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While Episode 130 of KnockBack was dedicated to the first two seasons of AMC's crime drama Breaking Bad, this episode of our podcast is in ode to the show's third and fourth seasons, when things really start to get hairy. In these seasons, we have The Cousins. A ratcheting up of the danger surrounding working with Gus and the Mexican cartels. The car wash. Tons of contextual flashbacks. A whole lot of Saul Goodman. Ted and the IRS (and his "Act of God"). Jesse's relapse. The return of Badger and Skinny Pete. Hank's near-murder and redemption. I mean... there's a ton to cover. And we take about three hours or so going over it all, with plenty of your inquiries interspersed. After all, we are the ones that Knock...Back.



Christopher Puckett

You know I've never quite understood why so many people have such a distaste for Skylar in the show. Personally she's never really bothered me, other than a few times that she might do annoying things but it seems like everybody truly hates her and I wonder why that is. I don't particularly think the actress is bad, in fact I really like her, I think it's just the writing but then again I don't really have a problem with the writing personally but I can't think of any other reason the people would hate the character as much as they do.

Russell Garrett

Bravo on that last sentence. It’s almost worth the $5 alone.

Jake De Agrela

So excited, these seasons are truly excellent

Dr. Peter Venkman (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 03:11:48 Ff6 tease > anything about breaking bad
2020-08-20 16:37:55 Ff6 tease > anything about breaking bad

Ff6 tease > anything about breaking bad

Nik Kovacs

I cannot get more than 2 mins into the episode without the Patreon app completely crashing and losing my spot, how can a prominent company have such a shitty app. Anyone have this issue?

Nik Kovacs

It’s strange bc I find it only to happen with knock back I listened to SS+ just the other day with no issues

Bogey Zero

Couldn't disagree with you more. I think this show stands up there with Mad Men and The Wire and is a step above The Sopranos. BUT, I totally agree with you about the Cousins. They're too silly for my tastes.

Demented Avenger

If you view this show as the black comedy it is then the cartoonish aspects make perfect sense.

Demented Avenger

Agreed. I want to use this show as an example of profound storytelling in my English cLass

RFK Rodgers 2024

You guys are talking about how you want to savor a discussion around a game like FF6. Would you ever consider breaking some of the bigger, more noteworthy gaming titles into 2 part episodes? Similar to what youve started doing with TV shows. Just a thought.

Kenneth Oms

Col, FF14, the mmo, added Kefka as a boss. You should look it up on YouTube so you can see what he looks like rendered in modern times

Scott MacLure

I've just finished listening to the first podcast and it's hilarious. Love the laid back feel compared to sacred symbols.

Miles Williams

I just finished The Sopranos about a month ago. It's a great show, but I honestly don't understand how people rate it so high. I definitely wasn't a fan of the ending, and by the end of the show I seriously hated Tony.

Michael Miller

Great episode, gents. I STRONGLY disagree with your opinion about this show not belonging in the pantheon of all those great TV shows, but it’s all good. :)

Kenny LoPresti

Oh my god. I love Colin and value his opinion. However, way off on this one.

Luis Sanchez

To answer Dagan's question about Walt's picture with the candles, the figure is La Santa Muerte (the saint of death). They are basically asking her for a favor or aid in helping to eliminate Walt. The crawling was to show commitment/respect. Hope this helps!


So you only have issues with KnockBack on the Patreon app, but not SS+? That's interesting. The only difference between them is that one is far longer than the other, so perhaps the issue has to do with length or file size.


Yeah, I'd consider it, though few games would require it. Interestingly, Final Fantasy VI is probably one of them!

Nik Kovacs

Colin, I actually just figured out how to use RSS and it works like a charm. Thanks a lot! Now I can go back into the vault of Knock Back.

Miles Williams

I just started FF6 for the first time a few weeks ago. I know I'm 20+ years late, but it really is a great game.

Adam Niksch

Hey Colin. First off, great episode! Loved hearing the different takes on the seasons/show. I wanted to clarify something with the comment I made (likely a failure of my poor writing skills...). I meant that the moment Walt gives the speech about being the one who knocks, that was the moment I realized he was the villain of the story. Not that he was simply not a good person. That’s all. Great stuff as usual!!

Matthew Cooper

Really liking these Breaking Bad episodes, breaking it up into multiple shows is really worth it. I feel like I'm probably inbetween Dagan and Colin in how much I like the show. I have many of the same issues as Colin, but they just don't hold it back as much for me. I don't think Breaking Bad is 10/10 masterpiece level, but it's a solid 9/10.


Imagine getting robbed by Dagan...after he does a knock knock joke. ☠️ Shout out to Rod Roddy. 😄 Colin, you know you love Porty. 😛 I love the Twins. They’re just all business. Col, your pronunciation of Ozymandias was unexpected and almost heartbreaking. Speaking of, I hope you guys do the HBO series Watchmen some day. I loved Weeds at the start, but it went on too long and faltered because of it. Shout out to the sexy Mary Louise Parker though. Indeed. I am the one who knocks knocks needs to be Dagan’s 1st merch. The same way you have your sideways pic, it’ll be that but Dagan’s face with the words under it. 😄

Hugo Stiglitz

Miles I could not agree more. I just watched the Soprano's twice over the last few months and while I absolutely loved it, I frankly think it doesn't hold a candle to Breaking bad in any way besides characters. And even then, some of the characters were so bad they make Skylar and Marie seem essential.

Hugo Stiglitz

Honestly I don't think any of the shows he mentions belongs up there with Breaking Bad lol Especially the sopranos. Most of the criticisms Colin levies at BB are even bigger problems in the sopranos like the supposed wasting of time, cartoonishness, protagonist being a massive scumbag, annoying side characters, etc. And the soprano's is the best show he mentions in his "pantheon" by far LOL

Tyron Hay

Hey Colin! Again, I totally agree with your comments about BB and I cannot believe the disrespect for The Sopranos in the comments section! In terms of Jon Hamm in a villain role, tell Dagan that Baby Driver shows Hamm's range in this respect. Thanks!

Tyler Bello

I love this episode so much! I know you guys don't normally like going beat for beat into episodes and shows or games but I feel like its just so much better when you do like in this episode!


Loved this! But I just wish you guys (more specifically Colin) talked about Mike more :o