future uses of the Dualsense.

Robert F Friemering

Sweet! My question got read in the episode. Chris got my last name right. Most people don't pronounce it correctly. Great episode too.

Brandon Soto

Couldn’t be more bummed out on the PS5 release. Took off work for 2 days just to secure one, while having bots & scalpers buy them all. Just an embarrassment of a launch, and I hope Sony addresses this soon. Most of us can’t sit at our computers and hit refresh all day.


I find that the UI is fine and not that big of a deal that you need to press instead of hold to shut it down, but Chris is definitely wrong on one point. He said that holding the button is how you power it up... No, you just need to press the button to power it up. As for the controller, having played Astro's I get the weird feeling that it's a gimmick like the Switch HD rumble that are more obnoxious than anything else. When you become a spring it becomes annoyingly loud like the coin pick up in Mario Kart. I was playing with headphones and couldn't hear it, but my girlfriend besides me on her laptop was asking me wtf is that. Had to remove my headphones and realize it was making that freaking loud ass noise. Also the blow in the mic, with headphones it wasn't blow in the controller anymore it was blow in my headset mic which are on the sides of my head. So I had to remove the headphones and blow on the mic. Did not really like the move the controller around motion control as most of the time it just hurts my wrist after a while more than anything. Game is cool, but I hope most of the gimmicky stuff don't leave that game.


Even with an headset you can tell the PS5 to use the controller's mic.


Yeah got mine yesterday and was ready to hate it and be so lost hearing everyone's talk about, but no, it was fairly easy to use and everything felt fine.


Yeah I kinda hate the white whiter personally, just hurt the eyes most of the time so I turn my backlight down a little. I am thinking about answering wrong the question from the HDR calibration. Like when it says for the first one had brightness until you barely see it, I feel like stopping 2-3 notches earlier... Or is it the other way around...


Yeah, that makes sense. You could do that for any of the consoles/handhelds that had free games (including PS3, Vita, and PS4) as long as you were PS+.


It's interesting, for sure. I can't pretend to fully understand the semantics of why and how things like this happen.


The problem is that Astro obviously uses it so much more that it becomes apparent what can be done with it, but isn't...

Piston Pants

Is Sackboy big adventure any good? I wouldn't mind a fun game that isnt kill a bunch of shit as a palate cleanser.

Brandon Soto

The console should’ve been delayed. And I think Sony would have if it weren’t for Microsoft pushing for this year. Seems obvious at this point.


There are two schools of thought on that one. Some people say if they have 5 millions available they should launch now if "ready" so at least 5 millions can enjoy it. Others say they should wait until they have a right amount. I am with you, should have delayed.

Shawn Hayden

FWIW, NBA2k uses the adaptive triggers in the best way I've seen so far, the run buttons resistance increases as your player gets tired, and the "defense" button changes when you make contact with another player. Super immersive and a great way to show off the controller.

Jason Bristol

I feel like the UI was changed because lot of the things that were added to this would of made it very clunky if they just kept the PS4 UI but added to that. I don’t think people actually would like that. And am I the only crazy one here, but when setting up the console it tells you to press the PS button and shows you a command menu with the power button there. I guess I wasn’t as easily confused?? I would agree they should probably change the hold PS button function back to the PS4 style.

Ben Williams

I put my Miles Morales PS5 disc in my PS5. It installed and when I went to open it, it sent me to the PS4 product page on the store to buy it. Finally figured out how to change it to the PS5 version, but that's ridiculous that it has the same issue when a freaking PS5 DISC is in there.

Jake Z

What the hell is Chris talking about? You press the PS button once to turn the console on. It makes sense to press it once to bring up the quick menu to shut it off. I agree that I also keep holding it out of habit to bring up the quick menu, but the new way is a better, quicker way to do it once I get used to it.

Jake Z

From what I've learned HDR quality is widely variable depending on the TV manufacturer and display type. I bought a cheap $400 TCL 4K HDR TV when I got my PS4 Pro and the HDR on it did look washed out compared to SDR. I would turn HDR off for many games. Then recently got on the LG CX train and the colors in HDR pop a lot more with its OLED display. HDR quality can also vary depending on the implementation of the game developer. For instance, I heard a lot of people saying RDR2's HDR implementation was terrible at launch. So yeah, HDR is not as cut-and-dried as 4K, but when it's all working correctly it can be quite stunning.


