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When Mass Effect launched on Xbox 360 in 2007, it promised to be not only one of the most ambitious RPGs of all time, but the entry point to one of the most ambitious gaming trilogies ever. Designed as three games from the get-go, the original Mass Effect propelled Commander Shepard and his team into the galactic intrigue that would engulf the games-long story, but it also ended up doing something even crazier: Allowing subsequent iterations to read your previous games' saves, essentially crafting an agency-driven IP that still hasn't been replicated with any equivalent success. But this episode of KnockBack is dedicated to the very first game -- Mass Effect itself -- BioWare's influential and memorable foray into the world of third-person shooter RPGs. So hone your biotics, gather your Element Zero, and jump through the nearest Mass Relay. We'll see you on the other side.



Matthew Clem

Mass Effect is my favorite series, so I can't wait to listen to this!

Brandon Lahood

I’ve been refreshing this page for an hour I’m so ready for this!!!!!!


I think that was the greatest knockback opening greeting ever, really needed that laugh today 😂😂😂


Yes, sorry for being a little late. We are recording later in the day than usual to accommodate the endless construction going on in my neighborhood, then Dustin gets the files later, he needs more time to edit, etc. He actually got it to me on time, too, but I sleep until the early afternoon. =)

Nik Kovacs

Awesome! Cannot wait to sink my teeth into this episode :) hope the move it going well Colin

Kelly Perkins

My house was built 6 years ago and some people still have trouble finding us. 😂 Your house sounds amazing colin minus the dog pee! I've been thinking about going back to mass effect also so I'm intrigued about you guys think

Max Stahl

"This will be a day long remembered." - Darth Vader I don't even care that it's a different universe. SPACE, BITCHES.

Anthony J Sanchez

One of my favorite games of all time! I had to listen to the end song again due to your tweet. Yes, it's epic!


That's going to be a good one!


After months of waiting! My Knockback topic finally is airing! So excited!


Man I can't wait to listen to this one!

Matthew Clem

Was hoping it would be a long episode, but holy shit, almost 4 hours?! Now I'm even more excited than I already was... I'm actually looking forward to my hour and a half commute home from work.


TFW you have 4 hours left of work and see the episode is 3:45 :)


Can’t wait for the mass effect 2 one now. Dagan gonna love it and will be fanboying hard on that one.


Man imagine if bioware made a dragon quest game


I’m commander shepherd and this is my favorite podcast on the citadel

Domenico Smarto

I binged the mass effect trilogy in college during Christmas break. Then immediately after finishing 3 I pre-ordered mass effect Andromeda, which might be my most disappointing game of this generation.

Adam Barnes

Why is it such a big deal that Colin has been mowing his own lawn...? Lol Do Americans usually pay someone else to do it or something?

Scott MacLure

I know I'm really trying to sell you on experiencing the sequels on xbox x just bust it'll run better, the stuttering or whatever is called is non existent apart from at the end battle. But its just a suggestion friend. I cant wait to play it myself. Keeping it for work tomorrow. Any way keep up the good work boys.


I have wondered about you Where will you be? When this is through?

Brandon Soto

More like Ass Effect, AMIRIGHT?!?! *raises hand for high-five*

Brandon Soto

It’s a shame these awesome games are stranded on PS3, just like inFamous, Sly Cooper, Resistance, PSOne Classics, etc.


Colin, when are we getting that grandmas boy knockback!!! Would be a quick one in between those 40 hour games 🤓


Listening to this at work today 👍 Also I would drop everything in my gaming backlog for Mass Effect trilogy remake especially since I only played the second one on ps3


Wow that IS a banger of a song. Thanks for sharing! Great episode, too :) Can't wait for 2 and 3.


I just think the expectation is that I'd cop-out and hire someone, like I'd do with many household tasks. But I really like mowing the lawn, so...

Scott MacLure

I only ever played the first, so listening to this has got me chocking to experience the other 2 games. May hold of if the rumour is true ? how long far out is it do we know ?


1st mass effect was my favorite. 2nd was way to short tbh The 3rd would be my fav if not for that ending

Daniel Schiffer

Andromeda really got the exploration, Mako and gameplay right. It had the best in the series. It's just too bad everything that makes Mass Effect phenomenal they got so wrong. I would love to see those aspects combined with what made ME1 so phenomenal. Either as a RE2 style remake a new entry or both. It deserves nothing less and hopefully under Casey Hudson's stewardship it will.


This was a great ep. Can’t wait for Dagan to get to 2 and 3.


I dunno. If it's true, you'd have to imagine we'll find out sometime this summer. Playing on PS3 or 360 is a totally vibrant experience, though.

Tyler Bello

I always love playing games like this by not playing good or bad but making real decisions! Whats conciquence if it wasn't a join?

Josh Walker

In a perfect world, EA would be inspired by Capcom's RE Remakes, and instead of a remaster they remake the trilogy.


In a binary system like this, I really feel like you've gotta choose a path. You're not rewarded for playing the game gray.

Your Boi Nicky V

Great listen, it's actually made me remember how much I loved these games, I just haven't given the series any thought since 3's ending fell kind of flat. Excited for the PS4 version now, just hope they're actual remakes and not 1080p ports.


Yeah, I'm really hoping for a PS4 trilogy port with some tweaks... particularly to the first game's Trophies. =)

Michal Dudic

cool topic, I haven't thought about ME in a long time so this was a nice trip down memory lane. BTW, if you're into space exploration and ancient alien civilizations, really no game has ever done either better than Outer Wilds.

Pete (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:17:08 Great ep. Thanks for covering it so thoroughly. Looking forward to part 2 & 3.
2020-07-19 18:22:01 Great ep. Thanks for covering it so thoroughly. Looking forward to part 2 & 3.

Great ep. Thanks for covering it so thoroughly. Looking forward to part 2 & 3.

Mark Law

Listening to this, ready for the Mass Effect Legendary Edition on my Series X tomorrow!