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Backlogs haunt gamers like Abraham Lincoln's ghost haunts the White House. With so many awesome games coming out seemingly week-in and week-out, year-in and year-out, it's virtually impossible to keep up with it all, whether you dedicate all of your time to playing or not. Thing is, every enthusiast seems to have his or her own techniques for dealing with the dreaded retail and digital pile of unplayed wares, and some even claim (perhaps spuriously!) not to have a backlog at all! This week's episode of Plus deals with everything having to do with backlogs: Techniques for keeping them, suggestions for editing, trimming, and pruning them, and even recommendations for learning how to let go of what you'll probably never play... or die trying. (Not literally, of course. After all, these are video games we're talking about.)



Brandon Lahood

Aw shit, here we go again.


Dipshits Unite!

James Galos

My back log is all the way back to Spider-Man right now... and I just started replaying The Witcher 3. Maybe next year I’ll get to it. On the bright side I bought all these games in my back log for $20 or less since I waited so long.


Currently at where you're talking about how PS1 games look terrible nowadays. Buy them for cheap on Vita if available. It's the place to play my PS1 games I like to go back to. They look more than acceptable on the Vita screen and you can make use of both analog sticks as well. I'm sure you knew but maybe this is a helpful reminder.


I was gonna write in about my backlog but it’s so huge that I actually can’t describe it with words

Josh Walker

The only piece of playstation hardware I own is a Vita. Thus, my backlog consists of entirely PlayStation exclusives.


I know that Five Guys game, Colin. Have a Five Guys a half mile from my apartment. It opening was the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.

Raymond keys

Lol this episode is stressing me out, because I have like 10 60 plus RPGs in my backlog, but I keep coming back to nba 2k soul calibur and dragon ball fighterz

Lee Bull

Glad to hear Chris plans to play Hellblade. Criminally under appreciated game, not the review scores but the number of people who've bothered to play it.


Hey colin and chris. N64 have special adaptations that help smooth out these issues with older games. The issue the cost. I think it does help and is worth the money but it all depends on what kinda gamer you are and how invested you are

Dustin Shaneyfelt

Great episode guys! I heard Colin talk about how you can delete games with 0% trophies. I'm wondering how to do this? Is it possible to do it from the PS app?

Timothy Bryant

My solution to backlogs: do not bug any new games until I finish my backlog games first. No matter what. Once I’m satiated and I’m not going back to the games, then a newer game will take its place. Always worked for me

Richard Duflo

I’m so with you on Trophies. I was hooked on the idea of it back when Super Stardust got them first. I’ve been addicted to the meta game ever since. And like you mentioned, Trophies have pushed me to play games I otherwise wouldn’t have. I only played Super Stardust so that I could check out the new feature back on PS3. I ended up falling in love with that game/series because of it. This plays into my backlog in a negative way though. I have a lot that I want to play, but wont due to difficult/complicated/grindy Trophies. I have to be in the right mindset/mood before I start something. I’ve been wanting to start RE2 Remake and Devil May Cry 5, but I’m just not mentally prepared for those Trophy lists. Really have to get over that hurdle in my mind.


It’s Chris’ and I’s, you slub.


I just found out that slub actually means something. My apologies. You fucking lump or thick place in yarn or thread

Stefan G.

Backlog blues? Visit backloggery.com and thank me later. It turns the drudgery of cataloging and tracking your games into an enjoyable and satisfying metagame. Here's my account page: backloggery.com/rav4ge


Lol I have a CRT TV set up in my room specifically to play Melee

Jake Z

Just bought this game on the PS sale. Hope to get to it soon. Near the top of the backlog

Jake Z

Holy shit, Colin is getting obsessed with obscure completion percentage numbers. The problem is deeper than I thought! I'd be curious to know what games he wants to play, but hasn't touched because trophy completion would be too taxing.


Just in time for my delayed flight. 🤷‍♂️


If it turns out that the PS5 is 100% backwards compatible my backlog will explode with games i missed from previous generations.

Max Stahl

There must be a final solution to the backlog question!

Nate McKinney

Fats Alexander Beardo, I'd like to think that's his name

Marcus Brown

Gotta love backlogs, still have a few from 2017 that haunts me


I will not play or buy new games until I finish my games. I have no backlog. Having a backlog gives me anxiety and kills my ocd. Having a list and checking things off makes it feel like a job and not a fun hobby.

Sergio Vargas

Hey Colin, I too feel that trophies are ruining the way I enjoy games. I've made some progress though, now I don't try to chase every platinum. I guess the secret is to learn to let go.

Michal Dudic

Dog bless emulation, 4K makes even some of the gnarliest looking PS1 games look good


I don't know if you can do it from the app, but if you go onto PS4 and go to the Trophy list, just hit Options and then it'll be one of the things that comes up.


Like I said on the show, I'd do this if it wasn't up to us to play and keep up with new stuff! I'd be totally comfortable with that.


Your second paragraph resonates with me. There are absolutely games I've passed on that had Trophy lists that annoyed me. Not really the healthiest way to play, perhaps, but I enjoy the metagame too much to ignore it.

