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Three years ago -- on March 20th, 2017 -- I launched Colin's Last Stand.

1,095 days later or so, CLS is the second-biggest gaming Patreon in the world (and in the Top 30 overall), with one of the most hardcore audiences in the space. There are some 50,000 people or so who listen to CLS content each week, and there are more than 8,000 of you supporting the brand with your hard-earned cash in an era where you have content galore to choose from.

Thank you for that.

I always like to keep things honest with all of you, so I'll tell you that the last year of my life (and perhaps a little more) has been really rough, for a number of personal reasons. I've tried to make my condition better; in some ways, it's improved, in other ways, it's actually gotten worse. Right now, I find myself in a deep lull. The one consistent thing I can always rely upon outside of my family, though, is all of you. A few times a week, I get to sit in front of a microphone and talk, and all of you listen. I get to tell you what I think and how I feel, and even though I don't get to know all of you, you've gotten to know me. I'm grateful that I have this outlet and each and every one of you, because I don't know what I'd do without this, or you, or what we've built here. I'd be adrift.

The world is going through a strange and dangerous time right now. Millions upon millions of people -- and certainly some of you -- are being challenged in untold ways by something completely out of all of our control. And, as strange (or funny?) as it sounds, I take my role in your lives seriously, because not only do I rely upon all of you, but you rely on me, too. You rely on me to make you laugh, or provoke thought, or pass the time. I feel like this charge has never been more important than in the present. I'm happy that, if we really have to go on this unusual global journey, we're going on it together.

I know how good I've got it. I want to continue to earn your support each and every day.

Here's to a better 2020 for all of us. Thanks again for making this dream come true, and for giving me meaning at a time when I feel lost. -Colin




Colin you need stop spending so much time alone dude. You're in your head too much. Go outside and play basketball.


And we'll support you each step of the way.


You're the man, Colin! Big thanks to you, Dagan and Chris for blessing my ears every week and keeping me sane at work. I'm sure I speak everyone on this: We love you!

Joey Rawlings

We're here for you Colin. We have been for 3 years and will be long into the future.

Alan Ortega-Lopez

Hearts out to everyone ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍


Much love Colin. Thanks for all that you do


Wow already 3 years have gone by! Keep going strong, Colin!


It's a struggle that lasts a lifetime Collin. But we can't give up. I almost lost a few weeks ago myself. Trying to stay sober and safe. You bring happiness to a lot of people. You got a lotta days of fuckin ahead of you. In all seriousness, stay safe, and stay vocal. The more you talk and share the better off you'll be. Hang in there.


You need to exercise and hurry up and get married and have kids. It's time already. Put a ring on it.


I've never met you Colin but I love you big guy. You've been keeping me entertained for years and I know you're a good guy and everything will work out for you, and just remember that Tom Brady is no longer with the pats.


Congratulations on such a great achievement Colin. As you say, now is a little fucked up, with feelings of isolation and feeling disconnected. Although a good chunk of us are more naturally loners, the content you and your crew create is a highlight every week. It really does make the week better. Thanks for putting yourself out there for us to enjoy. You're great people my friend! Happy CLS day to all :)

Lucas Gremista

Congrats of CLS' 3rd anniversary Colin! Been there since day 0 and looking forward for the next 3 years!

George Sinclair

Keep your head up Colin, we all have to rely on each other in times like this. Been listening to you for years, don't expect that to change anytime soon. Stay awesome mate!


Take it day by day. You got this.

Stephen Short

For real I honestly look forward to hearing sacred symbols multiple times a week and am hoping that this is not a burden on you. Thank you for being so steadfast and honest. Can't wait to play twin breaker!


I’m proud to be a listening to your content since the 2011 PSN outage (Holy shit that’s a long time ago!). Keep up the great work and don’t be afraid to take a break if your need it!


Been a follower of you for nearly half my life now, just became a supporter in the past month. Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in to make great content. I hope you find happiness.


Love what you do Colin, your content has been keeping me sane in a world that is becoming less so. Keep doing what you are doing, proud to be a patron supporting you and all that you do, all the best, Liam


Thank you for your entertaining and enlightening distraction in these challenging times. We support you, you support us. Stay healthy and know that we all will rise above this together. Now off to work, in my living room, and then to contribute to the 75% increase in gaming!

