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In our modern world of re-releases and remasters, it's easy to get carried away. Yet, with the success of the first part of Square Enix's Final Fantasy VII Remake, we're left wondering whether just about any game could be reimagined. Even, say, arguably the most-beloved Final Fantasy of them all: VI. How do publishers and developers strike a balance between the old and the new? And are some games simply too... sacred... to touch? On this week's mailbag-centric episode of +, we consider this question, and many others. Like: How awesome was PlayStation Magazine? Has MLB: The Show benefited from the truncated (real world) baseball season? Can we get a little realism with our zombies? Is weapon degradation good or bad? Should Sony explore digital pack-in games on PS5? Will our industry ever surpass so-called AAA quality? All of that (and more!) on the other side of the play button.



Angel DeJesus

A bit early. Did I miss something bout this releasing early?

Tyler Cumerford

Ooooo I already know my boy Colin has something to say about weapon degredation. Can't wait for the rant 🤘


It’s ‘Sacred Symbols +’, and unless I’m misunderstanding apparently at this exact moment isn’t labelled as such and appears to be regular Sacred Symbols

Piston Pants

Playstation podcasts on the inside you might not be able to trust so much? Such as? 😎


Your brain actually only uses 20% of your energy, but it is only 5% of your mass.

Real Radec

Disagree with Chris on one aspect though. Warhawk and Starhawk were amazing multiplayer games for Sony. Definitely a franchise Sony should revisit to revitalize their multiplayer focus.


Idk but this episode’s acting really strange. I get a notification that it’s live but i cant find it on patreon, then my rss feed notifies me but it’s labeled a normal episode rather than +? Idk im confused and now patreon barely let me write this comment.


I'm also REALLY tired about open world games.. Companies always highlight that X upcoming game will have a much bigger map than the preovious entry. I'm exhausted, perhaps it's because I'm also an old soul.. I prefer either separate stages or a smaller scale, detailed open world that's not actually effin empty. Metro Exodus is also divided by chapters and it balances quite well the size and details of the maps.

Frank G.

That thumbnail though ☺

Jake Z

GameInformer is still going y'all lol

Jake Z

Be careful saying "gypped." There's some Romani people arguing it's an ethnic slur related to "gypsy."


Sorry, I dunno why that is. Have you tried logging out and logging back in? Hit up Patreon Support if you need more help. <3


Yeah. You've gotta justify what's in the open world and how you use it, not how big it is. I couldn't care less if it's big and empty.

Nathan Densley

Thanks Colin for your work

Matthew Cooper

Interesting, I find being cross-dominate with your hands very strange. I'm ambidextrous and pretty much use my hands interchangeably. I don't really get like only being able to write with your left hand but throw with your right hand. Simply being right handed or left handed makes a lot more sense to me, because of how each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body. But if you can do some technical stuff with each hand, I don't really get not being able to do other technical stuff too.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Colin, on the topic of you wishing the NHL would've gone with the silent, empty arena aesthetic, it could've been cool. MMA events (Bellator, UFC, etc.) have all kept it silent, but pro wrestling (AEW, WWE) have all started pumping in crowd noise. Real sports can get away with the silence, as it's a real competition, but something like pro wrestling, which is way more of a show that is literally catered to and centered around the reaction of the crowd, it just feels wrong. I know the MLB is pumping in crowd noise, too, but for them I think it's necessary. Silent baseball is deathly boring. It's interesting to look at who is and isn't pumping in the noise.

Jordan Knepp

dude I'm right there with you now with one trophy left and saying fuck this. I'm going through it in Sekiro and it absolutely irks me. I need to literally grind for hours just to get all the skill points, like an unnecessary amount of grinding. I'm telling myself I'll go back to it later, but at 34 I'm also like fuck that shit, there's better things to do.

David Graham

You know, I could have gone to the grave not knowing which hand you masturbate with, and I don't think my life would have been any worse for it.


I can understand Chris's trepidation towards another crack at a Shattered Dimensions style game when the follow up game "Edge of Time" was nowhere near as good. That said I felt like SD had the right amount of camp much like the Neversoft games, and it was a great take on the Spiderverse concept prior to the more recent movie. When the game came out it was a nice change of pace after Web of Shadows and was far superior again to its follow up game an the Amazing Spider-Man game after that.