Kameron Clem

Its simple make a library folder on the XMB, in alphabetical order, pull only three games out a time to be floaters on the XMB (whatever three you want) and focus only on them until you are done them. This gives you the flexibility to switch between games if one isn’t grabbing you. And if one really isn’t grabbing you and you are just gonna move on from it put it back in the library and pull another one out in its place. That way you end up actually playing more games from your backlog and if statistics are anything to go by, you have a higher chance of completing something on your backlog.

Joey Rawlings

I love this subject, simply because it's been the genesis of a relatively new creative process for me. I've been blogging about my backlog for almost a year now and have what I feel is a pretty cut-and-dry methodology of tearing through it. My process goes like this: 1) All games on the list are games I've never started up for the PS4 only (I don't have a PC or Xbox and have completed all the games I wanted for Vita). I don't look at reviews or videos (for PSN+ games); I try my best to go into these games blind. If I bought it, I know what I paid for. :) 2) Games go from the oldest release date to the newest release date. 3) PSN+ games are included and added as they are released unless I've previously played it. 4) Each game gets 30 minutes to 'hook me'. I'll either play it until I (sorry Colin) 'roll credits' on the game or it's dismissed completely and I'll move on. 5) I'm not buying a single game until my backlog is complete. No point in buying games I don't have time for until I play the games I've already invested money in. By doing this, I've found quite a few diamonds that I didn't know about - Knack (showed it to my 5-year-old, loves it), Rayman Legends, King Oddball (a 'lets drink/smoke and play' kinda puzzle game), Transistor, and Valiant Hearts are really solid offerings from the early days of the PS4 era. At this point, I'm in May 2015 and probably won't purchase a PS5 anytime soon unless there are major QoL upgrades for PS4 games. Finally, a quick plug for my backlog blog in case any CLS patrons are interested: "Press Options to Begin" - A PlayStation Backlog Blog, link here: https://boogieman117.weebly.com/ FYI: This blog was partially inspired by Colin for his love of PlayStation and willingness to create his original content.


I buy about 3 games every 2 weeks and play about 0 of them. But man do they look nice

Joey Rawlings

I'm pretty sure a sage man once said that there were too many games sometime around 3 years ago, almost to the day. https://youtu.be/81Fhf3d5G8I?t=18 Now I find it comical that 'too many games' lead to backlogs. Gaming seems to have come full circle. #ColinWasRight

Kevin Sullivan

Man, one person really nailed this on their submission. You don't save money buying a game for cheap if you will never play it. I'm also fully on board with the one game at a time method.

Jason Stafford

"Part of the Conversation " Man, that's something I fall prey to, but am working on. I can't speak for the farmers out there, but being isolated and having few friends, playing the newest stuff makes me feel like I'm part of something for a minute, but it's a lie. As a nobody I'm never really part of the conversation. This is something I've been working on lately. I really do find myself much happier overall when I ignore Twitter and the newest games and just play what I want. For example, I'm currently playing through Witcher 3 again even though I've already finished it and have other newer games in my "backlog". Taking a step back to move forward? Maybe.


I was told I need to fight Fats Beardo to the death? Also, "the awesome" is an anagram for "we hate Emos."


I really don’t have a back log right now, am I, as the scientists would call, an outlier (posting a comment on a thread about backlogs like an asshole)

David Y

Regarding Trophy rarity, I like using truetrophies.com (and their sister sites trueachievements.com for Xbox and truesteamachievements.com for Steam). They dynamically track how often an achievement is unlocked and then adjust the score for unlocking that trophy to better match the magnitude of the accomplishment. So a bronze trophy that's very difficult to unlock will potentially have a higher TrueTrophy score than an easy gold trophy in the same game.


It's very true. It's the same for people that buy cheap groceries because they have coupons. It's a hard lesson to learn, and we all do it.


Hello C&C 👋 Don't know how I could miss such a topic, as backlogs are sooo my thing, from work to games, to planning may day to day life :P Here is my system for running my gaming backlog and selecting what to play: Here are the details: My backlog contains 53 games from all PlayStation generations. This are games that I already own and wait for their time on my shelf. My wishlist to buy games stands currently add 123 games. Those are games released and waiting tobe bought - again all PS gens. All can be seen on my private, PlayStation focused blog: https://raczejkonsolowo.com/listy-zakupow-i-backlog/ (sorry it is in Polish) All my games have been divided into four groups, by a metric I call Game Points: 1️GP - games which take 0 - 10h* to complete 2️GP - 10 - 20h 3️GP - 20 - 30h 4️GP - 30h+ I limit myself to have 7GP being active at a time. This helps me to not start two very big games at the same time. When I'm looking for something to buy or to pick up from my backlog I think to myself: "What can I start based on my GP?", "Do I want to start a 1, be done with it quick or start a 3?" etc. I used this for last year and played more games than in 2018, while also having more GP done (more time in games). The benefits: - I don't have two big games open at the same time, which eliminates the problem of not knowing where and what you were doing after coming back to a title - I still play anything I want regardless of the year a game was released - As sometimes I need to play something like 1GP I look for games from previous gens as those were often shorter experiences (nowadays all AAA titles take longer to complete) or indie or VR


I only have 2 games in my backlog right now. The backlog that is insurmountable to me is my book backlog. There is 6 books on my nightstand and another 30+ on my shelf.