Cory Hahn

Happy birthday to the show brings plenty of joy to my life. Thank you Colin and may you be blessed with health and continued success!


Thanks for contribution to provide content during a time like this! Sorry that you are going through a rough time in your life. Hopefully this time next year you will be telling us you are happier and doing better :).

Joseph Baker

I hope things get better for you Colin. The community will always have your back homie. Look forward to all the great content in 2020.


Considering there's something you stopped talking about I think some of us can grasp what you may have been struggling with. 👍🏽Keep on pushing Colin, we appreciate everything you put forth.

Ivan Hornett

I love you man, happy birthday to CLS.


School is canceled and I just got laid off because of the Coronavirus so listening to your content and smoking weed is the only thing entertaining me right now.

Eric Smith

Thanks Colin, before CLS I would have never thought it possible to care about someone else through the internet. Keep your head up man

Petre Cismigiu

Happy Birthday to CLS. We're here for you my man, just like you are here for us and have been for so many years now. Just like you make your shows a two way street by including the audience, please make a two way street when it comes to being there for one another. You're always there for us, let us be here for you. I know it hurts like hell but please recieve all this love that comes from us, your audience. We do care about you. If you need to take time off, take whatever time off you need. Much love, Colin. Stay safe both physically and mentally <3

Kenneth Oms

Happy three years man! And hang in there! Us fans here really care about you and the family, and we appreciate the entertainment y’all supply for us through knockback, sacred symbols, and sacred symbols plus. You’re making my isolation here in NYC way more doable haha!

Jeffery Carlson

Keep on keeping on. Love the content; appreciate all you do

Prince Borutski

Glad to hear you are opening up about your hard times. It gives many of us solace during our hard times. Take care of yourself! Much love going out to you.

Simon C

No, thank you, Chris and dagan for all your hours of entertainment, listening to you guys is like meetings my best mates at the pub ever week! You guys cheering me up is just what is needed to get through this strange times! ( also thanks to those in the background that help get CLS out to!)

Luis Sanchez

One of the few people I can relate to and have a lot in common is you Colin. Technology is a wonderful thing that can bring a group like the the CLS fans together. You have our support and keep your chin up, tackle problems head on even though it's not the easiest thing to do it is the most effective way to do it.

Dimitreus Newell

As a new patron, I feel that I should have been supporting ages ago, but I am glad to be here now. The world is a tough place, and we all need a little bit of mental relaxation every now and again. Will support this business for as long as I can, hang in there Colin.

Brandon Lahood

Thank you for all you do dude!!

Dustin Shaneyfelt

Thanks for the heartfelt sentiments. You have a lot of love, and support in this group. People genuinely care about your well being, as do I. Mental and emotional work is tough, but you have an outlet (among other resources) at your disposal. You're an amazing writer, speaker, and all around genuine dude who has thousands of people who want to see you succeed in ALL aspects of life. I'm glad we can help you get through tough times in whatever way we can. Much love.


Great to hear from you Colin, take care and keep well my friend.


Thank you as always for everything. Even now as I write this, I’m listening to old GOG eps that I missed the first time around while I play Dragon Quest XI, a game you had a hand in getting me to play. Much love and respect, and remember we care about you fam. ❤️

Alex Bolton

Thank you for your hard work man, it does not go lost on any of us here. You've impacted us in more ways than you can imagine, and for that I'll always be thankful. You have a candidness that is unmatched anywhere else on the internet, and for that alone I'll always stick around to see what you do next. It's been a wild three years for this brand, and it's undergone many changes, but it's developed into something really beautiful, and for that you should be so proud. We are certainly proud of you. You've come so far in these many, many years most of us here have followed you for, and I can't wait to see what you continue to build. Long live the pride of Long Island, Colin Moriarty, and long live Colin's Last Stand.


Thanks for everything you do Colin. Would not get through the week without listening to your content. Always know that you are appreciated by all of us fans out here. I hope the rest of 2020 brings you happiness. Cheers!

Ross Winyard

Chin up Colin! You not only make Tuesday’s great but give me something to look forward to each and every week, SS/ SS+ and Knockback are hands down the best podcasts out there and you (and all the CLS crew) deserve all the success you can get. All of your content makes hard times easier and I can’t think of any higher praise than that. Sending love from UK isolation

Kyle Goodrich

Appreciate you man. I truly hope things get better for you.


