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Did Disney's Star Wars trilogy end with a loud bang or a resounding thud? It depends on who you ask, of course. But just late last year (in 2019), the new galactic journey that began with Episode VII ended with Episode IX, and the results were about as divisive as you'd probably imagine. Mired by rewrites, production problems, roving directors, and the death of an iconic actor, The Rise of Skywalker tried to undo many of the problems introduced by Rian Johnson's Episode VIII, but whether or not it even remotely succeeded is a matter of endless debate. So let's talk about the conclusion of Rey's journey, chat about Finn, Poe, Kylo Ren, and all of the other characters, worlds, and pieces of lore... and maybe spend approximately half of this episode talking about Babu Frik, too, because... well... he deserves all the attention he can get. (Topic begins at 0:25:48.)



Morten Madsen

yes finally!!! 4 hours!!!


HOLY SHIT. Almost 4 hours of goodness 👅👅

Teny Kuti

Now, I’m really excited to see what Colin thinks about Episode 9, but I’m mostly excited to continue the epic saga of Colin Vs Dagan rap battles

Max Stahl

Space Skeletor über alles.

Kenneth Oms

Oh bro I’m so excited you just made my Thursday jog so good

Joey Finelli

The answer is thud.

Kenny Gutzler

I've been waiting for this one. Day plans made!

Russell Garrett

I saw this movie at midnight when it came out in the U.K, and then my cat died the following day. I’m not saying they were connected, but the movie was fucking dreadful.

Henry Viola

I have liked all the new Star Wars movies to come out since Force Awakens, I hate The Rise of Skywalker. Biggest cinematic misstep I have seen in years, cannot believe they fumbled the ending so bad. It has some good moments for sure, but so much of it feels so disjointed and pointless. Its like the Frankenstein of movies

Thomas Connolly

Holy sweet mother of fuck I wasnt expecting to geek on Star Wars for 4 hours while cleaning my house but here we are

Saulius Vekteris

Why.....just why do podcast about this "amazing" movie. I dont understand why people care for this turd.

Keith W

The covid talk had me thinking of this Star Wars gem: https://youtu.be/kFnFr-DOPf8 Living in fear is no way to live.

Ollie lovell

I can’t wait to listen to this one!!!

Jack Doheny

4 hours you manics.....im in

Michael Miller

Ohhhhh this is gonna be a doozy

Lou & Rei Loper

Hahaha I loved Babu so effin much, and I am a terrible hateful old man that usually hates 'the cute character' haha


It's not just your risk to take. Cloth masks won't stop you from getting it, but they do decrease the chance to unknowingly spread it to others. At the very least try to wear a mask around people if nothing else.

Max Stahl

https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/02/paper-non-symptomatic-patient-transmitting-coronavirus-wrong# Those people can make their own risk assessment and stay inside, wear masks themselves in public and work from home if they can. Most employers will not want the liability in not remaining flexible during this crisis if they can help it. CDC guidelines were recently revised to reflect the emerging concensus that the virus doesn't last long on surfaces and is unlikely to spread from them. The issue at hand was the sheer novelty of the virus; there are reasons to have a relatively positive and hopeful outlook amidst this horrible crisis.

Ben Williams

This movie was a horrendous garbage heap of crap. But at least it wasn't The Last Jedi.

Alex Landry

The Last Jedi was great because it tried to change the space insest fan service festival.

