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I don't want to be too annoying on here with Twin Breaker, but I wrote a video game so you're just going to have to deal with it.

I know a lot of you are interested in pre-ordering physical copies of Twin Breaker on PS4, Vita, or both, and I wanted to let you know that those pre-orders are now open.

Edit: Patreon's link system is busted for some reason. Here's the link, which you may need to C&P into your browser if it's not clickable:  https://www.play-asia.com/search/twin+breaker

As a reminder, each copy costs $34.99 with free shipping, and comes with a bevy of extras, including a manual, soundtrack, slipcover (unique to the version of the game you buy!), etc.

Copies don't ship until May, and they won't come with digital redemption codes. So if you want to play the game at launch, you'll need to purchase it on PSN for $9.99.

Okay, I'll leave you alone now. <3




Link isnt working for me =( Was able to get to the page from google https://www.play-asia.com/twin-breaker-a-sacred-symbols-adventure-limited-edition/13/70dcnn


Lol we crashed it

Liam Fagan

Link is broken?


So exciting dude!!!

Kyle Goodrich

Already done! Gonna be sweet to have a physical copy but I'm definitely getting that digital copy on release day.


Got my order in :)


Order already cant wait


No, please do promote this! Most would love for this to be a success. Placed my order already - 2 PS4 &amp; 2 Vita copies.


Me neither =(


Already got my two copies


Ordered on ps4 thanks bud!


Crashed or broken? Can't tell

Liam Fagan

An alarm went off on my phone earlier and I couldn't remember what it was for. Now I know


That link has been killed by the virus

Dennis Johnson

Link broken for anyone else?

Matt tamer

Having an issue with the link

Luis Sanchez

Colin breaks the internet! Too many trying to pre order 👍🏻


Thankfully I got mine in right at 11


Link is broken... sad day


Can't wait to get these. I'm spreading it to the main fb group. You're covered there. Thanks Colin!


Just ordered both - can't wait for the drop!

Kyle Martin

Just picked it up on vita. Buzzing!

Lucas Gremista

Link not working for me Col


Yeah link isn't opening for me.


Just got mine ordered! Excited


Just an FYI for anyone having trouble ordering, I was only able to complete my order via PayPal on the play-asia site. Attempting to use any of my credit cards would not allow the order process to progress.


Ordered! Vita lives!!!


Got my Vita copy ordered!

Joseph Ady

Vita Copy Pre-ordered


This is fantastic Colin and Chris. So proud to be your Patron


I can't pre order. Link is down.


Got my PS4 copy. Can't wait!!

Eric Smith

Just go to play Asia and search twin breaker for those who say link is busted

Liam Fagan

Ordered, let's make colin a billionaire


https://www.play-asia.com/search/twin+breaker real link!

Joseph Ady

Just Google play Asia twin breaker and it works. Also add Vita if you want the Vita copy


Got the PS4 copy, can’t wait!

Travis B

Click here link is dead


Congratulations - over the moon for you both. Twins - you must be so proud. 😂


Got my PS4 copy preordered, can't wait! I'll be grabbing digital to play on launch too.

Rick Lewis

I’m glad you put out physical copies. I will never buy a game digitally, so it’ll be nice to own and play this.

Lou & Rei Loper

Yusssssssss!!!!! Got our Vita copy pre-ordered!


Just got my copies!


Got that vita copy! Wooo!


Got it on PS4! Congrats, Colin! This is awesome.


Damn. Payday isn't until midnight, tonight

Matthew Clem

Preordered that Vita edition! Can't wait to get a digital copy day one too!

Matt tamer

just followed the link from your twitter: https://www.play-asia.com/twin-breaker-a-sacred-symbols-adventure-limited-edition/13/70dcnn

Brandon Bishop

Ordered the physical Vita edition...I don't even have a Vita, just seemed like the right thing to do! Gonna go digital on ps4.


Got that Vita edition. I'm stoked!

Tim J Weckwerth

Awe yeahhh. Got the PS4 and Vita versions! Congrats guys!!!


Couldn’t get link to work. Went straight to Playasia site &amp; preordered.

Eli Aboukassam

Just joined the Twin Breaker club! Let's go!

Barry M. Johnson

❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for all of your support and kind words for our physical release of Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure! ❤️❤️❤️

Trent Miller

Felt like I had to get the Vita version. I’m not a big fan on physical games, but I had to make an exception for this.


PS4 version ordered! Congrats guys! Will be getting the digital version too to double stack those platinums! Haha


I now own ONE Vita game. Can’t wait to get my physical copy!


Snagged a PS4 copy - can't wait! Colin, did you have any part in writing the manual also?


Preordered for vita. Stoked to play!!


Got one of each ! Can’t wait for it

Ryan Hughes

Got my pre-order in :). Can’t wait!!!!!

Joey Finelli

Ordered. looking forward to it.


Done! PS4

Mr. Joanna Dark

Just secured my copy! Can’t wait for the DLC


Done, can't wait!