I've known you since I was 12 Colin, I'm 19 now. You really influenced my life. I grew up with a psvita and I grew up listening to you and Greg. When kinda funny didn't work out I followed you. I never give money to people online, only you. You're the only person I think who's content has any value in terms of money. You need to stop spending so much time in your thoughts. You need to exercise. Marry your girlfriend and have kids. You shouldn't be worried about anything financially because you have us. You're very lucky that you don't have to worry about that so just focus on being happy and getting into heaven. Getting married and having kids will do just that. Don't waste your life. Only God can bring you peace. Return to Christianity and I love you


Thanks to it all


Appreciate you


Well said, Colin. Congratulations on what you've built and shared with all of us. Now go wash your hands.


We love you Colin. With no hyperbole, my week would not be the same without you. Your content is comfort food for many of us. I wish you all the best in life and business. You are one of the good ones. I hope you know that.

Andrew Mendoza

Colin, I know what you’re going through. I go thru it from time to time. Take care of you FIRST, brother. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but the CLS Crew and all of the the CLS Fam all around the world are behind you 100%. P.S. How bout that Messenger RPG Prequel!?! Love you brother. Stay safe.


🎉🥳🎈 Happy three years to the only Patreon I pledge to. I never comment or post anywhere online, but I wanted to thank you for always putting out quality content. On Twitter, you've posted about your own personal struggles and I hope you're able to find something to help pull you out of that soon. I struggle with depression and went through one of my worst episodes at the end of last year/start of this year. I couldn't be bothered with games, tv, or most of the other podcasts I listen to, but I continued to listen to all your shows. Thank you for unintentionally always being there. 💙


Without rambling on, I’d just like to say a big thank you Colin for all the content you provide us patrons! Your undeniable chemistry with Chris and your brother Dagan keeps KnockBack and Sacred Symbols / SS+ going strong! Thanks once again for keeping me entertained each week! 😀



Billy Mark

Colin, The internet is a weird thing, isn't it? I've been following you since Podcast Beyond; What a surprise it was to find someone like myself -- A Jets and Islanders fan from Long Island who likes PS1 JRPGs? I don't even have real friends that tick off all those boxes (why are so many people fans of out of state teams?). Knockback is something special and has easily become my favorite podcast. I don't think I'm the only one who feels as if we actually know you and Dagan, as if we're listening to old friends tell stories. Again, the internet is a weird, but cool place. I don't know what happened the last couple of years, but I stopped taking in video game content and really playing games until a few months ago. Sacred Symbols has helped relight that fire. You and Chris are great. When you left Kinda Funny, I was beyond sad, I really was. I was angry and pulled my Patreon. I barely view their content now (and for a long time I didn't look at it at all). I've pulled out of other Patreon's to send you more (gotta set some limits) and I'll continue to support you, forever. I mean this when I say this -- I love you, man. Things will get better.

Forrest Hunter

You’re the best, Colin. You’ve certainly helped me immensely the past few weeks with the death of my father, and hopefully you feel the love and see the willingness to help you that so many of us feel. It’s certainly odd having such affection for someone you’ve never met, but it’s also pretty damn special. Take care.


Bro we got you. CLS stands strong & will continue because you continue to pump out quality content. I don't much write in anymore, I don't really engage with the CLS community. Hell I don't even know if you see my tweets @ you sometimes, but none of that matters. For as long as I can continue to support you, I will do that.


No matter how dark your thoughts may get, what you say matters. You impact all of us. All of us impact you. The beacon of light in this dark world is our symbiotic relationship.

Keith Mc Carthy

You're the fucking man, Colin 🤘

Allan Sweeney

There are several gaming podcasts I rely upon to get me through the work week, but yours is the only one that I will always drop whatever I'm listening to, to put on as soon as it comes out. I hope you can find as much happiness in your personal endeavours as you bring to us each week. Happy Anniversary! =)


Thank you Colin for years of content, keep up keeping up, Get well dude!

Jeremy Cochran

Thanks for all that you do, we love ya man!!!


Thanks for everything you do! I understand your struggles, and I've battled my share of depression as well. If you need us we're here man! Stay strong! 💪 We got you!!!