Ben Williams

Colin, watch the Mandalorian. First season is out and it's good Star Wars

Michael Ferrari

I personally think it is crystal clear what happened with this trilogy. I for one LOVED episode VII. I thought it was a smart move to make a familiar movie to let Star Wars fans know, "hey, Star Wars is going to be the Star Wars you love again, think A New Hope/Return of the Jedi, NOT the prequel trilogy." It was just smart. I believe it is a fact, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, that JJ Abrams set up a trilogy outline, and Rian Johnson threw it away to make his own film. Rian's ego and political agenda overpowered staying true to Star Wars and the outline JJ made, so episode VIII went in a direction nobody wanted, an acted as if nobody learned a thing from episode VII. We see Poe and Finn take a total back seat and regress, as if they had learned nothing from The Force Awakens, we even get the whole Finn trying to run away storyline AGAIN despite him learning to stand his ground and protect his friends in VII. Episode IX I feel like wasn't so much about flipping the bird to Johnson as much as begging fans to not hate Star Wars anymore, but they went in a completely horrible direction with it. I give episode IX a 10/10 for shitting on The Last Jedi, but it is a terrible film. So many fake deaths and non-sensical storylines. The corniness of the Emperor coming back. Luke getting absolutely shafted across the whole trilogy and destroyed as a character. It was all just a waste, and it sucks because there was insane amounts of potential with the new trio of heroes and Kylo and Snoke. I personally think Rian Johnson is single-handledly responsible for this trilogy being so terrible. It's easy to see with episode VII that JJ Abrams really gets Star Wars. With VIII it's easy to see Rian Johnson doesn't, and then with IX they had to desperately try to course correct things.

Marco Maluf

A thud for sure, Luke was the symbol of hope, and he was nothing more than a grumpy old man, It was supposed to be the Skywalker saga, but it got lost after EpVI, so that for me was the true ending of the Star Wars, as it should be....

Ben Williams

What actually happens in that movie? They're in the exact same spot by the end. Nobody dies. Poe is still the same insubordinate pilot. Rey learns nothing from being on the island with Luke. Luke is still too cowardly to actually come out of hiding and fight. Kylo is still somehow inept at catching ONE ship. The whole movie is a chase scene, but the characters don't change and the world around them is unchanged. Is that a better critique? I could go on


Absolutely shocking to me how scientifically uninformed Colin can be sometimes.

Henry Viola

JJ didn't have an outline, there was no planning done for the trilogy at all. That was the biggest issue, they didnt outline the series from the beginning, and went into every movie fresh.

Michael Ferrari

I am fairly certain that he did make an outline. Daisy Ridley I believe said so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLHX9tvFASU

LastStandMedia (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:43:43 I'm really glad to hear that. <3
2020-05-21 17:30:32 I'm really glad to hear that. <3

I'm really glad to hear that. <3

Kenneth Oms

Hel Colin, quick comment, the stormtrooper said Ghouls. Not goals. Also the concept art for The Force Awakens and the original plot was going to be about the cult of vader. Kylo Rens original name was GraveKeeper


I wear a mask when I go into stores, which is rare. We can't keep living like this. It's easy for me to tell all of you to stay indoors, but I make a good living staying home anyway. Who am I to tell other people to ruin their lives? This has to end, one way or another. I don't know what the consequences will be, but I do know the economic consequences of this going on for another few months will be unprecedented, and I don't blame people for wanting to risk it.

Joey Finelli

I have never felt more rage than i did for episode 8. but this move just sucked.


VII and Rogue One were so good... and then they just botched it. They had it, they knew what they were doing... and then they fumbled. And now here we are.


Yeah, if you can isolate what you like and don't like about this series in particular, that's probably useful.

Max Stahl

Palpatine reminded me of Skeletor in this film, even in the imagery put out prior to release. He was made into such an absurd character that I got a good laugh out of it!

Brian Dewire

FOUR HOURS? You guys are out of control, I love it.

Ivan Hornett

Wow, what a blessing of an episode. This is Knockback at its BEST. This junk is still sealed on my shelf. Hear me out, I know you probably won't, but you NEED to watch the Dave Filoni Trilogy of Clone Wars/Rebels/Mandalorian. Like lots of folks, I fell out of love with Star Wars after the Prequel trilogy ended. I had a new coworker rally for me to watch The Clone Wars. I finally did and wow. It brought me back to SW hard. Dave Filoni was who George started Clone Wars with and transferred the baton of knowledge so to speak. He went on to helm Rebels and now Mando with Favreau. For me, Rebels and Mando are right next to Rogue One as the best SW Disney has made. I know you said you'd watch Mando once it's all out. Anyway, consider the animated shows.

Toren R. (KESA)

I could stand to learn a LOT from Dagan, who, as he said, had waited since 1983 for this and despite the massive let down, is still able to approach this movie and trilogy with an optimism that doesn't feel forced or paid for, but genuine and thoughtful. I haven't seen this movie yet, because I just have nothing left for me for this entire franchise, but if I ever do watch it, I can only hope to have your brothers approach in mind.