Ian (616Entertainment)

"One story... You know what, I'm not gonna tell that story right now." Unreal, man. Blue balls over here.


Never thought about that zombie question before. Good point.

Dom posa

Zombies eat everything. The reason they are trying to kill is to eat

Reuben Barrett

I never knew the correct term. I'm cross handed as well. Although I play guitar left handed god damn it! Haha


Regarding the note about open world games: you need only look back to last gen where mostly linear FPS dominated the market since Call of Duty. And subsequently, game journalists used the phrase 'linear' like a dirty term, not just for FPS but for so many games. The games media treated any game that wasn't open ended and interactive as primitive, so it's no surprise that this gen was flooded with them. That said, my favourite games this gen have been open world (MGSV, Arkham Knight, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Horizon) so there's a case to be made for that. Regardless, each gen has its 'fad' I guess.

Philip Andersen

I miss PSM, it was the only magazine I still had a subscription to until it ended. And u got cool posters with it.

Caleb Greer

Colin, you said that the Titanfall 2 Gauntlet trophy was too much for you. Just wanted to remind you to not be a bitch! Great episode, hope your eye’s all good


If I remember correctly the Zombies do all 'just die' at the end of 28 Days Later. Not seen it for a while though!

Peter Campbell

I have the same weird mix of right-handedness and left-handedness. I can write with both and wear a watch the left-handed way. I vary hand usage based on what I am doing. I think I should have been left handed but as you said, its a right-handed world. The weird downside of this for me is my sense of internal balance is a little bit off (without being a big problem).

Samuel Ashley

Colin you talk about hating weapon degradation, which I do as well, but y’all never seem to bring up RDR 2’s weapon cleaning mechanic. I love the game same as you guys, but I thought this was one of the most annoying things about the game. I know it doesn’t break your gun, so you could just live with the stat decrease, but I always found that to annoy the hell out of me. By the end of the 70 hours I put into the game, I was so sick of seeing Arthur pull out his cloth to slowly clean all his guns that it started to frustrate my overall experience. I’m curious about what you thought about this mechanic.

Kevin Sullivan

My dad is moving out of his house and just brought me a giant box full of Nintendo Power magazines spanning who knows how many years. It's crazy looking back, but I was just like you in that I had no idea I was reading an advertisement.


Another great episode gents! As an aside, if you’re genuinely interested in a different kind of zombie tale I’d recommend The Mountain Man series by Keith Blackmore. There are also excellent audiobook versions which are narrated by award winning R. C. Bray. All the best!


Mild correction: Uncharted 2 didn’t have an online pass. But shout out to the Palm Pre, my first smartphone.

Ryan Hayman

If I remember correctly, in World War Z (the book), the zombies had a life-span of roughly 5 years? So eventually the zombies are gone forever. Also, they use the interesting tactic of waiting until winter, walking up to Canada and smashing the zombie heads in the winter, because they do not have enough energy to stay thawed in the winter. Its still a bit crazy, but at least grounded in more of reality than the usual zombie story.

Dom posa

MLB the show will have around the same numbers. Most people into it already have a Ps4 and people that buy it because it’s an exclusive won’t anymore.

Dylan Neves

Just wanted to set the record straight that it was Nomura who was the one that was blind to his role regarding FF7 Remake, not Kitase.


Yeah, I dug it. Just randomly played it during my IGN days, though I don't think I beat it.


Sure, we wanted agency and choice, but I don't think anyone wanted it in lieu of something else. We need to have more varied AAA experiences.


Yeah, I think the world is so right-handed that it pushes people like us to do certain things right-handed when we're clearly lefties.


Good film, very 'British' take on the genre, and can't go wrong with Cillian Murphy!

Henry Maxwell

Hearing Colin go over his cross-handedness struggles hits close. Born left-handed in a right-handed world is a struggle. Scissors suck.


Great episode guys! It’s shame we still haven’t seen PS4/Switch ports of both Final Fantasy V and VI yet.

Kyle Martin

Microsoft did thay thing were you could ore install games when you by hardware