Thank you Colin. Thank you for CLS. Thank you for the entertainment, the laughter, the thought. Thank you for just being you. 💙 Sending love and good thoughts your way, Daniel

Marc Cairney

Keep the chin up, Colin. Do what you need to do to feel better. Often, for me at least its just peace and quiet, thinking of nothing and listening to good music. Or spend time with friends. Hope you feel better soon.

Zack Forney

Can’t believe three years of CLS has flown by. Congrats on building this thing; I’m so happy to have been along for the ride. Being able to listen to your podcasts three times a week makes getting through the week so much easier. I don’t know what’s going on in your life right now but I hope you find some peace soon. Everyone’s here for you


Thanks for everything Colin. I, for one, very much appreciate you and your content and wish the very best for you. Your content is hands down my favorite in the gaming space and I've been listening to the biggies for many many years. I didn't exactly realize it until CLS but the podcasts you were on were always my favorite and now it's clear why: you rock, brother.


Much Love Colin

Marcus Brown

Whatever the challenges have been I think we all know you will overcome it. You know your second family (Us) are here for you every step of the way. I'm sure I speak for all that you have had much impact on all of us. You continue to inspire and heal those that are in much need whether small or big. Words can't express how much you have done for me personally. I can never repay what you have done for me Colin. The least I can do is pay $5/mo. In my deepest struggles, excruciating depression, and deep pit I can always rely on you to tether me back to the surface. So as always Col, THANK YOU! Happy 3 and here's to many more down the pipeline, I love you. ❤


Thanks, Colin! Chin up, friend. We're all here for you. We cherish you and your work. Here's to continued success and our well-being 🍻 Much love and support!

Corey Adams

Been along for the CLS journey since day one. Thank you for all the content and hard work. Side note, listening to KnockBack makes me want to have a beer with you and Dagan. You guys are cool as hell 🍻


Your hard work never goes unnoticed. I don't support any other patrons but I gladly support this one. The world is weird right now, definitely a bad time to graduate college. This is supposed to be my last semester before I get my degree, but I'm not sure if there's gonna be any jobs for a while after I graduate given all that's happened.


Keep fighting the good fight, Colin. You're good enough, you're smart enough, and, doggone it, people like you! We love you, bro!

Vaughn Allison

I'm so happy for what CLS has become. I'm glad to see this company flourish, you have earned every bit of our attention with the hard work you and your team have put forth.


Much love to you Colin. I know the majority of us, if not all of us on here, support you in whatever you gotta do. You have been extraordinarily consistent and willing to shift and change the CLS landscape over the years. You have been a strong pillar in our lives and there during some of our dark days. So ultimately we all care about you and wish the best for you, so do whatever it is you need to do and we have got your back. You have been an amazing support to a lot of us with always being there every week so I’m sure plenty of us feel more then happy to be there for you in your time as much as any of us can be. Take care and I hope the sunrise is soon on the horizon.

Stephen Hunter Strong

Been listening to you since 2012 and a patron of yours since CLS started. Love you dood. Thanks for accepting me on PSN btw and for your great Link to the Past FAQ I used a few months back :) I did the dungeons all by myself but with your help I 100% it xoxo

James Ketchum

Take all the time you need to get your head in a space that is better for you. We aren't going anywhere.

Mark Law

I've been a fan through the Beyond days & I want to thank you for everything you do, your unapologetic candour & thought provoking content. You've been there for me during my divorce, the ups & downs of my health... Now its time for us to be here for you. Take a break & recharge Colin, God knows you deserve it. I will always be a fan & will always support you on Patreon 💜🕹️🎮

Jason Bolla

While it may seem silly to many, especially people in fields relating to medical procedures, I appreciate all the time you dedicate to us. Not just you, of course, but the team you hand picked. The past year has undoubtedly had ups and downs that we're aware of, that we think we know about, and that we have no idea about. And that's fine, you need your privacy and life away from all of us. But we're always here if you need us. A call to arms is a strong one with CLS. As I said on Twitter, take all the time you need to combat what's going on. We can wait. You give plenty of content on a weekly basis, you're allowed some time off - after all, it seems most others are getting it whether they want it or not.