Oh dear. This is gonna be fun.

Elliot Rogers

All the dialogue is exposition. What I love about original trilogy Star Wars is the mystery, the throwaway dialogue that makes you think about the lore of universe and want to know more (Bothans / Kessel Run etc.) This film series is just hours of Finn whooping and someone saying "we need to go get that object over there"


Why the digression about staying indoors? OP was talking about wearing a mask.

Matthew Cooper

I have never put a mask on in public and won't. I don't think they do anything at all other make people feel less scared about going out. There are hundreds of people at my construction sites and I see maybe 1 or 2 wearing masks sometimes not related to their work. I am choosing not to let fear run my life. Anyone who wants to can continue to quarantine, but these government ordered lockdowns need to end. Forcing healthy people to starve to death in their houses is fucked up. Why continue the lockdowns? There may never be a vaccine or a cure and the hospital systems never got close to being overwhelmed. At best they're just delaying the spread a little bit, maybe putting some people off from getting it for a few months. But they're destorying the economy and costing tens of millions of jobs; which by the way will cause deaths. I saw an estimate of an additional 75K deaths in the USA this year from suicides and drug overdoses from the economic devastation.

Marco Maluf

Colin reading about Vader, at some point he started to sound like Stephen Hawking. It was amazing!!!! ❤️


Colin, I promise watching the Mandalorian will make you feel better about star wars.


Colin I know your not a fan of the prequels, but considering your bro is so into animation and the shows final season just finished. Would your consider watching the Clone Wars series?

Andrew Christensen

Colin's "rap" (limerick) was actually a relatively comprehensive summary of Darth Vader haha. Awesome, Colin is such a talented writer in so many ways haha

Andrew Christensen

ALSO: I echo the words before me. WATCH THE MANDALORION.

Nick DeBoer

All 3 of these movies were an absolute blast and visual spectacle in the theater. Every rewatch at home of any are utterly forgettable. The comment about the prequels being potentially better really resonated. They suck but tell a WAY better story.

Domenico Smarto

I was in the same boat with you Colin when Disney bought Star Wars. I really didn’t want them to get creative control of Star Wars. I would of preferred if George Lucas just took the original trilogy approach were he assembles the plot and has other writers and directors make the films. Episode 9 to me was just a really bad remake of Return of the Jedi.

Richard Duflo

The best part about Poe being dressed like Drake is that they are also on a treasure hunt lmao

Erik Peterson

Oh God this is gonna be great. I watched ROS once on the first day and didn't watch it again until Disney+ movie definitely blows but the one good thing is it absolutely shits all over Rian Johnson which I love. Fuck that guy and fuck all the ppl that supported TLJ.

Alan Ortega-Lopez

A paintball business here in IL closed permanently, while I still have a job and most stores even non essentials here in IL are open, the attractions and entertainment hubs are being hit hard

bix hutch

I just finished the movie to listen to this podcast as I could never bring myself to watch it until now. So Ill get the good out of the way first. All of the droids are fucken great in this movie except R2 seemed a little left out. They’re all really funny and charming, even the little cone droid that winds up hanging out BB8 was really likable and Babu Frick was the fucken funniest thing Ive ever seen in a good way. It had some great character moments that I really enjoyed with most of the characters. That being said this movie is really all over the place. It has some straight up eye rolling moments and the simple fact is that what Rian Johnson did just couldn’t be salvaged. TLJ just did irreparable damage that couldn’t be fixed. Its an enjoyable movie but its a bad star wars movie. Id say that while yes the prequels have serious problems they at least tell a coherent story that not only feel incredibly important but they feel like part of Lucas’s vision.

Robert Schultz

I loved the raps/poems. In listening to the pod I have two thoughts. The first, I think the unexplored/unexplained character element is basically a mainstay of the franchise at this point. The original trilogy is full of characters with little to no background story that have been romanticized by fans for decades. So much of what is known about tertiary characters in the OG trilogy was gleaned from the expanded universe. I’m not saying it’s the way to go, just an observation. The second, please don’t do the Last Jedi. This is sufficient for the entire sequel trilogy. I can’t imagine there’s much more to be said.