I swear when I heard Dustin say in fidelity mode, I heard it as infidelity mode. All I could think was what would this be? Playing the series X?


I know we’re loving 4K gaming and all, but I feel that until Game titles can achieve the quality of current Animated Film (Disney for example), we will always want more realism, more resolution, and more immersion. 10k, 20k resolution please!

Samuel Ashley

Thanks Colin! You just brushed over the fact that the was a USB port in the back of the ps5 but I’m glad you mentioned it because I quite possibly would have not realized that for years. I went home and checked at lunch, and saw there’s actually two of them. I was thinking that the one port it the front was going to be inconvenient when switching between charging my headset and controller, so I am happy about the discovery!


Didn’t they include ps4 versions of the game to support PSVR? Since for some reason Ps5 games aren’t supported by PSVR? I may be talking out of my ass here, but I think that’s why they’re available.

Matthew Cooper

Yeah, the idea that HDR is a "scam" is laughable. Depending on the TV and whether that TV has HDR enabled and is calibrated properly, HDR can really enhance the contrast and vibrancy of the image. It's also not just about making the image brighter, though that's certainly a possibility, but it also adds more gradations to color, making colors look more natural. Also some games do not handle HDR well, because they aren't utilizing it well, like Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One. It really blows out the brighter parts of the image, shitloads of white crush. That's not proof that HDR is bad, it just means that one game doesn't use it right. It would be like arguing that the Blu Ray format is no better than DVD by presenting some early Blu Ray movie that got a terrible encode. Overall, HDR is a tremendous improvement over SDR. I would argue that HDR is a bigger improvement over SDR than 4K is over 1080p.

Erik Peterson

Wait people really complain 'I don't have a PS5 yet so don't make this content yet'? WTF?


Can the PS5 really output 4k Ray Tracing at 60fps? I was under the impression that all the fidelity modes are generally 30fps with Ray Tracing.

Sam Dunham

I have one very, very good reason for people to run the PS4 version of a PS5 game they own on their PS5. PSVR. No PS5 versions of games support PSVR (yet). Take No Mans Sky. The PS4 version is completely playable in PSVR. The PS5 version doesn't support PSVR at all. So I have both installed on my PS5. When I want to play in the best quality, I'll launch the PS5 version. When I want to play in PSVR, I'll switch out the HDMI cables and play the PS4 version.


CoD’s support of DualSense is 2nd only to Astro. A must play for anyone looking to get more outta their controller, a buddy and I played CoD Zombies and my fingers were feeling the strain from the triggers.

Jake Z

Yes, played it 4 player local co-op for many hours Saturday and Sunday and it was a blast! It looks absolutely beautiful on PS5 and the collectible costumes system is super fun and rewarding. Each level feels distinct with many offering neat mechanics and there are music levels that sync to popular licensed songs à la Rayman Legends to glorious effect. Excellent DualSense support too. Highly recommend!

Jake Z

Maaaan, this makes me really want to play it. I hope they add significant DualSense support for Apex.

Mason M

Some valid complaints here but some I feel are just complaining for its sake without doing the necessary due diligence to check on listener comments. For instance, the game version is literally right next to the game name, if it doesn’t say PS4, then it’s PS5. I get it’s also weird that there are versions of the game instead of smart delivery but Dualshock 4 and PSVR aren’t forward compatible and need the PS4 version. I’m playing Sackboy co-op and only have one DualSense so I use the PS4 version for DS4 and it says PS4 right next to the name when I select the version by pressing options on the game, very straightforward . I know these are just listener questions but more investigation before answering may be good and provide more insight instead of just looking at the questions without testing. I found that Dustin is the one mostly doing the necessary work and corrects a lot of misconceptions. I love the show and have been a listener since day 1 but I’m seeing this more often lately and wanted to give my thoughts, no offense meant.


Most of my problems with the ps5 ui are that my settings from sound, to which version of the game I selected, just don't save. Sometimes these settings will just revert to the settings I changed them from. For sound Ive turned off the automatic switch but these settings still change in-between boots. It's frustrating and I hope Sony fix this, until then I'll just have a checklist everytime I boot the thing up.