Nathan R

Well said Colin. Shit is crazy right now and I am happy to have you virtually in my life. Good luck and stay safe.

Matthew Clem

As always, I'm very proud to be able to support you and CLS. Over the decade or so I've listened to podcasts, CLS has by far been my favorite. Take time for yourself, you more than deserve it.

Joshua Brown

“But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow.”

Alvin Banaag

Thank you too, Col! And to everyone on CLS for what you do. Always keep Tuesdays great. You take care, buddy.

Zachary Douglas

Sorry for your troubles brother. Good news is we are all in this together, sometimes a low tide will come in and lower all our boats, but a high tide comes in just like a sunrise. Keep your head up and keep Smokin them dank Yarnam nuggs and I’ll see you on the other side


So 5 years ago I found myself with a new son with a woman I didn't love, broke, my roommates moved out and I fell into a depression. I stopped martial arts, my work slipped, my relationship with my friends and family skewed and things were falling apart. I sat down and made a decision to slowly build my life back by forgiving those I felt that wronged me, making peace with my situation and vowing to work hard. It took years but now I'm financially well, active and athletic, have a great relationship with my son and am with an amazing girl. Fight for yourself because no one will do it for you. You're amazingly talented and smart Colin, you've got a great foundation. This is just a transition period to the next positive chapter in your life. I (and CLS) know you will survive and come out better. Thousands of people are on your side. Make your life your own.

Aric Peña (@AricJP)

Dude, I‘m probably one of your more... “mushy” fans (haha) so I’ll try to keep it light but I think I speak for a lot of us (especially those of us that have been consistent fans of yours since long before you left IGN) when I say that you’re super important to us. I, myself, have “known” you for 10 years, man. I’m usually pretty silent when it comes to interactions, I don’t know why. But whenever I do reach out, I always try to remind you how much we’re all down for you (no 311 reference intended). And it’s true. I sure as hell know it is for me. Anyway, stay strong over there. We’re here for you. :)


Every penny spent here in my opinion has been a great investment. Thanks for everything you do Colin, I hope you don't get too tired of hearing that. I hope all gets better soon for you, we are all here for you. One of my favorite sayings is, "The night is darkest just before the dawn." Dawn is coming for you soon. Keep doing what you're doing and stay safe out there.


Best Colin was right moment? Switching to remote recording. All joking aside I hope you, Dagan, Chris, Sophia and all your families stay safe and healthy. I truly appreciate how much you put yourself out there and the level of access we have with you. Things are going to get weirder and tougher, but we will all get through it together.

Zachary Douglas

Love you brother. Love this community. Stay safe, take a moment to take in the history right now, and keep on keepin’ on.

Will Hahn

Love this community, love the content, and love you, dude. There is absolutely no other place on Patreon or any other podcast service where I’d pay to listen or support. That’s not to say that there’s other entertainment sources that are valuable, because that’s not true at all. But, CLS (and you) has impacted my life for the better, and I can confidently say that every cent spent on this podcast is absolutely worth it. Sure, I spend the money to get the content early, but more importantly, it’s because you earn it dude. Congratulations on all of your success, and congrats to the wonderful team you have put together in the CLS family. I’m sorry the last year has been rough for you, but remember, you will have us to have your back, Colin. Cheers!

Joey Mendoza

Patron since day one. You have such a unique voice in gaming and you're always honest with yourself and your audience who you never pander to. I'll support your amazing content for as long as I'm financially able. I hope you get better soon and look forward to all your future work.

Jeshua Anderson

Happy Anniversary Col. Its been my pleasure to have supported you every month from the beginning. Your shows are how relax, and take my mind off things. You and your crew do great work of high quality. I worry about you though Col. Hopefully you can, if you haven't already, get back into therapy. Even though the move was beneficial, you still need that therapy bro. Also please take for yourself. Get out there and hang with friends. Explore virginia. Just please, take care of you. Sending you prayers and love bro Jeshua

James Galos

I’ve been around since day one and taken the whole ride from politics to games. Haven’t regretted it for a second.


It's a strange relationship we have. You don't know much about most of us beyond our names, and yet – and I think I speak for the majority of CLS patrons when I say this – we consider you a good friend. Family even. You're in our ears for hours every week, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I've been following your career since Podcast Beyond. I know you better than I know some of my real life friends. Thanks for being there to entertain us for the past decade Colin. Remember that we're all here for you too. Here's hoping 2020 is good to all of us.