I read a book every two weeks, but it is still not enough to keep up with everything I want to read.


Personally, I create folders on PS4: Current, Remasters, Co-Op, PS Plus, F2F & MMO, etc. Once I Platinum a game or get as far into as I can as a completionist and then I rotate a new one in— The only thing that throws a wrench into the system is if a slew of new games comes out that I want to play. One of my goals is to mitigate that process by purchasing as few new games as possible this year, so I can make some sort of dent in my overall backlog this year. I also play multiple games at the same time with streaming, personal gaming time, and time with handhelds.


Also, one of my streaming and Twitter friends is “Toothless Beardo.”

Daniel Schiffer

Would be interested to see what you think of Dead space 2. A lot of people consider it the best one but the controls move away from 1 / Resident Evil style to a move action based control.


I played maybe half of it back in '10 or '11 or whenever the hell it came out. I'd like to go back but it's way on the back-burner right now.

Ross Tarren

I bought this 3 x 5 inch little notebook from my campus bookstore last December and have been charting all my vita/PS4 owned games in it since. I write checklists organized by developer, series, maybe publisher, and design different pages around them. I’m as wholly trophy-focussed as Colin would describe, so they’re all based on trophy sets, and I include dlc too I gotta admit it’s made the backlog idea way less daunting and much more fun to me. i think it’s because I get to see my progress so tangibly whenever I flick though it, come up with something new, or finally tick something off. I already have a bunch of games platinumed too, so it wasn’t even starting from scratch. Probably not an approach for everybody, but it’s been fun for me

Kevin Cooper

Ha! My solution is the same as Chris' except when I get overwhelmed by my backlog I just end up replaying GTA: Vice City. It's basically comfort food for me at this point.

Tyler Bello

I'm so bad when it comes to this I have a long backlog the sad thing is I'm fully capable of chipping away at it if I can restrain myself from achievements.... which is actually impossible.... I'm lying to myself I only realized that when I started typing this.. and all I play is world of warcraft and destiny.. so I make no progress ever.... good day.


Hey C&C, Credit where credit is due. This was a great ep. Not only was it entertaining, but I felt like you really tackled the topic of Backlog from multiple angles. The listener suggestions for tackling backlogs were also very informative and creative. After looking at my own backlog, I made an interesting observation. My PSVR games I buy digitally and my backlog is out of control. However, non-VR games I only buy retail and I have a backlog of absolutely zero. On the PC side, my steam backlog is also out of control, which are all digital as well. Could the act of buying a physical game somehow help with managing a backlog? Anyways, keep up the great work. Cheers, Pete


Hello sirs...Feel a little weird about writing so late, but the irony is that im in the middle of my own SS backlog so just listened to this episode today. I have a fairly easy approach. I use one of those "collector" apps on my iPhone specifically for video games...I think it's literally called "Video Game Collector" Anyways, every time I buy or a game becomes available through PS+, Games with Gold, GamePass, etc...I add it to the collection. I only add those games I at least want to try. Any garbage game that I get for free I'm not putting on this list. Now, when it comes to what game I play next, i literally shake my phone and the app selects a random game for me. If it's a game I have no interest in playing at the moment...I shake again. This has been awesome since I don't really have to think about what game I'm going to play next. Just shake and go play. That said, when there is a new game that's coming out that I cannot wait to play (The Last of Us II, Ori, etc...) then I'll just play that as soon as it comes out and i won't even put it into my backlog. Alright guys, keep doing what you do. Cheers...Librado

Fotis Lyto

I agree with Chris on trophies I try to get the platinum on only games I consider the best I've played. I really like the new God of War but I don't consider it one of my all time favourites so I regret getting it now.

Eric C Hasz (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-24 06:29:13 Whats going on C&C, Just like some of the other listeners i am on a backlog of SS. I recently started listening to SS and will be starting to listen to some of the other Podcast soon. Just a quick question and its not about games. You stated that both of you love Seinfeld (awesome show), then you also stated that there are few shows that rise to the same level as Seinfeld. You mentioned a few shows like Always Sunny, but did not mention The Office. What do you guys think of the office?
2020-03-28 13:45:35 Whats going on C&C, Just like some of the other listeners i am on a backlog of SS. I recently started listening to SS and will be starting to listen to some of the other Podcast soon. Just a quick question and its not about games. You stated that both of you love Seinfeld (awesome show), then you also stated that there are few shows that rise to the same level as Seinfeld. You mentioned a few shows like Always Sunny, but did not mention The Office. What do you guys think of the office?

Whats going on C&C, Just like some of the other listeners i am on a backlog of SS. I recently started listening to SS and will be starting to listen to some of the other Podcast soon. Just a quick question and its not about games. You stated that both of you love Seinfeld (awesome show), then you also stated that there are few shows that rise to the same level as Seinfeld. You mentioned a few shows like Always Sunny, but did not mention The Office. What do you guys think of the office?