Seth Paetz

Finally!!! Been waiting for this lol


There's just so much to watch, and frankly, I don't care enough about Star Wars anymore to dedicate much more time to it. They had their chance! =)

Erik Peterson

Yea sorry for the vitriol but I figured since that seems to be the general consensus on CLS itd be okay.

Caleb Greer

I actually really love when you guys talk about star wars lol. Thanks for keeping it real!

Caleb Greer

One last comment: Ian McDiarmid recounted at Star Wars Celebration 2019 the conversation he had with George Lucas after RoTJ about whether Palpatine could somehow be alive, and George said no he was dead like 3 times lol. Timestamp of Ian saying this is 1:40-2:20. It’s hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrH5Eu6WjnY

Erik Peterson

Also Colin thanks for admitting that the prequels are better than this trilogy.

Will Hahn

It’s always a treat to hear you both talk about Star Wars. Love this episode!


Listening to Dagan’s point about star wars being beholden to target and other retailers for toys and merchandise and I agree it’s no excuse why they made a half baked trilogy Simply because the Gundam franchise was created solely to sell toys and models yet still for 40 years now can tell cohesive stories with in one long timeline to the point still creating for that timeline with a new movie trilogy based on source material that’s over 30 years old and does this juggling act while creating alternate timelines and universes for other stories to be told and creators to create all with similar subject matter to Star Wars Space fleets Space magic (the force/Newtypes) Politics War Young heroes tasked with immense responsibility to protect the galaxy It all drives home that there is absolutely no excuse for Disney

Michael Thew

You should check out the Americans if you guys like Keri Russel

Keith Farrell

I’ve been waiting for this. One of the crappiest movies ever

Bobby Rigo

I think it is clear that Disney wanted to get rid of as much of the George Lucas “Star Wars” lore as they could. You can reference back to when Lucas tried to work with Disney about the story that he had planned, and Disney essentially turned him down. Now, I don’t think this movie specifically was as bad as it could have been. I actually liked it upon first viewing. It had some fan service, some big moments, and great effects. However it’s impossible to deny that there were no plans for these movies. It’s almost as if they left the story to the director and the storywriters they brought to the table. With that, I don’t know if we can blame Rian Johnson for ruining the trilogy. I can definitely agree he ruined what JJ set up. If Rian Johnson made a Star Wars trilogy (which i think he is rumored to do?), The Last Jedi might fit in to whatever narrative that was set up. But again, I think it all comes down to a clear and cohesive story from the first minute of the first movie to the last minute of the last. That’s what hurt this trilogy. And as such, it was going to hurt this movie no matter what story they had came up with.


Col, leave it up to you to switch up the flow of the battles. Next time I’ll have to implement rules. 😄 But seriously, you killed it this week. Although, Dagan still has last week’s topic in the bag, so you’re even now on my board at 1-1.

Kenneth Koepnick (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:43:38 To Colin’s point... the 90s toys at least still sell for Selina their retail. $4-5 a piece. We run a toy store. 90% of the new movie figures sell for less than half of their value, if you can convince someone to buy them. The only valuable toys are the first 6 movies, the EU, &amp; the cartoons, with rare exceptions usually in high end lines.
2020-05-22 14:17:26 To Colin’s point... the 90s toys at least still sell for Selina their retail. $4-5 a piece. We run a toy store. 90% of the new movie figures sell for less than half of their value, if you can convince someone to buy them. The only valuable toys are the first 6 movies, the EU, & the cartoons, with rare exceptions usually in high end lines.

To Colin’s point... the 90s toys at least still sell for Selina their retail. $4-5 a piece. We run a toy store. 90% of the new movie figures sell for less than half of their value, if you can convince someone to buy them. The only valuable toys are the first 6 movies, the EU, & the cartoons, with rare exceptions usually in high end lines.

Brandon Soto (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:43:38 Colin, you hit the nail on the head in the beginning. Very well said. The media &amp; government has never cared about people, so why pretend now and use Covid as an excuse? Taking people’s jobs &amp; freedom away is absurd. We need to get back to normal. Elder people just have to change &amp; adapt like you said.
2020-05-22 16:01:17 Colin, you hit the nail on the head in the beginning. Very well said. The media & government has never cared about people, so why pretend now and use Covid as an excuse? Taking people’s jobs & freedom away is absurd. We need to get back to normal. Elder people just have to change & adapt like you said.