Congrats on such a big milestone, u deserve all the support and success you get. I know what it's like to go through such a dark time, as many people have. But since my teens you have always been there for me to get through those times, I know you don't know me but I love you man and I want you to be ok and happy. So It feels weird for me not to offer my help when your having a tough time. if you ever want to talk, feel free to message me.


We love you Colin, keep your head up! We'll all persevere together come what may.

Isaac Senesi

I am very glad that there is a Colin Moriarty out there. There has never been another person alive who is exactly like *you*! You are very special and unique, and I sure am glad you exist. So even with all the craziness going on, I feel super blessed to get to "know" Colin Moriarty. I am believing good things are coming for you this year. You are so loved!

Daniel Boyer

We love you Colin. Hang in there!

Andrew Cuschieri

Your the voice that introduced me to podcasts and your the person who has more in common with me, more than anybody I know. I’ll always have your back and you’ll always have my support. I pray one day I’ll get to meet you, have a nice chat and maybe a peaceful smoke. Take Care Colin and Keep Up The Good Work - YerBoyDrew

Caleb Greer

<3 Thanks for being there when I’m adrift.

Craig Hooligan

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the PS5, the backwards compatibility drama and how they still seem to think it's dropping this holiday season. Stay healthy and take care of yourself though - these are crazy times and everyone understands that. I'm just happy I can afford to help in the small way I am able.

Omar Rosa

Keep your head up


You the man, Colin. Thanks for all that you do.

Kyle Toker

The whole world is being challenged right now. Without challenge there is no growth. Hang in there brother 💜

Matthew Ward

Very thoughtful post. I have been unemployed since Nov and Sacred Symbol and KnockBack especially have defiantly brightened some darks days for me. Thanks for all that you do!

Russell Garrett

36 months, and I've been here for 34 of them. It wasn't anything you did, I changed jobs and moved house back in 2018, and I had to trim all non essential spend for a couple of months. Regardless, over the last three years I'm staggered by just how good CLS has gotten. I'll be real, at the start, I was here to support you. You got served a shit sandwich and I felt compelled to throw my support behind you. Those first couple of months of content were a little rough. I get it - you were figuring stuff out, you were moving around and you had to deal with a lot of upheaval. For me, the turning point was that first episode of Fireside Chats. That was what I wanted. Everything you've done since then has gone from strength to strength. I'm proud to support you here. Your commitment to personal growth and your work ethic inspire myself and many others every day, and you deserve all of your success. Take care Colin!

Trevor Polky

Keep your head up man, thank you for all the amazing content. You have helped me so much, especially right now.

Raul Hernandez

Keep being you Colin, hey I bought Dreams because of you said it was a great game.

Jeremy Menear

Colin, you da man. 😎👍

BettyAnn Moriarty

Happy anniversary, bud! We’re so glad to have you in our lives and I’m so happy to have you right here where I can see you and hug you too. My undying love to you, and, of course a huge hug to all who continue to surround you with love, understanding and emotional support . ❤️💕😘

Joe McPartlin

It's give and take, Colin. Your content has gotten me through some dark times since well before your CLS venture began and I'll always be grateful for your presence. Be safe and I'll see you on the other side of these strange days.

Aaron Treble

We love your work and we all appreciate you for who you are, Colin. If you ever need to make any adjustments for your sanity know that everyone here will support you just like you've supported us with your content through our own individual troubled times over the years. Happy anniversary for CLS! You've come along way and I couldn't be prouder to be a fan of you professionally and personally. Have a wonderful day!

Aaron Treble

Can you be all of our mum's too? Always a pleasure to see your loving comments, Ms Moriarty <3

Your Boi Nicky V

Hope you feel better soon Colin. Love your content, best gaming podcast out there by a mile.

Jason Stafford

I just want to say I love you dude. As dumb as it sounds, you're always in my thoughts and prayers as though you're someone I know personally. When it all feels pointless, just know that there's a dude in Georgia that loves you for no reason. That and a $1.25 will get you a Coke. ❤


I’m happy to support, Colin. Love you man.