Pre ordered for PS4. Probably gonna wait to play this kinda how Colin still hasn’t played King of Cards ;)


Ordered 1 of each! Can't wait to play!!


Preordered one of each! Congrats! #TeamCLS


Got mine in for both!! I had a momentary pang of sadness as I realized that this will be the last Vita cartridge I ever buy. :(


Copped the Vita version.


PS Vita, come on in!! Let’s go!


snagged both the Vita &amp; PS4 edition &lt;3 had to show max support for your first game. can't wait to get them signed one day :) Congrats!


Ordered both! You the man Colin


Annnnnd purchased! Had to grab both! Will this be one of the last Vita physical releases?


My wallet has whiplash


Preordered for Vita and for a friend for the PS4!


It's kinda cool though that it's Colin's game, isn't it? Seems fitting.


Reserved my ticket for another trip to Vita Island #VitaLives. Packing my PS4 for the trip to earn the Platinum in Twin Breakers. Translation, both are ordered, CAN'T WAIT!

Robby Suavé

I preordered both! But I can’t wait until May to play it, so I’ll be getting digital too.


I ordered both The PS4 and Vita Version and I'll be getting the digital version as well. Much respect.

Barrett Boswell

Awesome, I just bought. Appreciate the physical copies. I have a physical game collection addiction.



Richard Court

Vita version ordered!!!


Roll on May!


Didn’t think I’d be purchasing a new vita game ever again, but here we are! Can’t wait to have a vita box with Colin’s face on it.

Ian (616Entertainment)

Pre-ordered, can’t wait! Also excited for news on press codes. Reviewing Twin Breaker is a priority!

Nathan Guergis

Just got both! I would wait for May to play it, but the $9.99 cross-buy with two trophy lists is a no-brainer.


I ordered my two copies (one of each version)! Can't wait to get them!

Captain Canada

I really wish that a physical pre-order got us an email or something with a digital redemption code for launch... But at least there's enough value here to make it worth the wait till May!

Jonathon H

Couldn’t finish checkout for some reason. Bummer.


Just got my copy on PS4. Can't wait to play!


....Ya'll gave Vita the cooler boxart on purpose didn't you? (ps4 art is still rad tho)


Booooom Baby! Preordered and ready to break some damn bricks!


Pre-ordered. May can't come soon enough!




PS4 copy preordered!!


Need that soundtrack on vinyl 🤙


When can we expect it to pop up on PSN?

Brett Medlock

Hey Colin, just want to let you know how incredibly proud I am of you. You’ve undeservingly been knocked down countless times yet always manage to stand back up and surpass your fan’s expectations. Think about it, this is your first step into creating YOUR OWN stories. This could open so many doors! And the teams at Lillymo, eastasiasoft, and playasia are very proud to be working with you, that must feel good :) Again, congrats! Can’t wait for Twin Breaker! And I hope to write with you one day! -Brett

Jordan Dunn

Double dipped for a copy on PS4 and PSVita, Thanks to all involved in making physical versions happen! Serenity Now!


I really hope we get a break down of which one sold more. I'd laugh if it was the Vita.


I really didn't think I'd buy a new physical vita game ever again. Here I am though.


I'll finally have a use for my cd player in my car again. Congrats C&amp;C! Cant wait for this to arrive, I can only imagine how excited you guys are.


Got both copies and ready for the digital copy later this month. Can’t wait.


Vita copy ordered!

Sam Dunham

Vita preorder complete.


Both versions preordered and still hungry for the digital.


Finally got my PS4 pre-order, but I will also be buying digital day one. Let's make this game huge!

Mostly Indies

Being a Colin game, I felt obligated to get a Vita copy. Plus, I STILL LOVE MY VITA! :)

Daniel Rivas

I secured my copy. BUT. I’m curious. Why not do business with Limited Run Games, iam8bit, or FanGamer? PlayAsia has history of bad customer support. I mean, those LRG guys are something special.

P Neal

It says Asia on it. Is there one version global or will there be regional versions?

Daniel Rivas

Good point. I know Jeremy Parish joined LRG. There might be some influence there now.

Barry M. Johnson

They did a great job with Habroxia's limited Vita release! In my twenty something orders I've had with them I have never been disappointed, nor have I heard any complaints about them (until your comment). In terms of physical releases, I was most excited at the idea of a Vita edition. In that regard it is important to note that LRG can no longer produce physical Vita games. If you guys have any issues be sure to let me know, but I am nothing but thrilled to be working with EastAsiaSoft and PlayAsia. They were my first choice for a physical release!

Aaron Gaspar

Preordered the Vita version! Seemed appropriate

David Taylor

Grabbed a Vita version because it seemed the most appropriate for a game with Colin on the cover.

Michael Eaton

Just ordered a ps4 copy. Excited to get it

Jamey Calabrese

Alrighty Colin. Let's see if I have the stamina for a double platinum


Abby killed Joel