Colin, you hit the nail on the head in the beginning. Very well said. The media & government has never cared about people, so why pretend now and use Covid as an excuse? Taking people’s jobs & freedom away is absurd. We need to get back to normal. Elder people just have to change & adapt like you said.

sean McGuire

Mad Men is a flawless master piece, I disagree.

Brandon Soto (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:43:38 I’ve avoided this movie cuz I didn’t wanna be let down or waste time, and low &amp; behold.... don’t think I wanna watch it now. lol. I said this on the Force Awakens episode; With Last Jedi, Disney pretty much said “You’re all gonna watch it anyway.”, which they’ll never admit. Really a shame. Don’t care for the next trilogy tbh.
2020-05-22 16:18:18 I’ve avoided this movie cuz I didn’t wanna be let down or waste time, and low & behold.... don’t think I wanna watch it now. lol. I said this on the Force Awakens episode; With Last Jedi, Disney pretty much said “You’re all gonna watch it anyway.”, which they’ll never admit. Really a shame. Don’t care for the next trilogy tbh.

I’ve avoided this movie cuz I didn’t wanna be let down or waste time, and low & behold.... don’t think I wanna watch it now. lol. I said this on the Force Awakens episode; With Last Jedi, Disney pretty much said “You’re all gonna watch it anyway.”, which they’ll never admit. Really a shame. Don’t care for the next trilogy tbh.

Adam Niksch

Hey Colin. Just wanted to throw this out there. Dagan is right about Thrawn. He shows up in season 3 of Rebels and is the main antagonist for the remainder of the show. I also think they let Timothy Zahn write a new, in canon, Thrawn novel. Besides Rogue One, the best thing Disney has right now for Star Wars are the Dave Filoni shows (Clone Wars/Rebels/Mandolorian). I hope they get wise one day and let that man become the creative director for the franchise, as his knowledge of Star Wars is only surpassed by Lucas himself.

Joey Finelli

Here you go Colin https://www.catholicgiftsandmore.com/product/bread-of-life-communion-hosts-white-ys436?gclid=CjwKCAjw8J32BRBCEiwApQEKgQmYIyF6rWi0d-LLihNZc0Xn50YcjL5fKmMd9nWVWySxzDSkkVwBnBoCM00QAvD_BwE

Zackery Parkerson

Just wanna roll in here so you know at least one listener absolutely adores The Last Jedi. I thought it was tremendous, even as a lifelong Star Wars fan. It led to me forgiving Disney for destroying my precious EU. I even really love The Rise of Skywalker, too. I loved Rey becoming a Skywalker. I thought it was beautiful and poignant. Be well!

Mitch G

Very excited for this episode! I Know noone probably cares cause this is all personal stuff to me, but I'm responding to the discussion at the beginning of this episode about not following the social distancing standards. It sucks, people have to return to work to survive. I hope we can return to work while keeping care and social distancing when possible though. I have several people in my close family with compromised immune systems and my good buddy just lost his grandma to the disease. I don't wanna lose anyone and I hope other people can do their best to prevent that too


I think Disney thought it was doing the right thing by ridding itself of Lucas, and if you look at everything through that 2012-2013 lens, they did what the fans wanted. It just ended up being the wrong choice. He must feel so vindicated.


It'll be interesting to see how everything evolves in the coming years, as the newer toys will be rarer, and maybe there will be a renaissance. By the way, e-mail me if you have any more Joe lots. =)


It's just untenable, that's all. Doesn't mean there's an easy solution... just means we have to do what's least destructive for the most amount of people.


I absolutely adore Mad Men -- it's one of my favorite shows -- but it, like everything else, isn't perfect.


Yes, but as we said, it would be cool to let Zahn write something mainline, as he's one of the only people to prove that he understands Star Wars.


Folks simply have to make the decisions that are best for them and theirs, that's all. The government can't stand in people's way forever...

Erik Peterson

Of course, I always looked at the prequels as it was better to have had them than to have not. The fact that you've now decided you wish you could see George's version of this trilogy is enough for me.