I will support CLS as long as I can because of your honesty and candidness. Somehow it’s very rare on the internet, and I appreciate it more than you’ll know.

Chad Lewis

So happy to watch this content dominate and continue to get better and better. If you ever want or need to reach out dont hesitate. Im sure a lot of us would be happy to talk. You’ll never have to go through anything alone you have a community that really cares. If you need to you can lean on it.


Congratulation Colin & Co. I love listening to all of the shows. Xbox gamer here. I've never even played a PS4 or Vita. Nothing against Playstation; time only permits me to focus on one platform. I appreciate how fair you treat all of the platforms when talking about them on the show. Something that doesn't happen on other non-platform focused gaming shows/podcasts.

Marc L

Been a long time fan of yours and glad to support you and your content. Thanks for everything you do for your fans and the industry! Stay strong and stay safe, man! P.S. Recently found out that the Wild Arms guide I have referred to over the last almost 17 years was written by you. Pleasant surprise!


Happy Birthday CLS!

Danny Gonet

Forever a supporter! Thankful for everything you’ve provided for us over the years and here’s to many more!

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

Happy third birthday to CLS! Please let us know if there's anything we can do for you, Colin.

Zibi Majewski

We're here for you, Colin!


At the risk of sounding petty, you've managed to organically build a community here that genuinely cares, and you did so without any contrived, insincere "best friends" labels or narratives. It's all built on a true, transparent representation of what this is and who you are, warts and all, and that's something of which to be incredibly proud. So few of us even have the courage to open up to those closest to us, let alone expose ourselves so fully (often in ways not fully in accordance with federal law) to millions and millions of people over the years, and fewer still have the character and talent to create something special from that. You did, and you do, and it's worth remembering that whenever you find yourself lying awake at night with a head full of self doubt or anxiety.

Captain Canada

Greetings and salutations Colin, Congratulations on 3 years, here's to many more! Just know that we're here for you through thick and thin. Thanks so much for all your continued hard work, it is always appreciated. Any time you feel you need to take a step back for personal reasons, don't hesitate, we will still be right here. Take care of yourself man. Best wishes, Garrett


I feel as tho you and Chris are only consistent things in my life right now. College was abruptly ended from all of this, yes it's moving online but my last 8 weeks on campus and graduation are as good as cancelled. So, thru these painful times of existence knowing you have all our backs thru making cls content is the bright spot of it all. Thanks for existing Colin.


Happy third bday to CLS! Thank you for all you do for us Col!! Huge fan for years and I’ll never be able to thank you for all the wonder entertainment, knowledge and laughs you’ve given me over the years. I hope things improve for you soon! 👍🏽💚


Thank you Colin, all the best.

Gavin Newland

Love you Colin, been listening to you since back in your IGN days and there’s a reason why I’ve followed you for so long!




Thank you Colin, Chris, and the CLS fam for putting content out there. In a world where there's so much voices in gaming commentary overlap, yours really stands out. I always stay tuned to the videos and podcast and always learn something at the end of it. Once again my sincerest gratitude to what you do.

Mark Zebro, Jr.

Colin, I’ve followed you all the way back since IGN, to Kinda Funny, and have been a supportive patron of yours since day 1. I value everything you bring to the table for discussion and how open you can be at times about your own state of being. I will never take for granted the time and effort you put in to each piece of work you deliver to all of us in the CLS community and everyone else out there. Please be well Colin and don’t worry about making Tuesday’s great. You make every day great.


Pulling 12 hour night shifts as a stock clerk at a grocery store. Your content has been making things slightly more bearable. Thanks. Good luck, and good health to you and yours.


Grateful for you and your podcast Collin, its been awesome getting to know you over the years. Depression and anxiety is horrible, I'm going through the same thing, I hope to have an audience that cares about me too one day. Proud to be a Patreon of yours :)


We love you man ❤️

Eric Wilson

Powerful CLS! 🤘🏻

Brian Lau

It's been a great 3 years and wishing for many more years to come! Thanks for continuing to take the time to provide us with entertaining content especially at a time like this. It is also great of you to respond to everyone's comment even if it is just a few words to let us know that you do read everything which gives us the feeling of community. I hope you work through what you are going through but know that the audience will be supportive and lend a hand if possible.

