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Do you know the definition of insanity? After playing 2012's Far Cry 3, you just might. While this open world FPS series began inauspiciously enough under the direction of none other than Crytek, it's when Ubisoft brought the shooter franchise in-house that it truly began to shine. And it perhaps shines brightest with its third core entry, one that takes place on the fictional Rook Islands in the Pacific Ocean, pits rich kids against drug-and-slave-trading thugs, and challenges players to find meaning in all of the gratuitous and endless violence surrounding them. Far Cry 3 is a high water mark in open world design, gunplay, and narrative -- with awesome in-game systems and some fascinating characters to boot -- and it absolutely demands an episode of KnockBack. So grab your rucksack, islander. There are psychopaths about. (Topic begins at 29:32.)




Awesome, that's my work day tomorrow sorted :)

Jose Horrach

One day I'll see the post "Knockback: The Golden Girls"

francisco gutierrez

Fantastic. I don't why, but I get a kick hearing Dagan talk about modern games.

Anthony J Sanchez

Oh yeah, I can't wait to listen to this! This is the only Far Cry game I've ever finished and I absolutely loved it! Also, you're correct about people here in the south. They're tired of this Coronavirus and business is getting back to the way it was.

Jorge Aponte

This is the only Far Cry that matters. Good choice.

Michael Krivo

Love this game. It was my game of the year for 2012.

Ben Williams

Farcry 3, 4, and 5 are basically the same game in my opinion


I want Dagan to play RDR2 so bad. It will blow his mind.


This game is great. I have the skill tree tattooed on my arm lol

Jack Doheny

love 3 but i agree with colin 5 is the best love the setting so much

Kevin Tuber

The original far cry was the crysis of its day and was truly stunning to explore back then.

Douglas Morreale

Yayyy! A video game centric knockback! I love it

Jessica Gutiérrez

I LOVED the original Far Cry. I really enjoyed the mutant aspect that showed up halfway through the game. I personally always saw the first Uncharted as a beat for beat third person ripoff of the original Far Cry, they even ended that game with a paranormal aspect which kind of confirmed it for me. The only difference was Drake didn't have on a Hawaiian t shirt.

Jessica Gutiérrez

I really enjoy the long intros Colin and Dagan. You can't really win with people it seems, that's the problem with a following growing, all of the nincompoops start to show up and demand that everything bends to their needs. There was a point in time where everyone complained that the podcasts weren't long enough, and then you guys gave long intros that increased the podcast beyond the topic length, and now they're too long? Or at least the intro? Do what you guys do, it's always great!


Yeah, I can tell. Even going to North Carolina today to pick up the dog, it was obvious people were totally over it.


Yeah, we're gonna continue to just do whatever we want. But certainly, we'll give people ways to circumvent the content they don't want when we can.

Jessica Gutiérrez

Dagan, you got to play that rap back for your kids, I'm curious at what point the laughing starts, and at which point the ridicule stops.

Jason Bolla

That opening is stellar. Can't wait to hear all the verses. In regards to who said Far Cry 2 was great (one of the best games, etc.), I don't recall all the people stating it, but I know Anthony Burch was really into it. I haven't paid much attention to him since before meeting him at GDC in 2014, so not sure if he still feels that way.


When I asked who would win in a rap battle, I didn’t expect it to become a show segment. Fucking aye guys. 😂 Dagan did a solid job. ❤️


I dont want to listen yet because im still working on far cry 3 myself, but id like to ask Colin did you play the far cry 3 on ps3 or far cry 3 classic on ps4? If the latter, how was your general impressions of the port?


I played and Platinum'd Far Cry 3 on PS3 in 2013, and replayed it on PS4 through to the end in preparation for this episode. So, both. I thought the port was really good.

Caleb Greer

Colin: “What does Helen Keller know??” Looooooool


But a lot of things in this game can be looked in the lense of insanity. The game is very repetitive because you expect it to change anything. And the same for the knife fights too, you kill them the same way as you expect to change anything. In one of the trailers for the game the knife scene in there keeps changing between Vass and Jason. You kill both the big baddies the same way but by doing it you created another big baddie. And all with the Chinese knife as well. Even Citra is killed with a knife and she kills you with a knife, so the cycle keeps continuing even in the good ending. And in that ending Jason comments on how he can never go back to how it was. That because of all he's done and seen, he can never go back to normal. It really is a deep game that is or accidentally influence even the gameplay with the theme of insanity.

Toren R. (KESA)

ubisoft games have just never been for me, really. tbh, i've never found any of their stories particularly compelling, which I personally need in order to push myself through all the "checklists" in their games, but this podcast has me Interested in playing FC3 for the very first time, so I'm going to check it out with as open of a mind as I can! thanks guys!


That could very well be the intent, but I liked my reference to Arkham Aylsum, where some of the knife fight stuff (and other features in the game) seem wedged in there (perhaps reasonably so) because they took the time to make them.


It's a good time to play it! It's manageable, especially if you're not going for 100% completion or the Plat.

Andrew B

I by no means think FC5 is a bad game but here's my take on why it could be under rated (or at least why I personally didn't play it for more than 15 hours): same old same old, too easy, open world burnout, gameplay isn't terribly engaging, gunplay feels too arcade-y, abundunce of resources (never strapped for bullets and what not. These are obviously all personal opinions. The story is cool enough I suppose, but it is hard for me to get behind the 'artsy' part of video games that are worked on by such large studios. It feels more like a forced rehash of old games to get more money.


The story and characters (and setting!) are what really made it for me. To play a Far Cry game in America is pretty awesome. I love Montana. =)

Andrew B

It is a cool setting. I am also willing to give it another try. After listening to this Knockback I've been wanting to playthrough a Farcry game again, I think I'll go with 5.


A lot of people think it is one of the best games ever. Which makes sense, because it is one of the best games ever. I think Mitch Dyer (former IGN person, not sure where he is now) was one of the most prominent industry types who knew the truth. Of course, then there are also a lot of people who whine about enemies respawning, but love Dark Souls, or who complain about weapons breaking, but think Breath of the Wild is the best game of all time.

JEECE (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 04:50:52 Far Cry 2 is the best Far Cry. FC3 is the best of the handholdy, checklist-era Ubisoft Far Crys (3, Blood Dragon, 4, 5, New Dawn). Besides just being a better game to play, FC2's AI, physics, and world are more advanced than FC5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCeEvQ68jY8&t=313s
2020-05-25 23:47:07 Far Cry 2 is the best Far Cry. FC3 is the best of the handholdy, checklist-era Ubisoft Far Crys (3, Blood Dragon, 4, 5, New Dawn). Besides just being a better game to play, FC2's AI, physics, and world are more advanced than FC5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCeEvQ68jY8&t=313s

Far Cry 2 is the best Far Cry. FC3 is the best of the handholdy, checklist-era Ubisoft Far Crys (3, Blood Dragon, 4, 5, New Dawn). Besides just being a better game to play, FC2's AI, physics, and world are more advanced than FC5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCeEvQ68jY8&t=313s


I remember not caring a great deal for what I played, but it's been a very long time, and I didn't play much.


Haha well there have been more "Colin Was Right" moments than "Colin Was Wrong" moments, so I'll give you a pass on this one. Best way I can put it to you is that FC2 was that defining 2008 open world first person experience that you have said many times that Fallout 3 was for you. And I think the later Far Cry sequels watered it down in the same way you and many others think Fallout 4 did to 3.