Charlie Church

Tried to skim through the prior comments, but this may have been said earlier: Dagan said something to the effect of what if calling Leia Princess still instead of General and it made me think what about calling her Queen Leia?

Evan Bederman

Gotta push back strongly on this point: Chris Terrio is a fantastic screenwriter. He won the Oscar for writing Argo, and unfortunately hasn't had a screenplay fully realized since then. He was brought in to fix and rewrite Batman v Superman, he did not write it from scratch (David S. Goyer did, who is a pretty bad writer). And I know you love to shit on that film, but the Ultimate Cut is a far better film than what was shown in theaters, and in terms of its plot and screenplay is definitely up there quality-wise with other comic book films and Star Wars films. Justice League was completely torn to shreds and remade by Joss Whedon and Geoff Johns, and in recent interviews surrounding the release of the Snyder cut it's been revealed that the Justice League film that was released was, at best, about 25% what Terrio wrote and what Snyder filmed. Again, that's obviously not further proof he's talented, but the film absolutely should not be used to knock him. Allegedly, Terrio would complain to Geoff Johns: "Maybe *try* to use some of my pages?", so I don't think it's fair to dismiss him as "the guy who wrote Justice League." Source: https://comicbook.com/dc/news/geoff-johns-DC-exit-justice-league-screenwriter-chris-terrio-WB/ I haven't read as deeply into the production issues surrounding RoS as I have the DC films, but I wouldn't be surprised if Disney gave Terrio and Abrams the same kind of grief and overrulings that Terrio saw at Warner Bros. Just my 2 cents.


I think the new powers in the mainline Star Wars films would be a lot better if it didn't come out of no where. Like if Rey had a couple of scenes playing with the force and seeing if you could use the force to close up wounds or to stop blood flowing from a wound of like a scrape. I think that having scenes of people trying to use the powers of the light or dark side in different ways.


Nothing she does work for me. She's not just not a solidly-realized character. It's a shame.

Jacob billings

Anyone else think Colin gives far too much props to names in the media industry? The Star Trek movies are held in high regard? Nobody who likes trek likes those movies (hyperbole) and rian Johnston is an acclaimed film maker???

Mitch G

Lol wedge is not a big character. He had almost no dialogue in the original trilogy, his brief appearance was perfect. The average watcher would have no clue who wedge was

Tyler Bello

Was surprised to hear that you liked the force projection thing the fact that the force comes with online multiplayer made me roll my eyes hard lol

Jessica Gutiérrez

I'm just sitting down starting to listen to this, 4 hours of AWESOME! Can't wait, I'm glad you guys did this much later than originally planned, it at least gives you time to not make any quick decisions as a lot of people do, I mean it took a full year for Dagan to realize that The Last Jedi was kind of a turd (I liked it but didn't love it).

William Specht-Casper

Colin - loved this I am someone who always enjoys new star wars even if they are not the greatest but I always try and find the good in it


You're crazy. Wedge is an icon in those movies! He's one of the only characters in all three films!

Sean Mason

Fantastic episode. You guys nailed it with your take on not having to love everything from a single franchise just because you are a fan of it.

Arquimedes Quintero II

Colin, just to clarify something about your talk on Covid19. You say you're ready to assume responsibility for yourself, which is great, but you equate the use of masks with fear. The use of masks is not to shield you from the virus, it's so you don't spread your saliva droplets on other people, in case you have the virus and don't have symptoms. Unless you're willing to pay for medical bills to those you potentially spread the virus to, the way to be responsible for yourself is to prevent from spreading it to others. Masks are not a sign of fear, its solidarity, and it's a very small price to pay if it means preventing deaths of others.


Thanks! I think loving and something and being a fan means holding it to account when necessary.