James O'Donnell

Happy 3rd birthday CLS. Colin, I've been listening to you in Ireland since the Beyond and GameScoop days. I never even had a PS3 but I always listened to Beyond because your honesty, knowledge and humour was incredible. It feels weird to say it but I'm very proud of everything you've done and I'm so happy to be involved in some small way as a patron. You've brought us laughs, tears and insight over the years and most recently you've brought Chris and Dagan into our lives. I still get excited to listen to you every week (Knockback is the world's best podcast)and can't wait to see what's to come. I hope you and yours are making it through these strange times and you come out of this lul leven stronger like you always do. Take care Colin, sending lots of love and thoughts from Ireland.


When I was going through some depression last year you actually messaged me and helped me feel better. So now I am here to return the favor. Keep your head up buddy! We are all hear for you even if you cant see us. A better tommorow is just around the corner 😊


Hope you get well soon. Colin. I was in a similar situation 3 years ago. Luckily my family and friends were there for me, without them I may not have survived. I think the biggest thing that helped me was just talking about it. First with friends and family and eventually counseling. Not saying that's what you have to do, just my experience.

Ben Haner

Love you man keep on keeping on 🖤


We got your back Colin! ✊I can't believe it's been three years already.

Brian Berghuis

Like you, I feel like I'm stuck in a rut emotionally and dont really know how to get out of it. I'm not rushing things. It's been a hard few months for me and these things take time to get over, but I appreciate the content you put out each week. It helps pass the time when I have nothing else to do. Thank you Colin, and I hope all goes well for you.

Daniel Meegan

CLS fam let’s goooooooooo


I was in a real bad spot in my career in 2019. I took a leap of faith, left my employer of 6 years and decided to spend some time with myself. Took 2 months off and regained my sanity. A few weeks ago I applied for my dream job and was told I didn't have the qualifications to even interview, but they gave me one anyways. I proved the recruiter wrong and aced the entrance assessment and interview, I was given the freedom to choose my own assignment. I spent the past weeks going through safety, regulations, and skills training. My first full day on the job was also the day that the company chose to shut down operations due to the outbreak. I am being paid my 40hrs a week, and my job is pretty secure... The timing of it all is put me into a slump. I keep reminding myself that there is more to the story and it will all be fine, but I want to be selfish right now. I want to enjoy this moment. Maybe later. Hope everyone is getting through this right now, in their own way. Stay positive and alert.

Frej Karlsson

Colin, I've listened to you since the Beyond days through the Kinda Funny days up to now and I can honestly say that like a fine wine you've only gotten better with age. You have a unique ability to connect with your listeners that few other in your line of work seem to be able to and you have an ability to draw out great stuff out of the people around you. Chris shines on Sacred Symbols, Dagan is an absolute delight on Knock Back and Sofia does really great and insightful writing for the YouTube channel, they are all good on their own I'm sure but I feel and I'm pretty sure they'll agree that you have helped them grow. What I'm trying to say is, Colin if you want to take a few days off, don't worry, we got your back. As a guy who struggles with depression, anxiety and OCD I can recommend that you try and go for a nice long walk every other day and maybe read a good book? It won't solve whatever's bothering you but might do you some good! /from a cold and possibly corona infested bus in the suburbs of Stockholm.

Matt Stinnett

Much love and positive vibes. ✌🏻


Colin, My first podcast was Beyond 48 (I know, before your time). I have been a fan of yours since you started podcasting. Thank you for the countless hours of entertainment.

Kendrick Luckenbach

Hey Colin, Just want to give you my best! I'm sorry you're feeling down and i hope that the cls community can help a little to bring you up. You, Chris, and Dagan are the main podcast content keeping me through the work from home hell and I'm sure so many other people affected by the ongoings of the world. Thank you for helping us and i hope they we can repay you by helping you too! ❤️


The funny thing is, there are many things we would disagree on, yet when it comes to games journalism, yours is the opinion I most frequently listen to, since back in the beyond days, you are good at what you do. Keep on truckin'.


Just finished my night walk with my dog listening to SacredSimbols+, reading this really made me want to let you know you do make a difference in my life. Though I am a bit of a silent patreon, I know that you (and your cast of show hosts) are making my weeks not only bearable, but a joy.


I really like you man!