I haven’t had the version mishaps like you guys. Before I started my games, the console asked which version to install and it’s been smooth. For people wondering how to universally set things after the initial boot up: Go to settings, saved data and game/app settings, game presets. My PS5 charges the controller with the front port no problem even on rest mode, but I did have problems getting my external hdd to read even on the suggested back port. That took a few tries when I first started just to test it, but I ended up not even using it. So all in all, pretty smooth launch for me. I do wish they update the UI for the hold button shortcuts though. Also annoying that the games don’t have the upload/download cloud options when you click start on them, and that it’s done in the settings now.

Miles Williams

The thumbnail is awesome! I can't wait to play Demon's Souls. Hopefully I'll be able to find a PS5 early next year.


Well, what's interesting is that there are pieces of the UI that are ripped out of PS4. As if, they didn't have enough time to finish or something...


It's not as straight-forward as you're indicating, hence many, many people having problems.

Sam Dunham

My biggest UI complaint (slightly ahead of the convoluted mess required to put the machine into rest mode, the convoluted mess involved in quitting a game, and the lack of folders) is that there's no apparent way to permanently sort the games. Every time I go into my library, I have to re-sort them alphabetically. Kind of a pain.


Real hard to give a fuck about playstation 5 now that they are conpletly out of reach. Sour grapes for me. I gona continue to support the show but im to bitter on the whole situation to listen. It just sucks to hear about the tech that's out of reach due to scalping. I can just buy one but fuck them. So bullshit, just fucking bullshit.

Hose A Contra Razz

FYI In the PS five settings there is a charge via USB option on/off or certain hours after it’s in rest mode


Hey Colin, Not sure if you are still having the issue with miles voice in Spider-Man but I had the same issue. Found a fix on Reddit, you need to match audio types with the ps5 and your tv. I have LG oled also, so changed them both to linear. Not sure how that impacts audio though. Cheers

Hose A Contra Razz

Colin likes don’t have time to play ps5 because Mika was here and “football “ lol. That’s a nice way of being a gentlemen.


The extended simpering preamble of praise before ever utterance of critique was strange...at around 10:30 Chris begins and goes on that way for sometime... Anyway, it comes off as maybe someone got too many exit surveys saying that Chris was too negative, anyway that stuck out too me. Have a great day guys :)


One correction, you guys talked as if the double downloads issue will stop in about a month or two...forgetting that Jim Ryan said the PS4 - PS5 transition will take approximately 3 years. So I’d expect the issue to continue for quite awhile. What happened to “Don’t be a part of the Sony defense force”?

Luke Silletta

Maybe I'm crazy but when I was playing Miles Morales I preferred fidelity mode. The 60fps made it seem like it had the soap opera effect but for games. It was just too smooth for me. I'm sure I'm in the minority on this.

David P

That's how I felt when I played some of my first 60fps games (with cinematics at least) as a kid, it felt weird. I think while it can be weird in cutscenes at first it's definitely better in gameplay.


I have not got my ps5 yet, but when I do I will be using the performance mode. Looking forward to experiencing 60fps.

Tristen Wilbers

Great episode so far! Just wanted to echo Dustin's comments about the triggers. The triggers in Call of Duty have to be commended. It's totally something that I think people are taking for granted. And you can adjust the intensity to your desired level (0-100 scale). The haptics in it are also pretty nice. I'm in love with the controller. I think the triggers and haptics will have more creative implementation in first party games, at the very least, compared to the touch pad on PS4, which I am optimistic about. There's just many more relevant immersive capabilities with these features than the touchpad to realize. 3rd party implementation will probably be a mixed bag, though.


I like how the UI looks, but as you guys have pointed out, there’s a lot of inelegant changes that make the UI feel cumbersome. But yeah...one of the worst things is how the ps5 doesn’t automatically default to the ps5 version of a cross-gen game. They could’ve simplified this so that it’s much more difficult to accidentally play the ps4 version of a title. Case in point...playing the watchdogs legion ps5 version but using the ps4 save data wasn’t an obvious smooth transition. At one point, my ps5 tried to download the ps4 version of the game with me not making a conscious effort to grab it. It was just weird. Also, Ubisoft didn’t do a great job communicating to people that “hey, you have to use our in-game interface to coordinate save data between ps4 and ps5.” I had to google this and spend more than 30 minutes to find the correct solution. But now I know, and knowing is half the battle.


They changed something that didn't need to be changed. But I'm sure we'll all become accustomed to it.