Michael Thew

You willing to pay my bills because you want me to quit my job because your scared? No? Because I’m not paying your fucking medical bills. Wearing a mask I believe is a sign of fear and weakness. Why do you think Trump does not wear one? To project strength, that’s one of the majn differences between the right and socialists. The left deals in fear and weakness and wears those things as badges. If you think that the 1% is going to be you then stay home. I’m sure it prolly less to do with fear though and your willingness to give into communism. Don’t ever tell a person how to live ones life when all one wants to do is lawfully live their life. Quit being a sally, how is anyone suppose to take your side seriously when all you have are the numerous echo chambers called twitter, Facebook, 90% of news outlets and Snapchat. We are not breaking any law by not wearing a mask and those that are fat or sickly or old, stay home and if you get evicted because your a deadbeat and can’t pay your bills don’t complain. You did it to yourself. I’m done paying for the 41 million that are on unemployment, which are getting 600ish a week. Read a history book, communism starts with division, fear, followed by tanking the economy, devaluing thier currency and finally taking away personal freedoms and making the country a police state. Quit being blind, how many check marks has the socialist Democratic Party been able to check in the last 7 years?

Your Boi Nicky V

Jheez, always knew you were a wordsmith but that poem was a masterpiece Colin. They really should have just had Leia die in 8 and reverted the stupid decision to have Luke die so he could take her role in 9. Anyway, I agree it's a fun but pretty dumb movie and a terrible trilogy overall. Revenge of the Sith remains the best, think we can all agree on that 😁.

Alex Quantz

Love the Christopher Walken esque pronunciation of Tie Fighters in the limerick. 👌

Kevin McChesney

I had to stop this episode about 20 mins into the topic conversation. Right off the batt Collins take on the pandemic really kinda put a bad taste in my mouth. Not much more to say on that. Then when they got into the topic I already knew it wasn’t gonna be an episode I had any interest in once I realized it was just going to be bashing the film for hours. I still respect your opinions Collin. Always have and always will. But This episode was a let down for me as I enjoyed the film quite a bit. While not perfect, it wasn’t the train wreck you and your brother depicted it as. Nobody likes listening to someone bash something they enjoy for several hours. I look forward to the next episode.

Joseph Losinno

This thing had to be mess but was more fun than 8. Fun fact, Chris Terrio wrote the Argo screenplay and won an Oscar for best adapted screenplay (he went to my high school lol)

Stefan Catinella

The thing that hurts me the most about the sequel trilogy is how it squandered all the momentum and good will that was built up in anticipation of new Star Wars movies. The fact that they didn't have an overarching plan for the whole trilogy is really incompetent in my opinion. Also a side note, when Kathleen Kennedy was put in charge after the purchase, she put Kiri Hart in charge of the story group. She had one minor production role before being placed in charge of the most important part of Lucasfilm. She was fired after the trashing an entire trilogy of movies and went to work for Rian Johnsons production company. I think a lot of blame is on her and the people she installed in the story group at Lucas Film.

Stefan Catinella

Wedge is still one of my favorite Star Wars characters. I read the X-Wing books as a kid and he was the main character.

Stefan Catinella

As a Star Wars fan who grew up watching the OG trilogy on VHS in the 90's, reading X-Wing novels and playing all the video games that came out over the last 30 years, Disney's treatment of the IP feels like they really could care less about the people who have been supporting Star Wars for the years leading up to their purchase. Why are they so hostile to us, people like Colin, Dagen, and I?


It's really unfortunate. They really did screw up my love of the IP. With Star Wars, now, there's more bad than good. No doubt.

Lou & Rei Loper

Just now getting back to this one, but I wanted to comment on the handshake conversation. Colin...the thing I miss the most about all of this is being able to shake a person hand! I am very very much into the old ways of the handshake meeting someone, or someone doing work for you, etc etc. I shake hands with all of my friends and got them into that habit from the beginning (it's a thing that it seems the younger 20 something generation didn't do) and they pass it on. I am also very very risk averse as a nature of my job, and just in general (not to an obscene level)....but I just met with the AC repairman this afternoon and for the 2nd time now I've met someone who's done a service for me (or told me I need to pay $6k for a new unit lol) and I can't shake their hand. It is very hard for me and I can't WAIT until things are stable enough for me to shake someone's hand again. To some people it's not even a thing that pops into their mind, but for me it's an enormous thing.

Lou & Rei Loper

Also the AC repairman who came out today was the literal first person (that includes family) who's been inside our house since the beginning, that's over 2 months now in Delaware. Pretty crazy.


Great episode. I'm just dumbfounded by how Disney on the one hand could create and nurture the juggernaut that is the MCU, and yet completely botch the Star Wars IP. Give Mandalorian a shot. Jon Favreau really gets Star Wars.